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CNG Code of Honor & Disciplinary Policy

COH_Discipline Policy


Given our school and community values, the behaviors outlined below are inappropriate for students attending CNG. This list is not exhaustive and situations not outlined below will be handled by the School Administration in accordance with CNG Board Policy. Inappropriate behaviors are classified as Minor, Serious, or Grave offenses.

Disciplinary consequences may be applied for behaviors that occur on school grounds, on school buses, at all school-sponsored events, and when traveling to/from school events as a supervised group. Instances of Serious or Grave Behavior committed off campus at any time may also be subject to disciplinary action aligned with established school consequences.

COH_Inappropriate and Unacceptable Behaviors


Minor Offenses

1. Tardiness to class.

2. Classroom disruption.

3. Failure to comply with the school dress code or uniform requirements, including Out-Of-Dress-Code days (OODC).

4. Leaving the classroom without permission from the teacher or staff member.

5. Displaying inappropriate or distracting behaviors inside the classroom.

6. Use of abusive, obscene, or profane language or gestures.

7. Unauthorized or inappropriate use of electronic devices. his includes the misuse of technology during virtual, hybrid, and in-person classes.

8. Lying or deceitful behavior.

9. Horseplay and/or inappropriate physical contact.

10. Minor damage or vandalism to the property or belongings of the school or of others.

11. Bringing to school any item that the school deems inappropriate (magazines, pictures, drawing, etc.). This includes clothing which might contain inappropriate alcohol/drug logos, etc.

12. Demonstrating inappropriate displays of affection.

13. Selling items for personal gain or profit without the written consent of the Administration.

14. Failure to complete academic work as assigned.

15. Any other improper conduct that interferes with the teaching and learning environment, which in the judgment of School Administration, was minor.

16. Unauthorized cell phone use.

Serious Offenses

1. Displaying disrespect for or serious vandalism of school symbols and/or property.

2. Bullying behavior that may include harassment, defamatory statements, intimidation, hazing, threatening, intolerance, and/or exclusion (as defined within the Conflict and Bullying section of this policy).

3. Instigating or participating in any act of harassment (except for sexual harassment, which is a Grave Offense), slander, intimidation, or threatening any community member. Slandering, defaming or formulating unfounded complaints or accusations.

4. Expressing intolerance relating to race, ethnicity, religion, disability, sex, gender expression, or personal orientation.

5. Acts of insubordination, defiance, or gross disrespect. Insubordinate behavior toward a teacher or staff member, including substitute teachers.

6. Refusal to identify yourself. Students are expected to give their name and grade level as well as Homeroom/Advisory/ VIP teacher’s name when asked by any member of faculty. Failing to comply with the disciplinary measure assigned by a staff member.

7. Reckless endangerment which could potentially cause injury.

8. Fighting or other physically aggressive behavior in which another person could be injured.

9. Committing acts of petty theft as determined by the Administration.


10. Committing any act of false testimony, forgery, or fraud; lying to an administrator. This includes using the “CNG” name without authorization, falsifying signatures on a document, or altering a school document.

11. Being involved in the planning or execution of a party or fundraiser held off campus for a CNG organization, class, or activity which is not authorized by the Administration. If alcohol is involved this type of action will move to a Grave Offense.

12. Skipping class or school. 

13. Academic dishonesty (see additional information in the Appendix).

14. Using a cellular phone and/or any other electronic device for the transmission and/or downloading of inappropriate voice, text, image, or video messages or for cyber-bullying as determined by the Administration.

15. Possession and/or use of cigarettes, electronic cigarettes and/or other products containing nicotine or non-approved substances on campus or during school- sponsored activities.

16. Possessing or brandishing a look-alike weapon.

17. Repetition of minor offenses.

18. Any other improper conduct of students, which in the judgment of the School Administration, was serious.

19. Sexual harassment (minor/serious).

Grave Offenses

1. Using, possessing, under the influence of, or disseminating alcohol and/or drugs or any type of unauthorized substance prohibited by the laws of the country. This includes drug paraphernalia.

2. Committing any criminal acts that entail any sanction in the penal system (as stated in Ley 1801 Código Nacional de Policía y Convivencia).

3. Bringing to campus or possessing any weapons, i.e., knives, brass knuckles (manoplas), explosives, firecrackers,flammable materials, firearms, ammunition, and/or the possession or use of anything that can be considered a weapon or looks like a weapon.

4. Assault, fighting, or other physically aggressive behavior resulting in bodily injury whether on or off campus.


Repeated bullying, bullying that occurs despite intervention, and/or a severe incident of bullying (as defined within the Conflict and Bullying section of this policy manual).

