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CNG Primary School CCN: #5 - SEPTEMBER 10, 2023

#5 - SEPTEMBER 10, 2023


Dear Primary School Families, 

This week we’ve been in classrooms observing your children learn and have fun. It's awesome to see their smiles, their participation, and their engagement. We are so proud to see how fast they've learned routines and rituals and know exactly what to do.

We also want to thank all the families that joined us for our K4 BBQ on Friday. It was so nice seeing new families getting to know each other and building community. A warm welcome goes out to the K4 families and all other newcomers to Primary School!

Lastly, we'd like to remind you that Friday, September 22nd, is a Professional Learning (PL) day for our staff. On this day, PS students do not attend school.

Thank you for your support,


Important Info


We would like to kick off the Proyecto Vida program this year with a PS and ES parent session in the Cafetorium on Monday, September 18 from 7:15-8:15. We will be sharing detailed information about this valuable, parent-led character education program. Classroom Parent Reps are asked to remain for an additional 30 minutes, until 8:45, to receive a more in-depth training. We hope you can all join us!

Proyecto Vida/Parenting for Life is an interactive program that involves parents/guardians in Character for Life, CNG´s cross disciplinary and comprehensive approach, to purposefully shape our students’ character in alignment with our Core Values. The lessons are carried out thanks to the participation of parent volunteers from each classroom through small skits and activities. Let's continue strengthening the home-school partnership!

House Families & PTA Friendship Day

On Friday, September 15th, we will celebrate PTA Friendship Day. To celebrate this day, PS students will come together with their respective house families to engage in an activity focused on the exploration of kindness. The primary objective of this event is to foster a sense of community and belonging among our students, while also facilitating the growth of their character through activities aligned with our Core Values. We encourage our students to proudly wear their house t-shirts and/or hoodies to join in the celebration.

Parent University

Join us for a Literacy Workshop led by our international consultant, Vincent Ventura, dedicated to providing parents with tools to support their children as readers and writers. Learn effective strategies for cultivating a love for literature and fostering a strong foundation for lifelong learning. This workshop will provide you with insights into understanding your child's unique literary journey and creating a nurturing environment at home. 

Date: Thursday, September 14th

Time: 7:30am-9:00am

Place: Cafetorium (1st floor)


Please remember that if you are picking up your child at the main gate, K5 - 2nd Grade students are in class until 2:15 p.m. Monday through Friday. 


In Primary School, children are required to wear the CNG uniform. Please keep in mind leggings are permitted if wearing a skirt. Additionally, for P.E. class, we kindly ask that students come prepared with the appropriate P.E. uniform, suitable exercise shoes (tennis shoes), and a hair tie. Your cooperation in reinforcing this dress code from home is greatly appreciated.

Yearbook (Andean) Photos

We are thrilled to inform you that our upcoming yearbook (Andean) photo day is approaching fast! On this day, students are not required to wear their formal uniforms. If they have a P.E. class that day, they are welcome to come to school dressed in the CNG sweatpants and hoodie. Your child´s homeroom teacher will let you know the date, but keep in mind pictures will be happening during September 12, 13, and 14.


1st Grade Picnic

Please note that the 1st-grade picnic has been rescheduled to Thursday, October 5th.

Friendship Challenge

We will begin our Friendship challenge once again. We are encouraging students to invite other PS students who they still do not know well. They can take pictures and share them with their teachers, so we can share them in the Theater during our Award's Assemblies. 






If your child is bookworm, an avid reader, or simply someone who enjoys a good book, here is a great opportunity to help their friends discover amazing books and earn House points! This is how it works:


      1.     Pick a book. Below are some ideas for every month. 

      2.     Choose a part he/she enjoyed and draw a picture.

      3.     Write a sentence explaining why he/she liked the story. Why was it special? What connections were made?

      4.     Share the recommendation at the Library by adding it to Our Book Recommendation Binder.

 Let’s create a buzz about reading around Primary and introduce others to new worlds, exciting adventures, and inspiring characters. It’s also a wonderful opportunity to explore books recommended by others and discover something new to read.


Topic of the Month:

SEPTEMBER: Any series

OCTOBER: Halloween

NOVEMBER: Thankfulness
DECEMBER: Holidays
JANUARY: Friendship
FEBRUARY: Black History
MARCH: Women’s History
APRIL: Earth Day
MAY: Men’s History
Mari Ro and Margie



Upcoming Days of the week


  • Monday, September 11 (Day 6)

  • Tuesday, September 12 (Day 1) 

  • Wednesday, September 13 (Day 2) 

  • Thursday, September 14 (Day 3) 

  • Friday, September  15 (Day 4) 

Looking Ahead



   14- Parent University: Supporting Reading at Home

   15- PTA Friendship Day (Students wear house t-shirts and/or hoodies)

   18 - Proyecto Vida Meeting (NEW DATE)

   21- PS Award Assembly (Only for students)

   22- PD Day- No school for students

   28- K5 Picnic 


    5-1st Grade Picnic (NEW DATE)

    6- 2nd Grade Picnic

   12 & 13- Tri-Association Conference (No school for students)

    26- PS Award Assembly (Only for students)

    27- CNG Halloween (Half day)

Key Contacts

Paula Pérez  PS Principal

Juliana Borrero   PS Associate Principal

Vanessa Gilchrist  PS Associate Principal

Silvia Smit  Administrative Assistant  ext.167

Ana Maria Calderón  Administrative Assistant ext. 269

Office Cellphone: 316 472 7975



11- Grade 1- Group A

12- Grade 1- Group B


8- Grade 2- Group A

15- Grade 2- Group B


14- K5- Group A

21- K5- Group B


4- K4- Group A

11- K4- Group B


Counselor's Corner


If you need to schedule a meeting with your child’s counselor, please use the following links where you can find their availability. Please contact them directly if you need immediate support or if their availability does not meet yours.

Lina’s calendar link (K4-K5)

Nicolas’ calendar link (1st)

Veronica’s calendar link (2nd grade) 


By: Lina Paredes, Nicolas Adams y Verónica Martínez

Hello PS Families! 

For the second week of the month, we want to invite you to take part of the PurposeFull Family Pursuits for Respect. These are interactive activities in which you can participate as a family to foster respect in your children. The activities are specific to each grade level so please access the following links to see what your Pursuit for the month is:


Li, Nico and Vero

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Bogotá - Colombia