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CNG Primary School CCN: #11 - OCTOBER 20, 2023

#11 - OCTOBER 20, 2023

Dear Primary School Families,

Thank you to all the parents who attended our recent Parent University session focused on "Digital Citizenship: Online Safety at Home", and to those parents who participated in the decoration of the classrooms for Halloween. The Primary School hallways are looking spooky and scary. We hope that many of you can join the "PTA Halloween Window Painting Contest" on Saturday, Oct. 21st.

This will be a very exciting Halloween week:

  • Thursday - PS Halloween Assembly for students
  • Friday - Parade and Halloween activities

Have a great week!


Important Info

Important Information About the Halloween Parade

The Halloween parade is scheduled for Friday, October 27th, beginning at 9:00am. Please be aware that only K4 parents will be walking with their children. All other parents are invited to watch the parade.

Email Response Time and Emergency Contact Information

We would like to remind you that staff has a 24-hour response time for emails. In the event of urgent matters or emergencies, please do not hesitate to contact the PS office directly at 2123511 extensions 167 or 269. 

Halloween Celebration Bus Pass Details

Dear families,

As you know, on Friday, October 27th, the Halloween celebration will take place at CNG, and the students will leave school early. For this reason, authorizations for bus passes and route changes will not be made on this day, due to capacity constraints, organizational needs, and the availability of spots on each route. We appreciate your attention and understanding.


Transportation Office

Arriving at School on Time

One of CNG´s core values is responsibility. Therefore, we kindly request your support in reinforcing and modeling punctuality for your children by ensuring that students arrive in class promptly at 7:00 AM. Students arriving after 7:05 will be marked as 'Tardy.' Timely arrival will enable our teachers to begin their lessons promptly, preserving valuable instructional time and minimizing disruptions. We sincerely appreciate your cooperation. 

Parent University

Here is the link to the website with all the resources from our recent Parent University on "Digital Citizenship: Online Safety at Home". We encourage you to explore these resources with your children and engage in tech-related discussions to bond with them and support their educational journey.


CNG´s Lost & Found

Please look at this Lost & Found repository for misplaced items. If you identify something belonging to your child, email Laura at the Reception Desk ( with the item description and your child´s name and grade, and she will help coordinate pickup.

Classroom Disruption

We understand that families have children in different grade levels and that you are invited to various events. However, we kindly ask you to refrain from visiting your other children's classrooms during instructional time. This can disrupt the flow of a lesson, making it difficult for students to focus, and teachers may have to cut short or skip parts of a lesson due to interruptions. Thank you for your understanding!


Pumpkin Halloween Icon.                                                  CNG Halloween Guidelines 


Halloween is fast approaching, and we are looking forward to fun festivities and creative costumes. We will celebrate on Friday, October 27th (HALF DAY) and students and teachers are welcome to dress up for the day. Parents are welcomed to join our CNG parade. This is the schedule for the day:

  • PS & ES: 7:00 - 10.45 am (buses leave at 11:00 am)

  • Parade: 9:00 - 10:30 am (Parents are welcome)

Classroom decorations:

Our classrooms hold seasonal parties (Halloween, Christmas, and Valentine's Day) to allow children to celebrate certain traditions and to help them understand the cycle of the year. If you are asked to bring treats, please keep amounts reasonable and consider collaborating with others to provide a balance of nutritional snacks and a small amount of sweets. (Be sure to check with the teacher about any food allergies in the class.) Please refrain from sending sodas or other sugary beverages. 

When asked to help decorate, we ask that parents keep decorations simple and use recycled materials whenever possible. For safety, please do not block doorways or the hallway with decorations. We ask that you think in terms of keeping contributions simple and reasonably priced. 

Please note: For security reasons, it is not permitted to bring in outside entertainment such as clowns, magicians, dancers or other entertainers for classroom events. If family members have a talent to share during 'I Am Special' week, they are welcome to come and give a brief demonstration.

Halloween Costume Guidelines:

  • Students come to school with costumes on. It's impractical and disruptive for students to leave class to put on makeup or costumes.

  • For safety reasons, full head or face masks are not to be worn.

  • We are attempting to help our students become peacemakers. For this reason, no terrorist or guerrilla costumes, or ones that show violence, are allowed.

  • Similarly, please do not send your child to school with any sharp objects, fake knives, swords or weapons. Look-alike or fake weapons are never allowed at school.

  • No rollerblades, scooters, live animals, or skateboards are allowed.

  • Students need to be able to participate in all activities, so please dress suitably.

  • Spray cans need to be left at home (I.E., do not send cans of hairspray, makeup, hair color, fake blood, string, etc.).

  • Students need to be appropriate in their dress, which means no clothing with inappropriate messages or advertising.

  • No sexually suggestive outfits or costumes.

  • Be respectful of all religions, cultures and ethnicities. Costumes that use the cultural traditions of others (such as Native-American headdresses or turbans), oftentimes perpetuate negative and/or racist stereotypes (such as “hobos” or “psychos”). We encourage parents and teachers to talk through and help students understand what crosses the line. 



Dear PS Families,
Here are a few book recommendations for this week. Remember you are welcome to check books out from our library! if you have questions regarding our procedures, please contact me at .
Warm regards,
Mari Ro

Visit Our PS Library Catalog




Upcoming Days of the week


  • Monday, October 23 (Day 2) 

  • Tuesday, October 24 (Day 3 ) 

  • Wednesday, October 25 (Day 4 ) 

  • Thursday, October 26 (Day 5) 

  • Friday, October 27 (Day X) Halloween- Half day

Looking Ahead


    26- PS  Assembly (Only for students)

    27- CNG Halloween (Half day)


    2- Coffee with the Counselors (7:15-8:15)

     3- OODCD

     8- Parent University (7:15-8:15)

    17- Parent Teacher Conferences (No school for students)

   18-26- Thanksgiving Break

   30- PS Awards Assembly (Only for students)

Key Contacts

Paula Pérez  PS Principal

Juliana Borrero   PS Associate Principal

Vanessa Gilchrist  PS Associate Principal

Silvia Smit  Administrative Assistant  ext.167

Ana Maria Calderón  Administrative Assistant ext. 269

Office Cellphone: 316 472 7975

Parent Council information

K4: Vanessa Harrah 3102274931 

K5: Dayra Lizeth Diaz 3167404681

1st: Ivonne Manzur 3183098807

2nd: Layla Katime 3003255557



11- Grade 1- Group A

12- Grade 1- Group B


8- Grade 2- Group A

15- Grade 2- Group B


14- K5- Group A

21- K5- Group B


4- K4- Group A

11- K4- Group B


Counselor's Corner


If you need to schedule a meeting with your child’s counselor, please use the following links where you can find their availability. Please contact them directly if you need immediate support or if their availability does not meet yours.

Lina’s calendar link (K4-K5)

Nicolas’ calendar link (1st)

Veronica’s calendar link (2nd grade) 


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Bogotá - Colombia