6. Sexual harassment (grave/repeated).

7. Indecent exposure.

8. Distribution of pornographic materials and other forms of contraband.

9. Performing an act of arson or creating any type of real or potential fire hazard.

10. Participating in a serious act or the willful destruction of belongings of a CNG community member.

11. Committing a major act of theft or theft of proprietary information.

12. Retaliation including threatening, harassing, or disrespectful behavior toward anyone in a way related to a prior report or disciplinary incident.

13. Direct violation of orders given by an administrator.

14. Repetition of serious offenses.

15. Any other improper conduct of a student, which in the judgment of School Administration, is grave.

COH_Possible Range of Disciplinary Consequences


As a community, we believe that the development of personal responsibility requires an understanding of natural consequences for our actions, and children should experience these consequences in order for learning to occur. Whenever possible, consequences should be related to the infraction and should be intended to make reparation to those who have been impacted to help recover the student’s standing with the school community. Consequences for students, particularly at Primary and Elementary levels, may be adjusted by the School Administration according to the specific infraction, contextual circumstances, and the developmental age of the child. Disciplinary procedures should maintain the dignity and self- worth of the individual. For other members of the CNG Community who violate the Code of Honor, the Administration may determine the specific sanction to apply in each specific case, taking into account precedent in similar cases.

Minor Offenses – Range of possible actions or consequences

Teachers will respond to and assign appropriate consequences for most minor offenses. For cases within the classroom, the teacher’s observation of the behavior or physical evidence constitutes sufficient proof for determining failure to meet expected behaviors. Actions or consequences may include but are not limited to:

• Student reflection

• Restorative Circles

• Temporary removal from class

• Student/Teacher conference

• Teacher documentation

• Parent contact

• In-class, break, or lunch detention

• Restrictions from attending school events

• Loss of campus attendance or visitation privileges

• Behavior/Academic advisement

• Behavior/Academic probation

• Additionally, Administrators may assign the following consequences:

  • After-school detention
  • Short-term suspension (up to 5 days)
  • Matriculation Hold/Conditional
  • Matriculation

Serious Offenses – Range of possible actions or consequences

• Student reflection

• Restorative Circles

• Temporary removal from class

• Student/Teacher conference

• Teacher/Administrator documentation

• Parent contact

• Detention

• Restrictions from attending school events

• Loss of campus attendance or visitation


• Anti-harassment contract

• Short-term suspension (up to 5 days)

• Behavior/Academic probation


• Matriculation hold/Conditional matriculation

• Recommendation for expulsion

Parents are required to conference with the Administration if requested. Additional follow- up actions may include but not be limited to student reflection, student and parent conference with Administrator, and Restorative Conferences.

According to the severity of the case, Serious Offenses may be judged by the Administration as Grave in nature and thus, may warrant consequences up to and including expulsion from the school.

Grave Offenses – Range of possible actions or consequences

Grave offenses result in student suspension as the minimum consequence and Administration may also consider a recommendation for expulsion depending on the severity of the specific actions. Upon serving the specified day(s) of suspension, the school administration may impose additional sanctions and/or follow-up responses involving one or more of the following:

• Student reflection

• Parent contact

• Student and parent conference with

• Administrator

• Restorative Circles

• Restrictions from attending school events

• Loss of campus attendance or visitation privileges

• Anti-harassment contract

• Short-term suspension (up to 5 days)

• Long-term suspension (5-10 days)

• Behavior/Academic advisement

• Behavior/Academic probation

• Matriculation hold/Conditional matriculation

• Nonrenewal of matriculation

• Recommendation for expulsion

• Notification of Authorities

Parents are required to conference with the Administration and Director if necessary.

Instances of Serious or Grave behavior as outlined by this policy, either on or off campus, may be subject to immediate suspension or recommendation for expulsion. The school may also take action based on violations of the four basic purposes outlined at the beginning of this behavior expectation section.

A recommendation for expulsion must be taken to the Board of Directors and Director’s Council as per established due process considerations.

Cumulative Suspensions

Students accumulating more than 10 days of suspension during a school year may be

recommended for expulsion by the Administration.

Serious and/or Grave Code of Honor Violations

If a student accumulates a total of three (3) Serious and/or Grave Code of Honor violations during a three year period, the student may be subject to referral to the Director, School Coexistence Committee, Director’s Council, and Board of Directors for a recommendation for expulsion on grounds of repetitive Code of Honor violations.

COH_Application of Disciplinary Consequences


CNG rules and regulations for students are defined throughout this handbook. Students and parents should be thoroughly familiar with the school’s expectations of behavior given that CNG will maintain a complete record of behavior infractions in the cumulative file of every student. Failure to adhere to the rules and regulations may result in one or more of the following disciplinary actions being taken. These consequences are progressive in nature; however, the Administration may advance beyond any particular step depending on the severity of the incident or repetitive nature of previous incidents.

1. Meeting with Administration and parent notification by teacher or Administrator (with further disciplinary action if deemed appropriate by Administration).

