• Students have a right to receive a holistic education in the courses in which they are enrolled, completed by all necessary aids, and according to the established schedule. • Students have the right to receive a quality education with the integration of science and technology, specifically through the application of 21st Century skills. • Students have the right to be evaluated in a timely manner and in accordance with the parameters set by the School. • Students have a right to know and analyze their individual assessment results. • Students have a right to be awarded distinctions specific to their ability and skills. • Students have the right to develop and apply appropriate research skills. • Students have a right to recreation and participation in competitions or other activities in the School program, as well as to represent the School in academic, cultural, and sporting events. • Students have the right to religious freedom in accordance with what is established by Colombia’s National Constitution and the philosophy of the School. • Students have the right to promote an environment that reflects the School’s Core Values as well as conducive to loyalty, respect, gratitude,and belonging to the School.
Statement on Student Rights Related to Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity as Aligned with Colombian Law As stated in our CNG Honor Code and Disciplinary Policy since 2010: Listed as a Serious Offense: Expressing intolerance relating to race, ethnicity, religion, disability, sex, gender expression, or personal orientation. |
CNG Policy statement: As officially outlined in Colombian law for schools and other institutions, CNG policies reflect our school’s ongoing commitment to the following :
CNG’s policy statement conforms to Article-16 of the Colombian Constitution, which states: “All persons have the right to free development of personality, with no other limitations than those imposed by the rights of others and by the legal system.” |
Colombian law also regards individuals with diverse gender identity as part of a minority that has been historically discriminated against and excluded, even within the LGBT community. As a result, the protections provided to all CNG students exist not only to prevent them from being victims of any type of discrimination but also to allow them their legal right to fully and freely develop their personal sexual orientation and gender identity. Approved by the CNG Board of Directors Policy Adopted on September 5, 2016 |
Colegio NUEVA GRANADA | www.cng.edu | Cra 2E No. 70-20 | Phone: (571)212 3511
Bogotá - Colombia