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CNG Child and Adolescent Protection Manual: Intimate Care Policy at CNG


CAPM_Intimate Care Policy at CNG



Intimate care generally includes any care that involves washing, touching, or carrying out a  procedure on intimate personal areas, which most people usually carry out themselves. Some children cannot do so because of their young age, physical difficulties, or other special needs. Examples include care associated with toileting, continence, medical procedures, menstrual management, assistance, and supervisory tasks such as overseeing washing, toileting, or dressing.


This protocol outlines the procedures and guidelines to ensure the safety, dignity, and well-being of any student receiving assistance for intimate care. The aim is to prevent any form of harm,  uphold their rights, and maintain a respectful and safe environment.


This protocol applies to all personnel involved in providing toileting assistance to individuals with disabilities within our school.


  • RESPECT: Treat individuals with disabilities with dignity, respect their privacy, and maintain their autonomy as much as possible.
  • SAFETY: Prioritize the safety and well-being of the individual throughout the process.
  • COMMUNICATION: Maintain open and transparent communication with the individual, their caregivers, and the team.
  • CONSENT: Obtain informed consent from the individual or their legal guardian before providing assistance.
  • PROFESSIONALISM: Conduct all activities professionally, adhering to ethical standards and cultural sensitivity.
  • POLICY: our policy and procedures include Child Protection principles of transparency, observability, and accountability.


  • Assess the student's capabilities and needs to determine the level of assistance required. Develop an individualized toileting plan that aligns with their preferences and abilities.
  • Informed Consent: Obtain informed consent from the student l or their legal guardian before providing assistance. Clearly explain the assistance that will be provided and address any concerns or questions.
  • Privacy and Dignity: Use appropriate screening and barriers to ensure privacy. Use respectful language and maintain a calm and composed demeanor.
  • Hygiene and Safety: Adhere to applicable hygiene practices, such as wearing gloves and following handwashing.


  • Assistance Process: Assist the student only to the extent necessary, respecting his/her autonomy whenever possible.
  • Offer choices whenever feasible, such as clothing options or toileting times. Maintain a  reassuring and supportive attitude throughout the process.
  • Document the assistance provided, including the date, time, individuals involved, and any observations.
  • Report any concerns, incidents, or changes in the individual's behavior or well-being to the appropriate staff members.
  • Emergency Situations: Be prepared for emergencies and know the steps to follow in case of urgent medical needs.
  • Ensure all personnel involved in toileting assistance receive proper training in disability awareness, communication, hygiene practices, and emergency procedures.
  • Regularly review and update the protocol based on feedback, best practices, and any changes in regulations.
  • Location: All intimate care procedures that require direct assistance (E.g., changing clothes, washing, changing) must be carried out in the Health Zone. 
  • Indirect assistance, such as verbal prompts, cue cards, and visuals, can be provided outside the bathroom. It is recommended to use the multi-access bathrooms and student bathrooms located inside PS classrooms.

CAPM_Toileting and Bathroom Accident Protocol


Although it is the expectation that school-aged students will independently toilet, it is understood that students may occasionally require assistance in this area. In the cases of certain students, there may be individuals who are not yet independent and require additional assistance as well. This protocol serves as guidance for providing such assistance. 

Teachers and paraprofessionals will be identified in grades and programs where this protocol most likely applies. Designated teachers and paraprofessionals will receive an overview of the protocol. 

Necessary supplies (wipes, change of clothes, diapers/pull-ups, plastic bags, and similar items) will be on hand in the classroom and organized in a container or baggie for each student. The teacher will request the items listed above from each student's parent/guardian and advise parents of the protocol relative to changing or bathroom accidents. 