2. Detention during or after the school day for a time and duration determined by the Administration to be appropriate for the infraction(s).

3. In-School Suspension for a time and duration determined by the Administration to be appropriate for the infraction(s). Students are expected to make up all missed work.

4. Out-Of-School Suspension for a time and length determined by the Administration to be appropriate for the infraction(s). Parents will be required to pick up the student or make arrangements for the student to be taken home. Students are expected to make-up all missed work.

5. Behavior/Academic Advisement and Behavior/Academic Probation that the Administrator may implement at any step.

6. Matriculation Hold for the following school year and recommendations for NON RENEWAL OF MATRICULATION may be utilized in cases of repeated issues of behavior and/ or grave offenses.

7. Conditional matriculation that the Administrator may implement at any step.

8. Referral of Case to the School’s Comite de Convivencia (as Required by Colombian Law) may occur as stated below.

9. EXPULSION to be recommended by the Administration through due process proceedings to the School Coexistence Committee, Director’s Council, and Board of Directors based on the severity of an infraction or series of repeated infractions.

School Administration reserves the right to suspend or to recommend for expulsion any student if he/she cannot adapt to school surroundings and/or presents a disciplinary or student safety problem of a serious and continual nature or as a result of in- school or out-of-school grave behavior(s).

The following parameters will guide the application of the disciplinary consequences:

• Disciplinary consequences are applied as follows: Minor offenses are cumulative on a yearly basis; Serious and Grave offenses are cumulative for the duration of attendance at CNG.

• Students on out-of-school suspension may not enter the school campus, attend class, or take part in any school-sponsored activity including but not limited to sports events, CWW trips, competitions, and academic or co-curricular events.

• In addition to the consequences listed in this handbook section, national laws, Board Policy, CNG’s Co-Curricular Code of Conduct, as well as all other student organization bylaws may also apply to the potential range of sanctions.

Please see appendix for Expulsion Proceedings and Policy (p.16)

COH_Administration of the Consequences


The School Administration has the responsibility for applying consequences to uphold the behavior expectations of the school. Learning Center faculty, counselors, and other relevant personnel may be consulted. These disciplinary consequences can include but are not limited to the following: Detention, In- School Suspension, Out-of-School Suspension, or recommendation for Expulsion.

1. In the cases of Minor offenses, the disciplinary consequences can be administered either by the teacher or administrator.

2. In case of Serious offenses, the disciplinary consequences should be administered by the Administrator and/or Director.

3. In the case of Grave offenses, the disciplinary measures applied may involve the Administrator and the Director. In the case of a recommendation for expulsion, the School Coexistence Committee, Director’s Council, and Board of Directors must be involved in reviewing and deciding on the case as per due process requirements.

CNG Disciplinary Processes

Whenever possible, the following process will be used by the Administration in cases of serious or grave behavior.

1. Student provides a verbal statement and, when required, a written and signed statement to the Administration related to the specific incident or event in question.

2. The Administration may also investigate allegations with other students, community members, or other entities who may also be asked to give statements.

3. The Administration will make a decision regarding appropriate consequences and the disciplinary process; the sanction(s) will be communicated to the student and parents. The student’s written statement may be shared with parents who may choose to submit their own statement as part of due-process considerations.

4. The Administration may need to inform leaders of co-curricular activities depending on the severity of the sanction and disciplinary outcome. The advisors will then undergo their processes as determined in the organization or athletic bylaws or protocols. The advisors will have ten business days to make a recommendation to the Administration on entity-specific sanctions and the Administration will inform the student and parents of the recommendation.

5. Students holding leadership positions and/or elected offices (Personero, Vice Personero/Cabildante STUCO President, NHS President, team captain, etc.) are held to the highest standards for behavior. Therefore, the Administration will receive the recommended sanction from the advisor of the respective body and make the final determination of the sanction and disciplinary outcome, especially in cases related to the student’s potential removal from office. The Administration will report to the student and parents within ten business days after receiving the recommended action by the entity.

6. As part of the school’s established due process, students and parents may appeal to the next level of the school’s established lines of authority until the appeal process reaches its conclusion. Within the appeal process, the student and parents will have five business days to request a review of the decision to the next line of authority. The specific governance level which hears the appeal will have ten business days to make an initial response to the appeal request.

Please note: In the High School, the above may include the involvement of the Code of Honor Council (HS Principal, 12th Grade Associate Principal, 12th Grade Counselor, College Counselors and a teacher representative.) * When students apply to University, serious disciplinary incidents (such as those resulting in suspension) may need to be shared if requested by universities. The Code of Honor Council will review every serious disciplinary incident and decide whether or not the incident will be shared upon request.

Colegio NUEVA GRANADA | | Cra 2E No. 70-20 | Phone: (571)212 3511
Bogotá - Colombia