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CNG Code of Honor & Disciplinary Policy

COH_High School Section Only

High School Section Only

Absences & Missing Work/Assignments

• “All Learning is Mandatory at CNG”
• If missing work due to absence is not turned in on time, students must make arrangements with the subject teacher to complete the missing work to address the content standards. This may include attending Opportunity Days, working through lunch time, and/or completing alternative assignments at the teacher’s discretion. It is the student’s responsibility to demonstrate the 
content standards.

• If missed work is not turned in by the two week deadline, students will receive Missing grade (0) on the assignment according to the CNG Assessment Protocol. This will also result in a referral in Skyward to Administration.

• In order to be considered present when virtual, students must be engaged with class material.

Pre-arranged Absence

• It is the responsibility of students to ensure they have completed and returned to the Associate Principals any Pre-Arranged Absence forms for school-related and non-school related activities. These should be received by the Associate Principal three (3) days prior to being off campus. Unless there are extenuating circumstances, forms submitted after the three (3) day deadline will not be approved, and therefore, the absence will not be excused.

• For non-school related Pre-Arranged Absences, students must obtain PRE-APPROVAL from the Associate Principal. If approved, the student must have all teachers sign and return the form to the Office three (3) days prior to the absence.

Work Missed During Absences

• Students are required to make up formative/ summative assessments that were due during an absence. Students should be prepared to attend Opportunity Day and/or lunch time sessions as assigned by their teachers to complete all assessments. Students who fail to attend these sessions will be referred to the Office through Skyward for follow-up by their Associate Principal.

Excessive Absences

• Attendance in class is critical for success at CNG. Students with excessive absences (i.e. more than five (5) classes per course in any one semester) will be referred to the Associate Principal. If it is determined that the absences are not valid / excused, students will face disciplinary consequences under the CNG Code of Honor as they will be seen as not upholding the CNG Core Values. Students will be expected to attend EAMUC (see below) and make up the work missed as it is the student’s responsibility to demonstrate the content standards.

Excessive Absence Make-Up Classes (EAMUC)

• Students with excessive absences will be required to attend after-school sessions in the Responsibility Room or during Opportunity Day with a teacher. They are expected to be completing work that is overdue, coming due, or preparing for upcoming assessments in any of their courses.
• Students who do not attend EAMUC risk not earning the credit in their U.S. accredited courses as a result of excessive absences.


Colegio NUEVA GRANADA | | Cra 2E No. 70-20 | Phone: (571)212 3511
Bogotá - Colombia