The mission of HZU Team is providing comprehensive care to all members of the educational community. Within the caring role, the Health Zone programs provide intervention activities to identify basic health needs, provide education and conduct orientation to foster and maintain the health of our entire School. The HZU Team intervenes in real and potential health problems, offers special case management, and actively collaborates with others to build a healthy environment.
ROLE The Health Zone Unit primary goal is giving the needed care, to educate and empower the CNG community with skills that foster the importance of self-care and hygiene as a means to improve the quality of their lives focusing on prevention:
◊ Health Education: Provides educational strategies in healthy lifestyles ◊ Healthy Environment: identify health and safety issues in the school community and promote a nurturing environment ◊ Nutritional Services: Support the healthy food services programs.
HEALTH ZONE LOCATION AND SCHEDULE Main Health Zone: Office F-4 Registered Nurses: Liliana Santos and Silvana Plata Monday to Friday and scheduled Saturdays Cell 316 473 4268-3103107253 |
Sports/ trauma and first aid station: Kiosko Nurse Assistant: Diana Pina From 3:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. |
EMERGENCY PROCEDURES Health Zone Unit on Duty In the event of a fall, accident or other serious medical issue, the procedure is as follows: Contact the HZU they assist the situation and decides on the necessary action. Do not move the person. Primary students must be sent to the Health Zone accompanied by a teacher. |
Health Zone Unit is Off Duty Evaluate Surroundings: ¿Is the scene safe? What happened? Can others help? • Administer first aid only if you have proper training. • Get Help If Needed: An adult should stay with the injured patient at all times • Call the ambulance service (9) 123 landlines or 123 from a cellphone, you must be prepared to give the following information |
Patient’s full name and age
Description of the problem
The School address: Carrera 2 E No. 70-20
MEDICATION POLICY Colombian Law regarding Medicine Administration In accordance with Article 13 of the 911 Colombian Law, HZU Team may not provide any medicine to students unless authorized by a competent authority or the student has a fever and previous authorization by their parents. If a student is undergoing medical treatment and needs to take prescribed medication, HZU team are able to administer. Parents should bring to the HZU both, a doctor’s order prescription and medication prescribed. |
Should your child suffer from severe allergies or conditions, contact the Health Zone directly in order to discuss CNG protocols. You may call 212-3511, ext. 182/221 and contact Liliana Santos and Silvana Plata ZU Team will not be held responsible for injury, illness or death as a result of important medical information being omitted in the Health Section or not reported to the Health Zone in due time. |
Staff In the given case that a staff member wakes up feeling unwell, the HZU team discourage the collaborator to come to school sick and advises him/her to go to his/her first care provider. • If the patient needs further assistance, the HZU team will guide him/her through the process according to their health care coverage plan. All work related accidents that occur while on school property must be reported HR. No matter how insignificant the incident/ accident may appear to the collaborator, an on the job accident report should be filled out according to Colombian Law, as a work-related incident.
At the time the school nurse telephonically reports the accident to the ARL/Insurance Company, it is up to the injured staff member to decide if he/she will attend the ER room If the patient chooses to go to the ER, ARL/Insurance Company, HZU team will give the collaborator a list of hospitals/clinics for the patient to select where he/she desires to go to The HZU team will not only report to the ARL but will inform via e-mail of the accident to: Director of Personnel & Human Relations, Corresponding Administrator and School Office, Social Security Coordinator, Administrative Assistant/Employee Records, and to the worker’s direct Supervisor. CNG Adult Health Zone Non- Emergency If you need to see an HZU team for a NON- Emergency health-related question, we ask you to fill out the appointment form by typing in your name during a time that works for you. In this way, the HZU team hope to be of better assistance and not have overlap with the students and adults. Important Reminders HZU team displacement to the site of the injured person. Only on the extreme cases where a student/ staff member/visitor has had an emergency where: • His/her physical well being is at risk If the CNG Staff members are aware that the Health Zone is dealing with an emergency, please refrain from sending students, calling and/or coming to inquire about the student’s condition. Remember that the HZU team, have to provide undivided and the best quality of care to the patient. |
Colegio NUEVA GRANADA | | Cra 2E No. 70-20 | Phone: (571)212 3511
Bogotá - Colombia