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CNG Child and Adolescent Protection Manual: Situations and Protocols

CAPM_Procedures for Reporting

When there is reason to suspect a situation of domestic violence, child abuse, or neglect, it is the responsibility of the staff member to report their suspicions to the counselor or Principal of the school. In all cases, CNG’s Director will be notified, and the protocols established in the “Directorio de protocolos de atención integral para la convivencia escolar y el ejercicio de los derechos humanos, sexuales y reproductivos” developed by the District Coexistence Committee of Bogota, D.C. will be followed. Additionally, compliance will be ensured with Law 1146 of 2007, which establishes the obligation to report to the competent administrative and judicial authorities any conduct or indication of violence or sexual abuse against a child or adolescent.

In cases where necessary, the CNG’s Director  must follow the procedures established in the "Comprehensive Care Route for School Coexistence" as outlined in Law 1620 of 2013.

CAPM_Type I Situations


These correspond to poorly managed conflicts and sporadic situations that negatively affect the school climate, but in no case result in harm to the body or health.












CAPM_TYPE II Situations


These correspond to situations of aggression, harassment, and/or cyberbullying that do not meet the criteria for being classified as a crime and have one of the following characteristics:

  • They occur repeatedly and systematically.
  • They cause harm to the body or health without resulting in significant injury to any of the parties involved.













CAPM_Type III Situaitons


These correspond to situations of school aggression that are allegedly constitutive of crimes against freedom, sexual orientation, or integrity as referred to in Title IV of Book 11 of Law 599 of 2000, or when they constitute any other crime established in the Colombian Criminal Code.










CAPM_Protocol Type I


The teacher or staff member who witnesses a situation should make an effort to immediately meet with the parties involved in the conflict and mediate in a pedagogical manner so that they can express their points of view and seek a solution. If follow-up is necessary, the teacher will report the case to the Associate Principal, Principal or the school  counselor.

  1. Inform the Associate Principal, Principal or the school  counselor through a written report.
  2. Inform the parents or guardians about the situation of the parties involved.
  3. The teacher who witnessed the situation, in collaboration with the Associate Principal, Principal or the school  counselor,  will determine a solution impartially, equitably, and justly, with the aim of seeking compensation for the harm caused, restoring rights, and promoting reconciliation in a climate of constructive relationships among the parties involved. This can be achieved by using the Restorative Circles model.
  4. The ,Associate Principal, Principal or the school  counselor.  will update the discipline or Child Protection  report of the children and adolescents in the information system(Skyward).
  5. The teacher who witnessed the situation, Associate Principal, Principal or the school  counselor  must follow up on the case and the commitments made to verify if the solution was effective or if further intervention is required. (Protocols established in Colombian law, Articles 43 and 44 of Decree 1965 of 2013).

CAPM_Protocol for Type II Situations


  1. Provide immediate physical and mental healthcare to the affected individual(s).
  2. Report the situation to the administrative authorities, especially when measures to restore rights are required.
  3. Take protective measures for those involved to prevent any further actions against them.
  4. Create opportunities to expose and clarify what has happened.
  5. The parents or guardians of all the involved students will be informed immediately by the Associate Principal or Principal . The meeting minutes will be kept in the student's record.
  6. When restoration of rights is necessary, the situation will be referred to the school Director and reflected in the discipline record in the student information software (Skyward). (Law 1098 of 2006).
  7. Measures will be taken to protect the student from possible retaliation. This will be reflected in the discipline record in the student information software (Skyward).
  8. The Associate Principal, Principal or the school counselor will ensure confidential, private, and secure spaces where the involved parties, as well as their parents or guardians, can openly share what has happened/is happening.
  9. The School Coexistence Committee, considering educational and pedagogical strategies and the sanctions established in Chapter VII of Title V, will determine the necessary restorative actions to repair the harm, restore rights, and provide reconciliation within a climate of constructive relationships in the school. They will also determine the applicable consequences for those who have contributed to or participated in the reported situation.
  10. The President of the School Coexistence Committee will inform the other members about the situation and the measures taken. The committee will conduct analysis and follow-up to verify the effectiveness of the solution or the need to add the protocol established in Colombian law, Article 44 of Decree 1965 of 2013.

CAPM_Type III Protocol


  1. In case of bodily or health harm, immediate referral and attention by external professionals in physical and mental health are guaranteed. The counselor must keep a record of the referrals and follow-up.
  2. The parents or guardians of all the involved children and adolescents will be immediately informed by the Associate Principal, Principal. The meeting minutes will be kept in the student's confidential file.
  3. The President of the School Coexistence Committee will promptly inform the police, prepare meeting minutes, and keep them in the student's file.
  4. Without prejudice to the provisions mentioned above, the members of the School Coexistence Committee will be called to a meeting in accordance with the terms established in the coexistence manual. Minutes of the meeting must be kept.
  5. The President of the School Coexistence Committee will inform the committee members, providing facts without disclosing information that could violate the right to privacy and confidentiality of the parties involved, as well as the report submitted to the competent authority.
  6. Even if the situation has been reported to the competent authorities, the School Coexistence Committee will immediately take its own measures, within its competencies, to protect the victim, the person accused of the aggression, and those who have reported or are involved in the situation. This must be documented.
  7. The president of the School Coexistence Committee will report the case information to the applicable Unified School Coexistence Information System.

The cases in this protocol will be supervised by the School Coexistence Committee, the authority that dealt with the situation, and the municipal, district, or departmental coexistence committee that has jurisdiction over the educational institution where the incident occurred.

All staff members, teachers, and administrators at CNG have an obligation to report any suspicions of abuse and neglect. All reports of abuse and neglect must be made to the counselor or school Principal as soon as possible to activate the appropriate response process. It is expected that children, parents, visitors, and other staff members with any suspicions of abuse or neglect will come forward to a counselor or school Principal as soon as possible.



Adults should never guarantee confidentiality to anyone making a report, nor should they agree to keep a secret that could jeopardize their own or someone else's health or safety.

Individuals who report suspicions of domestic violence or child abuse, as well as school personnel, should not discuss the case beyond the steps outlined in this manual (CNG administrators or counselors).

Relevant information regarding child protection will be shared with involved parties on a "need-to-know" basis. Any information shared in this manner must be kept strictly confidential.

Colegio NUEVA GRANADA | | Cra 2E No. 70-20 | Phone: (571)212 3511
Bogotá - Colombia