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CNG Emergency Reaction Plan: Medical Emergency in Classroom

Medical Emergency in Classroom

  • Assess seriousness of injury and call the Principal’s Office immediately so they call the Nurse’s office.
  • Issue appropriate emergency procedure to ensure that students are not unnecessarily exposed to trauma. Teachers should assure that all possible actions are being taken to care for the injured or ill person and to protect others.
    • The Principal’s assistant should call the Nurse
    • The school nurse will take care of any accidents or illnesses.
    • The infirmary will follow their protocols.

Transporting injured or sick Students/Employees

  • In a situation where the parent or alternate adult cannot pickup a student at school, or if the parent or alternate adult cannot be reached and medical care is required, the following actions may be taken:
    • The nurse or designee is to accompany the student in an ambulance.
    • The nurse or designee may transport the student to the hospital. If the parent is not available, the nurse will determine if the student remains in the school infirmary until transportation is available. Continued efforts to reach the parent/guardian should be carried out.
    • Transportation of injured in personal automobiles should only be done for serious, health-related reasons and if no other solution is available and time is crucial.

Colegio NUEVA GRANADA | | Cra 2E No. 70-20 | Phone: (571)212 3511
Bogotá - Colombia