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CNG Behavior Regulations Procedures and Expectations

BRPE_Sport Activities and Playgrounds

Good sportsmanship is expected on all playgrounds, during recess, in all sport ‐ related activities, and at all UNCOLI events. (See The Student-Athlete and Parent Handbook in the Athletic Program section of CNG ́s website) Primary and elementary students may not leave the playground area without permission.

BRPE_Educational Field Trips (Efts)


Educational Field trips are part of the teaching‐learning process. Opportunities to participate in field trips, academic competitions, and athletic events are offered to students at Colegio Nueva Granada in order to enrich their educational experience.

All Educational Field Trips (EFTs) must be approved by the Department of Athletics and Co‐ Curricular Activities Office.

The team leader must request authorization by filling out the Request for Day Trip Form and submitting it to the Athletics and Co‐Curricular Activities Office. This request must have approval from the school Principal.

All EFTs must have a specific purpose and objective related to CNG’s curriculum.

All CNG students who leave from CNG on a field trip must return to CNG where parents must pick them up. Parents may not pick up students in another location different from CNG.

Every trip must be accompanied by one CNG staff chaperone for every 10 students.

All trips must have U.S. Embassy security clearance.

Once the trip is approved, the trip leader must send a written communication to parents signed by trip leader, the Principal, and the Director of Athletics and Co‐ Curricular Activities Office. The following information must be included: purpose or benefits of the trip, date and place, activities during trip, accompanying staff, way of transportation, cost and specifications about dress code.

All logistics arrangements (transportation, food) and payments will be done with Department of Athletics and Co-curricular Activities office.

Every student attending the trip must have a Field Trip Permission Form signed by parents/ guardians. It is mandatory for students attending the trip. This form must be signed by the parent or guardian and collected by the teacher at least two days prior to the trip.

EFT’s policies and guidelines will be applied to all CNG fieldtrips that take place as part of the various activities carried out throughout the school year. These activities include Integration, Leadership, Binationals, Model United Nations, and National Honor Society among others.

Students who are on behavior probation during the current marking period for which the field trip is planned may not be allowed to participate in school trips. Students who cannot participate in field trips are expected to attend school and complete alternative assignments on topics of which are related to the trip they are missing.

Colegio NUEVA GRANADA | | Cra 2E No. 70-20 | Phone: (571)212 3511
Bogotá - Colombia