September 25, 2020
Dear CNG Parents:
As Dr. Habegger shared on Friday, September 11th in a communique to our parent community and CNG staff, the Board of Directors met the Academic Leadership Team to finalize plans for implementing CNG´s hybrid learning model. The Board approved the recommended conceptual framework, organizational structure, and operational logistics to begin providing on-campus options after October Break. Specifically, we will be implementing our hybrid learning program beginning on Monday, October 26th. In preparation of that start date, a Zoom meeting was held on Friday, September 25 at 7:30 a.m.
During the meeting, Dr. Habegger presented the following key agenda items based on the WHY, WHAT, and HOW of our hybrid model:
- Governmental Regulations with Implications to CNG's Model
- Additional Key Factors Guiding the Implementation Process
- Important Academic Calendar Revisions and Key Timelines
- Other Pending Items to Address Related to the Hybrid Implementation Process
Please watch the video below to see Dr. Haebgger´s presentation.
The password to access video: CNGHybrid
Click here for Dr. Habegger´s Follow-Up Email of the Informational Meeting for Parents in Preparation for CNG's Hybrid Model -Sept. 25, 2020