Students should be clean, well groomed, and dressed in the proper uniform at all times. It is recommended that a label with the student’s name be sewn inside at least the sweater and the jacket, the most commonly lost items. For OODC (Out of Dress Code) approved days, please refer to the School Calendar and communication through CCN. Guidelines for these days is that students should be clean, well groomed, and dressed appropriately. |
Clothing must honor and respect differences in race, ethnicity, religion, ability, sex, gender expression and identity, nationality, etc. In addition, clothing must not promote use of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, alcohol, drugs and drug paraphernalia, weapons (all), aggressive behavior, pronographic images, etc. This includes images or phrases that are not in keeping with CNG’s Core Values. Decisions regarding appropriateness will be taken by the administration. |
Colegio NUEVA GRANADA | | Cra 2E No. 70-20 | Phone: (571)212 3511
Bogotá - Colombia