  1. Prior to retrieving the student, get your partner (if unavailable, contact the office to arrange for a partner to assist). 
  2. Retrieve students and inform them that you will assist with cleaning them up and getting into a clean change of clothes. 
  3. Wash your hands before changing students, gather needed supplies (wipes, - 1 for soiled supplies and one bag for soiled clothing), and put on protective gloves. 
  4. If a student wears a diaper, unfasten the diaper and leave it under the student. Use wipes to clean up the student (ensure you wipe the student from front to back). 
  5. Remove the soiled diaper from underneath the student; fold it over so it encloses the dirty wipes, and place it in the bag for soiled supplies. 
  6. If clothes need to be changed, place soiled clothes in the bag.
  7. Remove and discard your gloves in the bag (if gloves are soiled) and discard the bag (notify custodial staff to remove the bag promptly). 
  8. Wash hands and put on a clean pair of protective gloves (if you need to change your gloves. 
  9. Put a clean diaper and/or clothing on the student. 
  10.  Assist student with washing their hands. 
  11. Clean and disinfect any areas that may have been contaminated by the student's accident. 12. In certain instances, a custodian may need to be requested for cleaning. Disinfection and cleaning should occur immediately. 



  1. At the beginning of the school year, parents of K4  and K5  students will be requested to send a change of clothes and sanitizing wipes for their child. 
  2. Each K4  and K5  classroom should have sanitizing wipes, gloves, two plastic bags (one for soiled clothes and one for soiled supplies), and a change of clothes on hand and available for each child. 
  3. Should an incident occur: 

a. The teacher will contact the administration and the school nurse. 

b. The school office will contact the parents/guardians to inform them of the incident. Depending on the severity, the parent/guardian may be asked to pick up their child. 

c. The teacher or classroom paraprofessional will guide the student to the restroom and provide sanitizing wipes for clean-up and a change of clothes to the student. 

d. If the student does not have a change of clothes, the school will provide a change of clothes from its supply with the nearest available size. Both teachers and nurses will ensure an inventory of appropriately sized clothes remains available and on hand. 

e. Upon completion, the nurse will check for skin integrity. 

f. The nurse will be requested when the student requires more attention. If the nurse is not immediately available, paraprofessionals in the school who are trained in bathroom/changing protocol can be called for assistance. 

g. If the child is unable to clean independently and requires an adult to clean, two staff members shall be present. 

h. All areas of the classroom and or office shall be inspected for contamination and disinfected immediately. In certain instances, a custodian may need to be requested for cleaning.





Students Name:                                                 _______________________________

Guardian/Caregiver Name.                               _______________________________

Date:                                                                  _______________________________


I,_____________________, as the individual or legal guardian of the individual named above, hereby provide informed consent for the implementation of the Toileting Assistance Plan. I have been informed about the plan's purpose, procedures, and objectives and understand the necessity of providing assistance in toileting. I acknowledge and understand the following:

I have been informed that the purpose of the toileting assistance plan is to ensure the safety, comfort, and well-being of my child during toileting activities while respecting their dignity and autonomy. I understand that the assistance provided will be tailored to my child's needs and capabilities. This may include support in transferring, clothing adjustments, hygiene practices, and maintaining a clean and safe environment. I am aware that all efforts will be made to ensure the privacy and dignity of my child during the assistance process. Proper screening and appropriate language will be used to maintain their comfort. I understand that proper hygiene practices will be followed during the assistance, including the use of gloves, handwashing, and the use of necessary equipment to ensure safety. I acknowledge that my child's preferences and choices will be respected whenever feasible. The level of assistance provided will align with their autonomy while ensuring their safety. I am aware that open communication is essential. I will be informed about any changes or concerns related to my child's toileting routine. I will also provide feedback and inform the team about any changes or concerns I have. I understand that the team is trained to handle emergencies related to toileting and will prioritize my child's safety and well-being in such cases. I am aware that written documentation related to the assistance process may be maintained for the purpose of monitoring and continuous improvement of the plan.

By signing below, I confirm that I have read, understood, and agreed to the above information regarding the toileting Assistance Plan for___________________. I provide my informed consent for the implementation of this plan.

Signature of Individual or Legal Guardian:     _______________________________

Date:                                                                 _______________________________

Organization Representative (Printed Name): _______________________________

Signature:                                                         _______________________________

Date:                                                                 _______________________________

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Bogotá - Colombia