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CNG House System: Sports And Learning Activities


Learning based on enjoyment and play is the basis of the activities that are developed on a daily basis during the breaks of each school and Field day:

  • Activities that are developed during breaks with each grade from elementary to middle school.

    • Recess activities calendar: 

      • Primary School

      • Elementary School 

      • Middle School

      • High School.


  • All year House recess activities PS-ES-MS

  • All-year Plastic Covers program 

  • All year Reading Marathon PS

  • September: House Leaders MS and ES elections

  • September Integration day with parents K4, K5

  • October 10-14 March of hearts

  • October 14 March of Hearts donations deliver to the FCNG

  • November House Families Event

  • November Jump Rope ES contest

  • February 7 Friday Live 

  • Cheers Rehearsal- Assembly

  • February Field Day MS

  • April House Families Event 

  • May House Leaders Retreat 

  • June Plastic Covers program closing 

  • December and June Teachers and Coaches Contest 

  • June ES and PS field day 

  • June Assembly





  • Support Field days and Jump Rope Contest.

  • Spirit Days

  • Friday live 

  • Spirit Day and Pep Rally

  • Field days.


Colegio NUEVA GRANADA | | Cra 2E No. 70-20 | Phone: (571)212 3511
Bogotá - Colombia