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CNG Rights & Responsibilities



  • Parents have the right to expect for their children the best possible education guided by CNG’s Vision, Mission, Core Values, and philosophical statements as according to the characteristics of CNG as indicated in Section One: Fundamentals.

  • Parents voluntarily may become members of the Parents Association (the PTA).

  • Parents have the right to freely express their doubts, offer suggestions, and state complaints through the appropriate channels of communi- cation established by the School.

  • Parents have the right to participate in the Proyecto Educativo Institucional developed by the School.

  • Parents have the right to receive during the school year and on a regular basis, information about their child(ren)’s academic and behav- ioral performance.

  • Parents have the right to elect and be elected to represent the Parents through the Parent Council, a requirement by Colombian law for every school as an aspect of school governance.

R&R_ Responsibilities


  • Parents are responsible for supporting the School’s Vision, Mission, Core Values, and philosophical statements.

  • Parents are responsible for cooperating with the School in the education of their child(ren), supporting their learning processes, making sure that they follow the Code of Honor and Disciplinary Policy at all times and in all places, and abide by all academic rules, regulations, and procedures established by the School.

  • Parents are responsible for complying with the regulations established by the School regarding matriculation, enrollment, and paying tuition and other fees when due.

  • Parents are responsible for contributing to an environment that reflects the School’s Core Values as well as being conducive to loyalty, respect, tolerance, gratitude, and mutual acCountability that enhances the education of all children and fosters the best relationships among the members of the educational community.

  • Parents are responsible for contributing to the elaboration of plans and goals for school improvement.

  • Parents are responsible for supporting the educational process of their children in compliance with their responsibility as educators.

  • Statement of Expectations for CNG Parents: An Agreement of Parents and their Children.

    Parents play a formative role in the development of their child’s sense of justice, equity, dignity, and worth. Parents also act as one of the most influential role models in their child’ life. It is a parent’s responsibility to promote and uphold the Core Values of our school community. It is the expectation of the community that all parents model acceptable behavior at all times within and outside the school setting. Parents are expected to abide by the following expectations at all times and in all places:

  • Everyone is entitled to express his/her concerns in a respectful and proper manner, following the proper channels of communication (Please see CNG Communication Flowchart).

  • School matters and concerns should be dealt with privately within our school community.

  • Behave and speak in such a way that protects the image and brings honor upon the name of the school.

  • Support CNG and all school initiatives.

  • Be responsible for your actions on and off campus and understand that improper conduct has consequences.

  • Always tell the truth.

  • Respect and care for other people, their rights,

    and property by being positive, polite and courteous to the entire school community, including general service personnel, bus drivers, bus monitors, etc.

  • Be a good role model for your child; do not use narcotics or any harmful chemical substances.

  • Alcohol should not be served to minors.

  • Tobacco (or electronic cigarettes) should not be provided to minors.

  • Follow all legal and procedural expectations regarding transportation and parking at CNG.

  • Abide by the official CNG School Calendar calendar and schedule. Absences before and after holidays and outside designated vacation time are harmful to your child’s education.

  •  Parents must comply with Article 39 of Law 1098 of 2006, which sets out the obligations of the family.

    CNG believes that all community members should be held responsible for their conduct and accept the consequences of their actions. Parents should have high expectations of CNG. Likewise, CNG has the following high expectations of its community members:


R&R_Participation and Support

Participation and support

Support your child in all their educational endeavors by giving praise and showing interest in their school activities (homework and projects).

CNG community members will actively participate in the following activities:

• The school’s community social service initiatives, which include Colegio Fundación Nueva Granada (financially and/or volunteer work), and any other community service initiatives that the school promotes.

• The school’s parenting sessions and values initiatives, including school meetings, conferences, Positive Action and STAND4CNG. We strongly believe that Parent Support both at school and at home with the anti‐bullying, alcohol, smoking, and drug policies is a fundamental part of our community values.

• Participate in the school’s governance entities including the Parent Association, the Parent Council, the Board of Directors, and any other parent committee.

• Parents should support children by respecting the property and values of others. All personal belongings must be clearly marked. Under no circumstance should a parent take from the school premises any belongings, which are not theirs, even if the item in question is not fully marked with any student’s name on it. In the same manner, parents should not allow their children to take items and/or bring home items that are not theirs.

R&R_Attitude and Conflict Resolution

Attitude and conflict resolution

A child’s perception is not the same as an adult’s perception due to their developmental maturity. Listen to your child as they tell you their reality, but remember that multiple versions can always exist. Always be positive and approach these situations with a spirit of cooperation and genuine partnership.

Be prepared to actively listen to another person’s point of view. It may be that the perspective from which one parent is approaching the situation is different than that of the other party; however, each may be of equal value.

It is appropriate in times of conflict that correct procedures be followed to allow all parties to be heard and for harmonious solutions to be reached. If the conflict centers on a classroom issue, the first contact should always be made with the classroom teacher. If a resolution is not reached, then it is appropriate to involve the School Principal with the aim of him/her assisting with such a result. Should the matter result from a situation outside of the classroom then it is appropriate to discuss this with the School Principal in the first instance. If parents remain dissatisfied with the results, then the matter can be referred to the Director.


R&R_Family Commitments in Athletic Events

Family commitments in athletic events

Abide by the UNCOLI participation, organization, behavior manual, and regulations at all times. Athletes, spectators, supporters, coaches, and officials (and anyone else present at a game) must ensure that they, and everyone support the UNCOLI and school expectations. Please refer to Manual de Participación, Organización y Comportamiento en las Actividades Organizadas por UNCOLI

Promote children’s participation in and commitment to CNG athletic teams.

Commit as a family to the team the child has chosen so he/she can train and play in scheduled games and tournaments.

Respect the decisions made by the coaches at all times. During the games, coaches are the authority. If at any time one does not agree with the coach’s attitude or decision, one should inform a CNG authority, ideally the Director of Athletics and Co-Curricular Activities.

Be a model for CNG and other schools

when you come to participate and support the teams. Promote positive competition and sportsmanship. Help children be on time to practices and games with their equipment and uniforms.

Colegio NUEVA GRANADA | | Cra 2E No. 70-20 | Phone: (571)212 3511
Bogotá - Colombia