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CNG Primary School CCN: #28 - MARCH 15, 2024

#28 - MARCH 15, 2024

Dear Primary School Families,

This week, we are hosting Primary School Parent-Teacher Conferences on Monday, March 18th. Please keep in mind there is no school for students on this day, and there is NO on-site parking for parents. Additionally, we will also celebrate Neurodiversity and Down Syndrome Day. Let's join hands to celebrate and embrace diversity! On a final note, we are looking forward to Dia de la Colombianidad on Friday.

See you soon!


Important Info

Dia de la Colombianidad-Friday, March 22nd

This day was created to honor and celebrate the wonderful country we live in. It is also intended to empower our students, to learn, value and advocate for Colombian culture,  biodiversity and traditions. 

This year we will celebrate COLOMBIA ES UNA FIESTA, which will be an opportunity to research, learn and share with others about typical food, traditions, animals and cultures from different regions in Colombia.

This day is also an OODCD. We are encouraging students to wear a traditional attire, Colombian flag colors or typical accessories from your Region.


The PTA is excited to host a Colombian Bake Sale featuring a variety of traditional pastries! To ensure smooth distribution, we will be asking parents to please send the money in a labeled Ziploc bag with their child's name and the amount enclosed ($10,000 COP).

Parent University (Save the Date)

Join us for an opportunity to learn how to teach your kids how to be safe online at home! In this workshop, designed for parents and caregivers, we will dive into the important topics of screen time, digital footprints, and social media. We will answer questions like: How much screen time should our kids have? Should I let my kids browse online alone? Should I post photos of my kids on my social media? You'll leave with practical strategies to create your own home media plan for your family and how to model safe online behaviors for your children. Don't miss this opportunity to empower yourself with the knowledge and tools to navigate this big scary online world with confidence!

Topic: Digital Citizenship: Online Safety at Home

Presenter: Cramer Peterson

๐Ÿ—“๏ธ Date: Wednesday, April 10th
๐Ÿ•’ Time: 7:30-8:30am
๐Ÿ“ Location: MPR (Elementary School Building)

*This is the same online safety workshop that Mr. Cramer gave at the beginning of this school year (Trimester 1, 2023). If you came to that workshop, we welcome you to join again to deepen your learning and share your experience with other parents and caregivers! 

NOTE: We hope you can come to the workshop in person, if not, Parent Universities are hybrid (Zoom and in person). This is the Zoom LINK. (ID de reunión: 965 5108 3804 Código de acceso: 256808).


.Lollipops or Candy with Sticks

We kindly ask for your cooperation in refraining from sending lollipops or any candy with sticks to school with your children. This precautionary measure is essential to prevent potential accidents and ensure the well-being of all students. Thank you for your understanding and support in promoting a safe school environment.

Smart Watches

This is a reminder that smartwatches are not allowed in Primary School. Starting next week, if students are found wearing them, they will be confiscated, and parents will have to pick them up in the PS office.

Bus Monitoras

Let´s remind our students that bus monitoras are the ones in charge of the bus. We need ALL students to show the core values on the bus and make sure to treat them with caring and respect. They are there to keep the students safe and we need your support and modeling with this.

Attendance Policy

PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING:  If a student has been absent (unexcused) for more than twelve (12) school days during the first two trimesters in the Primary/Elementary School, he or she may be placed on Matricular Hold due to missed instructional hours.

CNG expects students to be in attendance each and every day that school is scheduled.  Absences impact not only the student who is absent but can negatively impact the learning of other students in the class.  Parents should plan vacations, medical appointments, and other non-school events around school holidays and school hours whenever possible.  CNG has implemented the following policies and procedures to encourage regular attendance. 

Parents and students are expected to review Skyward on a regular basis and address any issues they see with either tardies or absences with their students/parents and/or administration to ensure records are accurate.  Parents must report student absences to the division office within 48 hours of the absence for it to be counted as excused.  Parent reports after that time will be noted but not generally excused.  For students who are absent due to an illness of three or more days, an official doctor’s note (incapacidad) must be delivered by hand to the building administrative assistant in charge of attendance or sent scanned via email to the appropriate building.  

For all absences that can be planned in advance (both personal and school sponsored), students must complete a Pre-Arranged Absence Form (*See note Below).  We require students to fill out a Pre-Arranged Absence Form if they are going to miss one or more class(es) and know about the absence in advance.  The form has space for writing additional information as well as explaining the reason behind the absence.  

