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CNG Primary School CCN: #8 - SEPTEMBER 29, 2023

#8 - SEPTEMBER 29, 2023


Dear Primary School Parents,  

We have just wrapped up another incredible week of teaching and learning. We also had our K5 picnic, and it was great seeing K5 families coming together. Looking ahead, we have our 1st and 2nd grade picnics next week starting at 12:30.

Have a nice weekend,


Important Info


1st & 2nd Grade Picnics

We are very excited to welcome you to our integration picnic on Thursday Oct. 5th, for 1st grade, and Friday Oct.6th, for 2nd grade. You will meet your children at 12:30 at the playground.  As you may know, we want this day to be unique for both you and your child. Siblings, grandparents and other family members are unable to join us for this opportunity. If for some reason you can't come, then you can send someone to represent you. 

Students who are enrolled in the cafeteria will have a box lunch. Students who bring lunch from home and all parents must bring their own lunch.

There is NO on-site parking for parents that day.  You are encouraged to use other forms of transportation. Parents can park at Central Parking System at Cra. 5 #70 (in front of Crepes & Waffles) but you must assume the cost.  There will be a shuttle bus to and from CNG at 12:15 pm and returning at 1:30 pm.

All students will have gate passes in case you want to leave with them. In case your child has after-school activities, you are welcome to leave them, stay and see them, or just skip the class for the day. 

Looking forward to seeing you next week!

Eating Snack in the Classrooms

We want to inform you about an important change in our school's policy regarding snacks in classrooms. We believe this adjustment will have several benefits for our students, and we wanted to share our reasoning with you.

As we continue to return to pre-pandemic practices, starting Monday, October 2nd, we will have students eat their snacks at their desks. We understand this change may come as a surprise, but we firmly believe it will create a more hygienic, comfortable, social, and focused environment for our students. Here's why:

1. Increased outdoor play time and protected recess time - Active, playtime, is essential in primary school. By having snacks in their classrooms, students will be able to enjoy the full recess time to play and socialize. 

2. Hygiene: Eating at a table allows students to wash their hands before and after eating and dispose of trash properly. This simple practice significantly reduces the spread of germs within the classroom, contributing to a healthier and safer learning environment.

3. Comfort: Sitting at a table provides students with the opportunity to relax while they eat, promoting a more enjoyable snack time. When students are comfortable, they are more likely to be mindful of what they are eating, fostering better eating habits.

4. Social Interaction: Dining at a table encourages students to eat with their friends and classmates, facilitating the building of relationships and promoting a more enjoyable overall experience. This social interaction is essential for their emotional and social development.

5. Minimized Distractions: Eating at a table helps students focus on their food and avoid distractions present at their desks. This increased focus can lead to slower, more mindful eating, allowing them to savor their snacks fully.

Thank you for your continued partnership in fostering a healthy and productive educational environment for our students.

Parents Having Lunch at School

If you plan to have lunch with your child at school, we kindly request that you send an email to your child's teacher and wait for approval. There have been days on which we've had too many parents joining for lunch, making it challenging for students, teachers, and cafeteria staff. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

Arrive at School on Time

One of CNG´s core values is responsibility. Therefore, we kindly request your support in reinforcing and modeling punctuality for your children by ensuring that students arrive in class promptly at 7:00 AM. Students arriving after 7:05 will be marked as 'Tardy.' Timely arrival will enable our teachers to begin their lessons promptly, preserving valuable instructional time and minimizing disruptions. We sincerely appreciate your cooperation. Thank you!

Parent Council Information

Congratulations to our PS Parent Council for 2023-2024.

K4: Vanessa Harrah

K5: Dayra Lizeth Diaz

1st: Ivonne Manzur

2nd: Layla Katime

Pumpkin Halloween Icon



       Parents will be able to decorate classrooms on Friday, October 20th after school. 



Halloween is fast approaching, and we are looking forward to fun festivities and creative costumes. We will celebrate on Friday, October 27th (HALF DAY) and students and teachers are welcome to dress up for the day. Parents are welcomed to join our CNG parade. This is the schedule for the day:

  • PS & ES: 7:00 - 10.45 am (buses leave at 11:00 am)

  • Parade: 9:00 - 10:30 am

Classroom decorations:

Our classrooms hold seasonal parties (Halloween, Christmas, and Valentine's Day) to allow children to celebrate certain traditions and to help them understand the cycle of the year. If you are asked to bring treats, please keep amounts reasonable and consider collaborating with others to provide a balance of nutritional snacks and a small amount of sweets. (Be sure to check with the teacher about any food allergies in the class.) Please refrain from sending sodas or other sugary beverages. 

When asked to help decorate, we ask that parents keep decorations simple and use recycled materials whenever possible. For safety, please do not block doorways or the hallway with decorations. We ask that you think in terms of keeping contributions simple and reasonably priced. 

