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CNG Primary School CCN: #6 - SEPTEMBER 15, 2023

#6 - SEPTEMBER 15, 2023


Dear Primary School Families, 

It´s been wonderful to see our students so happy and engaged. We have a busy week ahead of us. We are looking forward to seeing many of you at the Proyecto Vida parent meeting in the Cafetorium on Monday, September 18, from 7:15-8:15. Thursday is NO CAR DAY, so please plan accordingly, and we will be having our second awards assembly. Friday is a staff Professional Development (PD) day, with no school for students.

Wishing you all a fantastic week ahead!


Important Info


Transportation Information, September 21st (No Car and Motorcycle Day)
Dear families:
As you may know the Bogotá mayor's office will hold a new no car and motorcycle day, which will take place on Thursday, September 21st. If your child does not belong to the regular transportation service, some limited spaces will be available at each entrance route for the students; to register, you must send an e-mail request to with the student's full name, grade, address, parent's cell phone and the authorization to get off from the bus alone or accompanied; the deadline for receiving route requests will be Tuesday, September 19th at 12:00 noon.

The allocation of spots will be managed in the strict order of arrival of the e-mails to the extent that the availability of each of the routes allows it (limited quotas).

The cost per trip will be $23,000 upon request and review of availability, the payment instructions will be sent by return mail that is delivered to the transportation office.
Best Regards.


Transportation Office

Dear families:
As you know on Thursday, September 21st, Bogota will have No car-day, for this reason the authorizations of bus passes and changes of routes will not be permitted, due to capacity and availability of spots on each route for this day.
We appreciate your attention and understanding.



Transportation Office

Sick Students

We understand that you want the best for your children's education, and we share that commitment. However, it is crucial that we all play a role in maintaining a safe learning environment, especially when it comes to the health of our students. By keeping sick students at home, you not only protect their health but also prevent the potential spread of illnesses to other students and school staff. We are committed to providing a safe and healthy learning environment for everyone, and your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated. Please take a look at CNG´s guidelines for keeping sick children home from school:

Siblings of Students in After-School Activities Pickup Time

Students are not allowed to wait in the PS office if a sibling stays for after school activities. Please make sure they are picked up at the main gate at 2:15. Thank you for your cooperation.

We would like to kick off the Proyecto Vida program this year with a PS and ES parent session in the Cafetorium on Monday, September 18 from 7:15-8:15. We will be sharing detailed information about this valuable, parent-led character education program. Classroom Parent Reps are asked to remain for an additional 30 minutes, until 8:45, to receive a more in-depth training. We hope you can all join us!

Proyecto Vida/Parenting for Life is an interactive program that involves parents/guardians in Character for Life, CNG´s cross disciplinary and comprehensive approach, to purposefully shape our students’ character in alignment with our Core Values. The lessons are carried out thanks to the participation of parent volunteers from each classroom through small skits and activities. Let's continue strengthening the home-school partnership!

Parent University

Thank you to all the PS parents who joined our international Literacy consultant, Vincent Ventura, last Thursday for a Literacy Workshop dedicated to providing parents with tools to support their children as readers and writers. HERE is the link to the presentation.

Toys at school

We would like to remind you that children are not allowed to bring toys to school unless there is a special activity. If they bring them, they need to stay inside their backpack at all times. 


1st Grade Picnic

Please note that the 1st-grade picnic has been rescheduled to Thursday, October 5th.



In Primary School, children are required to wear the CNG uniform. Please keep in mind leggings are permitted if wearing a skirt. Additionally, for P.E. class, we kindly ask that students come prepared with the appropriate P.E. uniform, suitable exercise shoes (tennis shoes), and a hair tie. Your cooperation in reinforcing this dress code from home is greatly appreciated.



Dear PS Families,
Here are a few book recommendations for this week. Remember you are welcome to check books out from our library! if you have questions regarding our procedures, please contact me at .
Warm regards,
Mari Ro

Visit Our PS Library Catalog

Upcoming Days of the week


  • Monday, September 18 (Day 5)

  • Tuesday, September 19 (Day 6) 

  • Wednesday, September 20 (Day 1) 

  • Thursday, September 21 (Day 2) (No car day)

  • Friday, September  22 (Day X)  (PD Day- No school for students)

Looking Ahead



   18 - Proyecto Vida Meeting (NEW DATE)

   21- PS Award Assembly (Only for students)

   22- PD Day- No school for students

   28- K5 Picnic 


    5-1st Grade Picnic (NEW DATE)

    6- 2nd Grade Picnic

   12 & 13- Tri-Association Conference (No school for students)

    26- PS Award Assembly (Only for students)

    27- CNG Halloween (Half day)

Key Contacts

Paula Pérez  PS Principal

Juliana Borrero   PS Associate Principal

Vanessa Gilchrist  PS Associate Principal

Silvia Smit  Administrative Assistant  ext.167

Ana Maria Calderón  Administrative Assistant ext. 269

Office Cellphone: 316 472 7975



11- Grade 1- Group A

12- Grade 1- Group B


8- Grade 2- Group A

15- Grade 2- Group B


14- K5- Group A

21- K5- Group B


4- K4- Group A

11- K4- Group B


Counselor's Corner


If you need to schedule a meeting with your child’s counselor, please use the following links where you can find their availability. Please contact them directly if you need immediate support or if their availability does not meet yours.

Lina’s calendar link (K4-K5)

Nicolas’ calendar link (1st)

Veronica’s calendar link (2nd grade) 


By: Lina Paredes, Nicolas Adams y Verónica Martínez

Hello PS Families! 

For the third week of the month, we are sending some read alouds suitable for each grade level that will help you reflect on respect as a family. The following are links to read alouds in YouTube to each book:

We hope you enjoy these books as a family and reflect on how these characters show respect!


Li, Nico and Vero


Colegio NUEVA GRANADA | | Cra 2E No. 70-20 | Phone: (571)212 3511
Bogotá - Colombia