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Manual de Convivencia / CNG Community Handbook: Introduction

Manual de Convivencia / Community Handbook

Colegio Nueva Granada (CNG) Community Handbook

We are very pleased to present the CNG COMMUNITY HANDBOOK. We have created an innovative digital version to ensure easy access as well as navigation for all. As a school, we conform to all current Colombian standards and laws such as Education Law 115 of 1994 and its regulatory decrees, School Coexistence Law 1620 of 2013, Evaluation Decree 1290 of 2009, Code of Childhood and Adolescence Law 1098 of 2006, and all other norms corresponding to school education. 

This Handbook includes very important topics for school coexistence, which guide behavior and expectations for members of the community.  You will be able to find, amongst other things, the following documents and relevant topics: 

The Community Handbook is a part of the educational agreement, and so, has legal weight and recognition in Colombian law. 

Colegio NUEVA GRANADA | | Cra 2E No. 70-20 | Phone: (571)212 3511
Bogotá - Colombia