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Skyward - PARENTS AS PARTNERS MIRROR GUIDE: Parent Partnership



Parent Partnership

In October of 2017, CNG established a Character Education Task Force to lead the school's Character Education program in alignment with’s 11 Principles of Effective Character Education. As an extension of said Task Force, the Character for Parents Planning Team was formed in January 2019. Since then, this group of parents, with representation of all grade levels, has been meeting on a monthly basis to develop a Plan of Action to help support CNG’s character education program within the parent community. The purpose of the group has been to dig deeper specifically into Principle 10 of the 11 Principles of Effective Character Education: The school engages families and community as partners in the character initiative.

After a semester of an in depth examination of Principle 10, the group identified some areas for improvement to increase the level of parent partnership at CNG in support of their children’s character education. This Parents As Partners website is the resulting outcome of the past year and a half, which serves parents to access all the relevant information to become more involved in their children's education.

Several opportunities for parents to promote CNG’s character education initiatives emerged as part of this process, including:

  • The PTA’s increased focus on character, channeling information on Core Values and promoting activities that encourage stronger ties among families, teachers, and students.
  • A partnership with the Counseling Department to seek feedback from our parent community for potential Parent Education workshops or events.  Parent education events are scheduled and recorded based on these topics of interest by school division. 
  • The Parenting for Life/Proyecto Vida program was aligned with CNG's Character for Life curricular framework. 

Character for Parents Planning Team Photo 2019-2020

Character for Parents Planning Team Members

The Character for Parents Planning Team has been led by the Core Planning Team members, with guidance from the school administration.

Core Planning Team:

  • Dorette Beda (4, 6, 8, Alumni)
  • Johanna Hjerthén (12)
  • Marcela Campos (3, 9, 12)
  • Verónica Dávila (6, 9)

Administration Support:

  • Dr. Eric Habegger, CNG Director
  • Shaysann Kaun, Director of Learning & Teaching
  • Liliana Borrero, Associate Director of Learning Programs
  • Laura De Brigard, Admissions Director
  • Paula Perez, Primary School Admin Support Coordinator

Character for Parents Planning Team:

  • Amanda Londoño (3)
  • Andres Campos (K5, 4)
  • Anne Marie Lauschus (2, 3)
  • Catalina Pelaez (5, 7)
  • Daniela Fina (K4, 2)
  • Francesca Polanco (1, 2)
  • Helena de Brigard (4, 6)
  • Julio C. Herrera (9)
  • Mara Minski (K4, 2)
  • Margarita Rivera (10, 11, Alumni)
  • Maria Cecilia Escallon (8, 9, 12, Alumni)
  • Maria Cristina Holguin (2, 5)
  • Maria Elena Lares (1, 6)
  • Maria Fernanda Correa (5, 7)
  • Mereke Carrizosa (4, 7)
  • Michelle Beda (K4, 2, 3, Alumni)
  • Silvie La Roche (10)
  • Yasmin Sabet (3, 5)

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