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Skyward - PARENTS AS PARTNERS MIRROR GUIDE: Videos On Hybrid Model

Header Hybrid Videos




Video September 26, 2020

September 25, 2020

Dear CNG Parents:

As Dr. Habegger shared on Friday, September 11th in a communique to our parent community and CNG staff, the Board of Directors met the Academic Leadership Team to finalize plans for implementing CNG´s hybrid learning model. The Board approved the recommended conceptual framework, organizational structure, and operational logistics to begin providing on-campus options after October Break. Specifically, we will be implementing our hybrid learning program beginning on Monday, October 26th. In preparation of that start date, a Zoom meeting was held on Friday, September 25 at 7:30 a.m.

During the meeting, Dr. Habegger presented the following key agenda items based on the WHY, WHAT, and HOW of our hybrid model:

  1. Governmental Regulations with Implications to CNG's Model
  2. Additional Key Factors Guiding the Implementation Process
  3. Important Academic Calendar Revisions and Key Timelines
  4. Other Pending Items to Address Related to the Hybrid Implementation Process

Please watch the video below to see Dr. Haebgger´s presentation.

The password to access video: CNGHybrid

Click here for Dr. Habegger´s Follow-Up Email of the Informational Meeting for Parents in Preparation for CNG's Hybrid Model -Sept. 25, 2020

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