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Cognia Engagement Review Visit 2026: Key Characteristic 3: Engagement of Learning


Standard 16     |     Standard 17     |     Standard 18     |     Standard 19          Standard 20     |      Standard 21     |     

|      Standard 22    |   Standard 23      


Standard 16. Learners experience curriculum and instruction that emphasize the value of diverse cultures, backgrounds, and abilities.

Standard 17. Learners have equitable opportunities to realize their learning potential.

Standard 18. Learners are immersed in an environment that fosters lifelong skills including creativity, curiosity, risk taking, collaboration, and design thinking.

Standard 19. Learners are immersed in an environment that promotes and respects student voice and responsibility for their learning.

Standard 20. Learners engage in experiences that promote and develop their self-confidence and love of learning.

Standard 21. Instruction is characterized by high expectations and learner-centered practices.

Standard 22. Instruction is monitored and adjusted to advance and deepen individual learners’ knowledge and understanding of the curriculum.

Standard 23. Professional staff members integrate digital resources that deepen and advance learners’ engagement with instruction and stimulate their curiosity.

Colegio NUEVA GRANADA | | Cra 2E No. 70-20 | Phone: (571)212 3511
Bogotá - Colombia