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CNG Child and Adolescent Protection Manual: Overnight Trips Behaviour Management Procedure

CAPM_Overnight Trips Behaviour Management Procedure

Overnight Trips Behavior Management Procedure



Overnight trips are a moment when everyone has a great learning experience. However, there are times when disciplinary action may be necessary in order to ensure the safety of students and staff. When identifying a situation that requires disciplinary action, implementing a fair and reasonable solution not only provides protection of health and ensures the safety of participants but also supports the goal of creating an enriched learning environment for all students.

Key guidelines:

  1. Students' safety should be a priority by ensuring compliance with child protection, professional boundaries protocols, and appropriate student-to-student interaction as aligned with our code of honor. (Spanish Child protection, English Child protection)    
  2. All school rules will be in effect at all times as stated in the CNG Code of Honor and Disciplinary Policy.
  3. The focus is on prevention (eg: separating students that feel uncomfortable around each other), not being reactive.
  4. Consequences should be authentic and match the actions. (eg. If there is misbehavior in an activity the consequence may be removal from the next activity).
  5. There should be clear communication with the student about the behavior and possible consequences.
  6. Individual actions will be examined and group consequences will be avoided whenever possible.
  7. Contact with parents will only be by the trip leader or administrator.
  8. When in doubt, contact Nicolette Was / Andres Silva and / or administration Students and adults are expected to sleep in separate locations. Exceptions to this rule may be made when there is a safety concern ( illness, self harm risk, behavior). In these situations adult chaperones will accompany students in a location that is easily visible and accessible to others.
  9. Any incidents will be reported using the following discipline report and student reflection form

Student expectations:

  • Students are expected to behave in a respectful and appropriate manner at all times and with all adults and children.
  • Any student to student conflicts or inappropriate behavior should be reported  to a CNG staff member.
  • If students have any concerns about an adult's interactions with them, or with other students, they should  find another adult to report this to.
  • Students are required to observe the rules and regulations of all hotels, educational institutions, sites, and transportation companies used during the trip.
  • Students must remain with their group at all times.
  • Students, who take any valuable personal items on the trip, do so at their own risk. Neither CNG nor the chaperones are responsible for lost or stolen items.
  • Students are NOT allowed to take electronic devices such as mobile phones, I-pods to the trips. If found under their possession during the trip, they will be confiscated by chaperones and given back to the students upon return to Bogotá. Exceptions to this rule may be made by the Co-Curricular Activities Office or School Principal (for instance bi nationals).
  • Students are not permitted at any time to enter rooms that have not been allocated to them.
  • Students must report any medical situation (either personal or of a classmate) to the CNG staff and /or staff member from the outdoor company immediately.
  • Students who decide to swim or dive may only do so under adult supervision and in designated areas.
  • Students are required to wear a life jacket at all times during water-related activities. (kayak, boat, canoe, etc.)
  • Students on Probationary Behavior Status are not allowed to participate in programs that take place off campus.  This status, depending on behavior, is either continued or cleared at the end of each marking period

These rules apply to all CNG outings, but additional rules may apply in certain trips and will be communicated.

Students who fail to abide by these behavior expectations, will be sent home at their parents’ expense and will receive disciplinary referrals upon their return to school. Each case will be handled independently and according to the specific situation by CNG Administration

Establishing a course of action:

Disciplinary action will be in response to any one of the following:

ESTABLISHING A COURSE OF ACTION: Disciplinary action will be in response to any one of the following:



  • Bringing electronics, phones, food, alcohol, vape pens, drugs
  • Buying inappropriate items
  1. eg: t. shirt with inappropriate language
  2. eg: purchasing food when specifically told not to
Teamwork / Collaboration
  • Choosing not to work in groups
  • Sabotaging group work
Group Management
  • Lack of cleaning- rooms, bus, snacks, restaurants, etc
  • Punctuality to activities
  1. eg: a student who is repeatedly late to activities which impacts the running of the activity
Disruptive Behavior
  • Not listening
  • Not following following activity procedures
  • Negative bus behavior
  1. eg: not using the provided seatbelt: moving around the bus
  • Disruptive behavior in public
Safety Issues
  • Not following safety procedures
  • Behavior that puts others at risk
  • Sneaking out of rooms
Harassment / Exclusion
  • Any type of exclusion- during activities, in rooms, or anywhere on trip- by a person or group
  • Harassment of all types - verbal, physical, emotional
  • Intentional or accidental damage to location
  • Graffiti
Repetitive Negative Behaviors
  • Any repeated activity after being verbally warned
Serious/Grave Behaviors
  • Causing harm or injury to another person
  • Jeopardizing the security of an individual or the group
  • Dunking, pushing, shoving which can lead to harm or injury to another person
  • Issues of a sexual nature- harassment, photos, etc
  • Drugs and alcohol Repetitive bullying

CAPM_TYPES OF CONSEQUENCES (in order of gravity)

TYPES OF CONSEQUENCES (in order of gravity)

  • Teacher / Outdoor Company staff
  • Trip leaders - CNG and Outdoor Company
  • Administration - phone call with Principal/Associate
  • Written warning and/or written behavior contract
Confiscation of item(s)
  • Take electronics, phone, food, etc
  • Return at end of trip or dispose
Proximity- be near adult
  • Sit near adult - bus, meals, activity
  • Walk near adult during hike
Parent Contact
  • Students write an explanation and reflection - take photo and send to parents
  • Students call home and tell parents what they did
Write reflection and/or apology
  • Write reflection on what happened
  • Write letter of apology to staff, hotel, vendors, etc
Change activity groups (separate from conflict/friends)
  • For one activity
  • For rest of the trip
Complete additional task
  • Cleaning- bus, room, etc
  • Helping set up/take down
Removal from activity
  • Stay in hotel or room (a CNG adult should be seated outside of the room with the door partially open)
  • Sit out full or part of activity (does not participate in given activity)
Change sleeping arrangements
  • Change rooming groups - one night or rest of trip
  • In an individual room with the door open and a CNG adult sitting outside of the entrance to ensure the student remains in the room and no self-harm will occur.
Send home
  • If a student needs to be sent home as a consequence of inappropriate behavior parents will be billed for any extra costs involved in sending their child home.

CAPM: POLICY: In determining a student in need of Disciplinary Action, the following steps will be implemented:

POLICY: In determining a student in need of Disciplinary Action, the following steps will be implemented:

Verbal or written warning to the student (including an explanation).
  • The warning may come from a teacher, outdoor company (local or our hired partner company)
Verbal conversation with Trip Leader/Administrator. Only the Trip Leader/Administrator may contact parents for disciplinary reasons.
  • This discussion may include if continued attendance is appropriate.
Dismissal from CWW program at parent’s expense, without refund.
  • The final decision lies in the hands of the Trip Leader/ Administrator.

Important note: Administration on the trip AND on campus must be aware of any changes to adults or students participating on a trip.

Colegio NUEVA GRANADA | | Cra 2E No. 70-20 | Phone: (571)212 3511
Bogotá - Colombia