Please note: For security reasons, it is not permitted to bring in outside entertainment such as clowns, magicians, dancers or other entertainers for classroom events. If family members have a talent to share during 'I Am Special' week, they are welcome to come and give a brief demonstration.

Halloween Costume Guidelines:

  • Students come to school with costumes on. It's impractical and disruptive for students to leave class to put on makeup or costumes.

  • For safety reasons, full head or face masks are not to be worn.

  • We are attempting to help our students become peacemakers. For this reason, no terrorist or guerrilla costumes, or ones that show violence, are allowed.

  • Similarly, please do not send your child to school with any sharp objects, fake knives, swords or weapons. Look-alike or fake weapons are never allowed at school.

  • No rollerblades, scooters, live animals, or skateboards are allowed.

  • Students need to be able to participate in all activities, so please dress suitably.

  • Spray cans need to be left at home (I.E., do not send cans of hairspray, makeup, hair color, fake blood, string, etc.).

  • Students need to be appropriate in their dress, which means no clothing with inappropriate messages or advertising.

  • No sexually suggestive outfits or costumes.

  • Be respectful of all religions, cultures and ethnicities. Costumes that use the cultural traditions of others (such as Native-American headdresses or turbans), oftentimes perpetuate negative and/or racist stereotypes (such as “hobos” or “psychos”). We encourage parents and teachers to talk through and help students understand what crosses the line. 

Pre-Arranged Absences

A voluntary absence is defined as any absence chosen by parents or the student (home leave, early departure for or late return from vacation, most trips). These absences are generally NOT encouraged by the Primary School as they are typically disruptive to student’s learning. Approval for such absences will be determined by the Principal or the Associate Principal in coordination with the student’s teachers. Requests for Pre-Arranged absences should be submitted at least three (3) school days prior to the dates of absence. 

If for some reason you are planning for your child to have a voluntary absence please make sure to ask Silvia to send you the form to fill in several days prior to the absence. 


Students´ Personal Belongings

We kindly ask that you remind your children to bring their personal belongings, including instruments, after-school activities equipment, library books, lunch boxes, etc., with them in the morning when they arrive. Sometimes, it can be difficult to find someone to deliver these items to your child's classroom. Thank you for your cooperation!



Dear PS Families,
Here are a few book recommendations for this week. Remember you are welcome to check books out from our library! if you have questions regarding our procedures, please contact me at .
Warm regards,
Mari Ro

Visit Our PS Library Catalog

Upcoming Days of the week


  • Monday, October 2 (Day 2)

  • Tuesday, October 3 (Day 3) 

  • Wednesday, October 4 (Day 4) 

  • Thursday, October 5 (Day 5) Grade 1 Picnic

  • Friday, October 6 (Day 6)  Grade 2 Picnic

Looking Ahead


    5-1st Grade Picnic 

    6- OODC-2nd Grade Picnic

   12 & 13- Tri-Association Conference (No school for students)

    20- Halloween Classroom decoration-Parents (After school)

    26- PS Award Assembly (Only for students)

    27- CNG Halloween (Half day)

Key Contacts

Paula Pérez  PS Principal

Juliana Borrero   PS Associate Principal

Vanessa Gilchrist  PS Associate Principal

Silvia Smit  Administrative Assistant  ext.167

Ana Maria Calderón  Administrative Assistant ext. 269

Office Cellphone: 316 472 7975

Parent Council information

K4: Vanessa Harrah 3102274931

K5: Dayra Lizeth Diaz 3167404681

1st: Ivonne Manzur 3103672355

2nd: Layla Katime 3003255557



11- Grade 1- Group A

12- Grade 1- Group B


8- Grade 2- Group A

15- Grade 2- Group B


14- K5- Group A

21- K5- Group B


4- K4- Group A

11- K4- Group B


Counselor's Corner


If you need to schedule a meeting with your child’s counselor, please use the following links where you can find their availability. Please contact them directly if you need immediate support or if their availability does not meet yours.

Lina’s calendar link (K4-K5)

Nicolas’ calendar link (1st)

Veronica’s calendar link (2nd grade) 


Hello PS Families,

Welcome to a new month of our Counseling Corner cycle. This month we will be practicing and learning about RESPONSIBILITY. Feel free to share with us how you as a family practice responsibility throughout the month. You can send pictures, videos and stories of you carrying out this months PurposeFull Pursuits as a family. You can also send us other ways of how you showed this value. Please send these to These will be published in the CCN at the end of the month to show pride for our Character Strong students! Hooray!


Li, Vero and Nico

Colegio NUEVA GRANADA | | Cra 2E No. 70-20 | Phone: (571)212 3511
Bogotá - Colombia