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CNG Primary School CCN: #2 - AUGUST 21, 2023

#2 - AUGUST 21, 2023


Dear Primary School Parents!

What a wonderful and smooth first week back. Having our all school assembly was absolutely amazing. Watching our K4 students walking in with the seniors filled our eyes with tears of joy. Thanks to all K4 parents and new families who were able to join us. Welcome again to CNG and to the 2023-2024 school year. 

With lots of love,

Paula, Juli and Vane

Important Info

Car Placards

Starting Tuesday, August 22nd (tomorrow), if your child leaves school by car through the main gate, kindly ensure that the car placard is prominently displayed on the car's windshield. This placard was already sent to you via email from the PS office. It's important to emphasize that this placard DOES NOT replace your child's permanent gate pass. To ensure the safety, efficiency, and smoothness of the dismissal process, we kindly request that both the placard and your child's permanent gate pass be present in the car.

Friendship Challenge

We will begin our Friendship challenge once again. We are encouraging students to invite other PS students who they still do not know well. They can take pictures and share them with their teachers, so we can share them in the Theater during our Award's Assemblies. 

Primary School Guidelines for Class Celebrations:

As part of CNG’s Code of Honor, it is important that students learn to:

  1) Display environmental consciousness (by not wasting food, recycling, re-utilization and re-purposing of materials) and demonstrate concern and respect for school security and the safety of all students. (Community Welfare)

2) Engage in democratic and non-exclusionary behavior toward other students and their families (Respect)

The following guidelines are meant to help parents foster these Code of Honor values when participating in Primary School activities at CNG. 

Primary School Open House 

Dear PS Parents,

We are thrilled to invite you to our upcoming Open House event, where you'll have the opportunity to experience firsthand the vibrant learning environment your children are a part of. Join us for a day of exploration, engagement, and excitement! NO SCHOOL for students.

Date: Thursday, August 31st 






K4 & K5

Cafetorium (Lower level)

1st & 2nd



1st & 2nd

Cafetorium (Lower level)

K4 & K5




Due to the heavy flow of people coming in and out of school during drop off and dismissal, parents are allowed to come on campus from 8:30- 1:30pm. 


PS students will be dropped off/picked up at the Main Gate. PS staff members are ready to greet your child and walk them to their classrooms. 

Drop off will begin at 6:45am. There will be no Primary School supervision for gate drop-off before 6:45am, so please make sure not to come before that time. Please make sure to send your child with a name tag and their classroom teacher the first weeks of school. 

If you are permanently picking up your child, please make sure to bring the permanent gate pass and place the printed placard in your car windshield. (Office staff emailed it to you). 


 Kinder 4 : 2:00 pm

 Kinder 5 : 2:05 pm

 First Grade: 2:15 pm

 Second Grade : 2:15 pm

 If your children have older siblings, please come at your oldest child's dismissal time. 


If your child is going to be picked up at the gate every day, please come by the Primary Office to pick up a "PERMANENT GATE PASS" for which the office needs a 2.5 x 3 color picture of your child. Again, please ensure that your child is picked up promptly when the school day or activity ends. You will need both the placard in your windshield and the permanent gate pass with your child's picture. 

Gate Passes - Please make sure to let your child's teacher and the office or know before 11:00 AM if you will be picking up your child at school when they normally ride the bus. 


Transportation – Any questions regarding transportation of your child to CNG should be addressed in the transportation office.  Phone 212-3511 ext. 120.

Students who ride the bus will also be accompanied by adults to their classroom. Please make sure to send your child with a name tag, bus number and classroom teacher the first week of school. 

No bus passes will be issued in August. Bus passes will begin in September. 


PS students are allowed to wear the PE uniform every day,.


Please send the school supplies with your child throughout this week. Don't send everything at the same time, so they don't have to carry so much weight. Please make sure to label all supplies.


For a snack your child should bring healthy food. As a general rule, please send a lunch box for his/her snack that includes a beverage, and a couple of food items. Please avoid sending packaged junk foods with high sugar content.

If you enroll your child in cafeteria food, hot lunch will be provided for them. Otherwise, please make sure to include lunch in their lunch boxes. 


Please make sure to send a water bottle with your child. They will be able to refill it during the day.


Dear families:

As every year, for the beginning of the new school year, by transportation service policies and logistical adjustments to route schedule, Bus Pass authorizations and Party bus service will begin on September 1st.

Please keep these recommendations in mind for organizing your activities with the transportation service.


Transportation office




Welcome to your Primary Library. We are excited to start a new chapter with you! Please take a moment to read this very important letter regarding sensitive materials and decide if you wish to opt out.

Dear Primary School Families,

We hope this message finds you well. We feel it is important to share some information regarding the diverse range of books available in our PS Library which reflect different cultures, backgrounds and points of view. Our goal has always been to create a welcoming environment for all members of our community to learn about the world around them through literature.

In our efforts to promote understanding, empathy, and a broader world view, a collection of books that address themes of diversity, inclusion, and social justice, have been curated. These books are meant to encourage open dialogue, critical thinking, and personal growth. Nevertheless, we understand that certain topics and themes may be sensitive for some families.

We wish to emphasize that we respect your values and preferences as parents/guardians and we want to ensure that your child’s reading experience aligns with your family’s beliefs. If you prefer that your child does not have access to books on certain sensitive topics we completely understand. Please feel free to let us know if you would like to restrict your child’s access to such materials.

To do so, simply fill out the Google Form. We will then ensure that your child’s library account is appropriately marked, and he/she will not be able to check out books from the collection we have labeled “Books As Tools”.

We are committed to fostering a partnership with parents/guardians to create a supportive learning environment for all our students. If you have further questions, concerns, or suggestions regarding our library collection, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Your input is valuable to us, and we appreciate your involvement in your child’s education.

Thank you for your continued support.


Paula Pérez

Primary School Principal         

María del Rosario Uribe

Primary Library Director

Upcoming Days of the week


  • Monday , August 21 (Day X) Holiday

  • Tuesday, August 22 (Day 5)

  • Wednesday, August 23 (Day 6) 

  • Thursday, August 24 (Day 1)

  • Friday, August 25 (Day 2)

Looking Ahead


    24- PS Welcome Assembly (Only for students)

     25- OODCD (Out Of Dress Code Day) 

    31- PS- ES Open House- No School for students


    4-Co-Curricular Activities begin

    8- K4- BBQ

   12- Colombian Program Open-House

   14- Parent University: Supporting Reading at Home

   15- Grade 1- Picnic

    21- PS Award Assembly (Only for students)

    22- PD Day- No school for students

    28- K5 Picnic 

Key Contacts

Paula Pérez  PS Principal

Juliana Borrero   PS Associate Principal

Vanessa Gilchrist  PS Associate Principal

Silvia Smit  Administrative Assistant  ext.167

Ana Maria Calderón  Administrative Assistant ext. 269

Office Cellphone: 316 472 7975



11- Grade 1- Group A

12- Grade 1- Group B


8- Grade 2- Group A

15- Grade 2- Group B


14- K5- Group A

21- K5- Group B


4- K4- Group A

11- K4- Group B


Counselor's Corner

By: Lina Paredes, Nicolas Adams y Verónica Martínez 

Connecting Rituals video 2021

Children need to feel safe and connected to thrive. As parents, we can use certain activities at home to help them feel that connection. Connecting rituals will help children feel close to their parents even when they are apart and will help them regulate their emotions in healthy ways. The following video explains two connecting rituals you can use to support your child as they adapt to the school environment. 




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Bogotá - Colombia