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CNG HS Academic Program Guide 2024 - 2025: General Program Information

A Letter from HS Admin



Dear High School students and parents,

We ask you to please read this Academic Program Guide carefully so you can be aware of all the important information outlined here. This guide provides information about High School policies regarding graduation requirements, transcripts, grades, community service requirements, Classroom Without Walls credits, honor roll, exams, senior awards, and all the course descriptions for this year.

Please use this guide as you make a four year plan and as you select classes for the upcoming school year. As you make your course selections, please think carefully about your preferences and about what you need in order to graduate. Also, remember that you are not alone in this process! Please seek help from your school counselor, college counselor, administration, teachers, and parents.

As you prepare to select your classes, please consider the following: •

  • Your interests and passions
  • CNG Graduation requirements
  • Required courses for College admission
  • Possible future career paths

Please take care in selecting your courses as it will likely be very difficult to change your requests once the Master Schedule is built.


Best of luck and please reach out if you have any questions!


Mary West

High School Principal

Colegio NUEVA GRANADA | | Cra 2E No. 70-20 | Phone: (571)212 3511
Bogotá - Colombia