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CNG Emergency Reaction Plan: Floods / Thunderstorms


  • Lightning often strikes without heavy rain and may occur as far as 15 kilometers away from any rainfall. You are in danger from lightning if you can hear thunder.
  • Lightning can strike without heavy rain. Cancel or postpone outdoor activities if thunderstorms are likely.
  • If you see or hear a thunderstorm coming, go inside the building. Practice the “crouch down” position. Show children how to practice squatting low to the ground to be the smallest target possible for lightning in case they get caught outside in a thunderstorm. Show them how to place their hands on their knees and lower their head, crouching on the balls of their feet. Stay away from tall things like trees, towers, fences, telephone lines, or power lines, which attract lightning.
  • Never stand underneath a single large tree out in the open, because lightning usually strikes the highest point in an area. Stay away from metal things that lightning may strike, such as umbrellas, baseball bats and fences.
  • Lightning is attracted to metal and poles or rods. Water is an excellent conductor of electricity. When lightning strikes nearby, the electrical charge can travel through the water. Turn off electrical machinery, and stay off the phone until the storm is over. Lightning can cause electric appliances to become dangerous during a thunderstorm. Stay away from running water. Electricity from lightning has been known to come inside through plumbing.

Response dealing with a Thunderstorm

  • If water starts coming into classroom/ office: call building office assistant who will advice General Services.
  • Unplug all electrical appliances.
  • Move furniture away from water.
  • Move students to safe area within classroom or building.
  • In the event of a very heavy rainfall at release time, the school can decide to delay bus runs until it is safer for students to leave the school. A cellular text message will be sent informing parents of the bus route delay.



  • Stay away from flooded areas. Never try to walk, swim, drive, or play in flood water.
  • If power is lost, turn off major appliances to reduce the power “surge” when electricity is restored.
  • If you are in areas susceptible to landslides and debris flows, the Director will consider evacuating the school with local authority´s advice and if time allows, otherwise relocate students.
  • The Director or designee will notify Principals if early dismissal is required or if conditions require students to remain in school.
  • If the decision is to remain in school, teachers and students will be directed to the On-campus Safe Havens.
  • Throw away all food that has come into contact with flood waters.

Colegio NUEVA GRANADA | | Cra 2E No. 70-20 | Phone: (571)212 3511
Bogotá - Colombia