These forms require students to talk with each of their teachers to make plans for the learning that will be missed during the absence, as well as have their parents sign that they are aware of the absence.  Additionally, students need to turn the Pre-Arranged Absence Form into the office.  Frequently, this also requires having a conversation with an administrator about the absence.  We believe this helps our students build the responsibility they will need throughout their lives in the world of work.

Absences are Excused for: 

  • Illness or treatment (with medical note) 

  • Unavoidable cause (e.g. accident, natural catastrophe) 

  • Issues with school-provided transportation 

  • Behavioral consequences 

  • Religious celebrations 

  • Field trip organized by the school 

  • Student athletes selected to represent national/district events (Decree 2845 of 1984, article 48, required by law for athletes) 

  • Passport/visa issues or legal/Embassy appointments 

  • Transition visits or testing for other schools (for departing students) 

  • AP Exams or AP Exam study days (in HS) 

  • Other absences caused by extenuating circumstances, must be petitioned through a Pre-Arranged Absence Form or letter and will be reviewed by the division administration and/or committee.

*The request of a Pre-Arranged Absence Form may or may not be granted by the building administrator and/or committee.  Please note that although a Pre-Arranged Absence Form may not be approved and the absence excused, it is the student’s responsibility to submit a form for any advance absences they may have as these documents become part of the student’s CNG record. Excessive unexcused absences will result in administrative action.

This Attendance Policy taken directly from the booklet:  CNG Assessment Model and Protocol, Appendix C:  Attendance Policy, 



Dear PS Families,
Here are a few book recommendations for this week. Remember you are welcome to check books out from our library! if you have questions regarding our procedures, please contact me at .
Warm regards,
Mari Ro

Visit Our PS Library Catalog

Dear PS Families,

Let’s get ready to celebrate Earth Day! 

If you wish to give those books you are no longer reading a new home,  please send them to the PS library between March 10th - April 19th. You may send your donations with your child on his/her library day assigned. We will be happy to receive children’s books and magazines for audiences between K-3rd grade. Additionally, if you wish to donate books and magazines for grown-ups, we will receive them and set them aside for our teachers. 

These donations will be sold at our annual Used Book Sale which will be open for our students during their library classes. The fair will be held between April 22 - 26 and the books will not exceed the price of $10,000 pesos each.

All proceeds from the Used Book Sale will go towards a special presentation for our Primary students like we have done in the past two years when Luis Soriano, the Biblioburro, and Amalia Low performed for them.

Let's come together to celebrate Earth Day by sharing the gift of reading and fostering a sustainable future. Your generosity and participation will make a significant difference!

For any questions or additional information, please contact Mari Ro or Margie at the PS Library 601 2123511 ext. 177

Thank you for being a part of our Earth Day celebration!

Upcoming Days of the week


  • Monday, March 18 (Day  X) PTC (No school for students) 

  • Tuesday, March 19 (Day 1) 

  • Wednesday, March 20 (Day 2) 

  • Thursday, March 21 (Day 3) 

  • Friday, March 22 (Day 4) O.O.D.C.  Dia de la Colombianidad 

Looking Ahead

MARCH (Arts Month)

      18- PS Parent Teacher Conferences (NO school for students)

      21- K5 CWW Group B

      22- Dia de la Colombianidad-OODCD (Colombian traditional attire)

      23-31- Easter Break


      4- K4 CWW Group A

      10- Parent University

      11- K4 CWW Group B

      12- 2nd Grade Market Day

      25- Awards Assembly (Students only)

Key Contacts

Paula Pérez  PS Principal

Juliana Borrero   PS Associate Principal

Vanessa Gilchrist  PS Associate Principal

Silvia Smit  Administrative Assistant  ext.167

Ana Maria Calderón  Administrative Assistant ext. 269

Office Cellphone: 316 472 7975



21- K5- Group B


4- K4- Group A

11- K4- Group B

Counselor's Corner


If you need to schedule a meeting with your child’s counselor, please use the following links where you can find their availability. Please contact them directly if you need immediate support or if their availability does not meet yours.

Lina’s calendar link (K4-K5)

Nicolas’ calendar link (1st)

Veronica’s calendar link (2nd grade) 


Hello PS Families! 

For the third week of the month, we are sending some read alouds suitable for each grade level that will help you reflect on COOPERATION as a family. The following are links to read alouds in YouTube to each book:

We hope you enjoy these books as a family and reflect on how these characters show perseverance!

Thank you for your partnership, 

Li, Nico and Vero

Colegio NUEVA GRANADA | | Cra 2E No. 70-20 | Phone: (571)212 3511
Bogotรก - Colombia