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CNG Behavior Regulations Procedures and Expectations


Textbooks are loaned to students for use during their enrollment in a specific course. All books are the property of the school and should be well kept. Any lost or damaged books must be paid for by the student. Students will not get books for the next school year until they are paid in full. When students leave CNG, they are responsible for returning the loaned textbooks before they leave school. Classroom teachers are responsible for keeping an inventory of books loaned.


BRPE_Hardware and Software

Hardware and Software

There are computers available for student use in the computer labs and the school libraries, these have all the software necessary for school use. There are also iPads and other devices in different areas of the school. These resources are CNG property and should be used for educational purposes only.

Students may be liable for damage to the equipment used and handled by them if there was irresponsible or malicious behavior. Incidents reported will be investigated to determine whether the student should face disciplinary action and/or be charged for the repair of the equipment.

BRPE_Printing and Photocopying Services


CNG provides students access to printing and photocopying services at printers set up for them at the EVL Library and the High School hallway. In order to use these services, students must purchase credits at the main copy center to add to their account. Once they have credit in their account they can release prints and/or make photocopies.

BRPE_Libraries / Media Labs


The libraries / media Labs are also classrooms and librarians are ultimately responsible for classroom management. In all libraries, students should:

  • Follow library rules and guidelines

  • Maintain a quiet atmosphere; if communication is necessary use a low tone of voice.

  • Respect the use of library materials Do not eat or drink or chew gum.

  • Library furniture is to be treated properly

  • The dress code must be followed at all times

  • Leave backpacks/bags in the cubbies outside the door

  • Leave perused books on the tables

  • Use computers for academic purposes


Colegio NUEVA GRANADA | | Cra 2E No. 70-20 | Phone: (571)212 3511
Bogotá - Colombia