The School has two invoicing Systems: annual and bi monthly. The annual payment will be made on the matriculation day with a discount of 2% on the total cost of the annual tuition. The bimonthly payments will be made in May, September, November, January and March. In this case parents will have to sign a promissory note on the matriculation day. The transportation and cafeteria contracts are optional. At least one parent has to take the education insurance. For renewal of Registration contract, one of the conditions is that the student has cancelled all educational expenses of the school year immediately preceding. Failure of parents to fulfill their responsibilities will result in a non‐ renewal of the matriculation contract. Seniors eligible for graduation must have all pending fees and debts paid to date in order to participate in CNG’s official Commencement Ceremonies. Families with pending debt beyond two payment cycles cannot matriculate their child(ren) until such time that they complete a written contract payment plan with CNG. All 12th grade students must be paid to date in order to begin class in both first and second semester.