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CNG Athletics: Frequently asked questions


1. On which team should I enroll my child?

Ans: According to the categories established by the year that they were born in:

- Category A: students born from 2004 to 2007.

- Category B: students born in 2008 and 2009.

- Category C: students born in 2010 and 2011.


2. ¿When do the activities begin?

HS - MS: August 28

ES - PS: September 04 


3. ¿Why only one training session per week?

Ans: The number of training sessions are organized according to the events in which they participate and the availability of spaces.


4. Who will be my child's coach?

Ans: Each coach will make a presentation with each team.


5. What championships will they participate in?

Ans: All teams will participate in championships and each coach will provide detailed information.


6. Where should my child report on the first day?

Ans: In the school's libguide will be published the schedules and their respective scenarios. For more information click here.


7. When can I contact the coach?

Ans: Each coach will schedule an initial meeting before the start of the season and will send the presentation with detailed information.


8. What will be the uniform and where can I purchase it?

Ans: The department will send detailed information once the activities have begun.

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Colegio NUEVA GRANADA | | Cra 2E No. 70-20 | Phone: (571)212 3511
Bogotá - Colombia