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Cognia Engagement Review Visit 2026: Key Characteristic 1: Culture of Learning


Standard 1     |     Standard 2     |     Standard 3     |     Standard 4          Standard 5     |     Standard 6       


Standard 1. Leaders cultivate and sustain a culture that demonstrates respect, fairness, equity, and inclusion, and is free from bias.

Standard 2. Learners’ well-being is at the heart of the institution’s guiding principles such as mission, purpose, and beliefs.

Standard 3. Leaders actively engage stakeholders to support the institution’s priorities and guiding principles that promote learners’ academic growth and well-being.

Standard 4. Learners benefit from a formal structure that fosters positive relationships with peers and adults.

Standard 5. Professional staff members embrace effective collegiality and collaboration in support of learners.

Standard 6. Professional staff members receive the support they need to strengthen their professional practice.

Colegio NUEVA GRANADA | | Cra 2E No. 70-20 | Phone: (571)212 3511
Bogotá - Colombia