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CNG House System: March of Hearts 2023-24




The March of Hearts is a school-wide House campaign that takes place every year.  Our CNG students bring used items in good condition toys, and they are donated to the Fundación Hogar Nueva Granada. These items are sold at their store "Ático'. The money the Fundación raises goes towards needs at Colegio Fundación Nueva Granada

SEPTEMBER 25 - 29 2023.

  • Primary School: We have 4 bins one per House in front of the PS office. Students and parents can put their toys in the bins. 

  • Elementary and Middle School: We will have four tables, one per House at the Flag Patio. As the students arrive in the morning, they may drop their items at their table. Points will be awarded for the items they bring. As a result, there will be a winning House. 

  • High School: Stuco leaders will promote donations with the community. 

In the year 2022-23, community donations to the CNG contributed to the growth and resources of the Foundation, and each year, donations have exceeded expectations.


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Colegio NUEVA GRANADA | | Cra 2E No. 70-20 | Phone: (571)212 3511
Bogotá - Colombia