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CNG Rights & Responsibilities

R&R_Classification Of The Situations That Affect The School Community And The Practice Of Human, Sexual And Reproductive Rights

Classification Of The Situations That Affect The School Community And The Practice Of Human, Sexual And Reproductive Rights Covered By Decree 1965

The situations that affect the School Community and the practice of human, sexual and reproductive rights, are classified into three types:

1. Situations Type 1. Correspond to conflicts im- properly handled and those sporadic situations that adversely affect the school climate, and in no case generate damage to the body or health.

2. Situations Type II. Correspond to school aggression, bullying and cyberbullying situations,which will not have the characteristics of a crime and meet any of the following characteristics:

    a. That occur repeatedly and systematically

    b.That cause damage to body or health

without causing a major injury for anyone involved.

3. Situations Type III. Correspond to this type, situations of school aggression that allegedly constitute crimes against freedom, sexual orientation, integrity referred to in Title IV of Book 11 of Law 599 of 2000 or when they constitute any other offense established in Colombian active Criminal Law.

R&R_Protocols Regarding Problems Affecting The School Community In Cases Of School Violence, Harassment Or Infringement Of Sexual And Reproductive Rights

Protocols Regarding Problems Affecting The School Community In Cases Of School Violence, Harassment Or Infringement Of Sexual And Reproductive Rights

The Protocol for School Coexistence refers to a caring model which defines the processes and policies that should be followed by CNG as mandated by Colombian Law, specifically outlined in the National System of School Coexistence and Education for Human Rights, Sex Education, Prevention and Mitigation of School Violence law (Decree 1965 of 2013). The components of the application of this protocol for School Coexistence at CNG involve the following steps:

1. IDENTIFICATION:  Identify situations affecting school coexistence due to harassment or school violence. These have to be referred to the School Coexistence Committee, which will look at documentation of the case, focusing its analysis on the implementation of CNG’s Code of Honor and Disciplinary Handbook. Identification can be carried out through developing a grade-level profile. At the beginning of each school year, each guidance counselor will complete a screening of his/her students both individually and as (a) group(s) identifying strengths, weaknesses, and situations that may negatively impact peaceful coexistence and the exercise of human, sexual, reproductive rights, due to harassment and/or school violence.

2. REPORT: This process has the following sub steps: informing, receiving and compiling information, and filing.

3. INTERVENTION: When a case of violence, bullying, and/or aggressive behavior violates human, sexual, and reproductive rights, the guidance counselors will help develop timely, appropriate, ethical, and comprehensive strategies to assist those who have been impacted (the child, adolescent, father, mother, or guardian, and/or teacher). School Administration will also intervene in the event that disciplinary measures are required aligned with the CNG Honor Code and Disciplinary Policy.

NOTE: The counseling component may involve outside professionals when the seriousness of the allegation, the surrounding circumstances, and the physical and/or psychological damage to the children involved are beyond the mission of the educational establishment.

4. MONITORING: The monitoring component focuses on the timely reporting of information to the Unified Information System of School Coexistence which will keep track of the state of each of the reported cases of attention.

The situations that affect the School Community and the practice of human, sexual and reproductive rights, are classified into three types.

Each situation has a determined protocol under Colombian law as follows:

Type I Situations correspond to conflicts improperly handled and those sporadic situations that adversely affect the sch ool climate and in no case generate damage to the body or health.

Protocol for Type I Situations: The teacher or staff member who witnesses a situation should strive to meet immediately with the parties involved in the conflict and mediate in a pedagogical way for them to present their views and seek resolution. If there is a need for follow up, the teacher will report the case to the Associate Principal, Principal, or Program Director.

1. Inform the Associate Principal, Principal, or Program Director through a written report.

2. Inform parents or guardians of the situation of the parties involved.

3. The teacher who witnessed the situation, in collaboration with the Associate Principal, Principal, or Program Director, will determine a solution in an impartial, fair and just manner, aiming to seek compensation for damage caused, the restoration of rights and reconciliation, in a climate of constructive relations between the parties involved. This can be achieved using the Restorative Circles model.

4. The Associate Principal, Principal, or Program Director will update the student’s Discipline Report in the School Information System (Skyward).

5. The teacher who witnessed the situation, Associate Principal, Principal, or Program Director should do the follow-up on the case and of the commitments in order to verify if the solution was effective or if it requires further intervention. (Protocols established in Colombian Law, Articles 43 and 44 of Decree 1965 of 2013.)

Protocol for Type II Situations

1. Provide immediate physical and mental health care to person(s) affected.

2. Inform the administrative authorities of the situation, especially when measures to restore rights are required.

3. Take protective measures for those involve, to avoid any action against them.

4. Create opportunities to expose and clarify what happened.

5. Parents or guardians of all students involved will be informed immediately by the Associate Principal, Principal, or Program Director. Minutes of the meeting will be kept and stored in the Student File(s).

6. Measures will be taken to protect students from possible retribution. This will be reflected in the Discipline Record in the Student Information Software (Skyward)

7. The Associate Principal, Principal, or Program Director will ensure confidential, private, and safe spaces where the parties involved as well as their parents or guardian, can openly share what happened/is happening.

8. The School Coexistence Committee, considering the educational and pedagogical strategies and sanctions set forth in Chapter VII of Title V, will determine the restorative actions needed to repair damages and restore the rights and provide reconciliation within a climate of constructive relations in School. They will also determine the applicable consequences for those who have contributed or participated in the reported situation.

9. The Chairman of School Coexistence Com- mittee will inform the other members of this committee, about the situation and the measures taken. The committee will conduct the analysis and monitoring, in order to verify if the solution was effective or if it requires adding the protocol set out in Colombian Law, Article 44 of Decree 1965 of 2013.

Type III Situations correspond to situations of school aggression that allegedly constitute crimes against freedom, sexual orientation, integrity referred to in Title IV of Book 11 of Law 599 of 2000, or when they constitute any other offense established in Colombian active Criminal Law.

Protocol for Type III Situations

1. In cases of damage to body or health, immediate referral and attention by outside physical and mental health professionals is guaranteed. Records of referrals and follow up should be kept by the Guidance Counselor.

2. Parents or guardians of all students involved will be informed immediately by the Associate Principal, Principal, or Program Director. Minutes of the meeting will be kept and stored in the Student File(s).

3. The Chairman of School Coexistence Com- mittee will immediately and quickly put the matter to the attention of the National Police. Minutes of the meeting will be kept and stored in the Student File.

4. Notwithstanding, the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the members of the School Coexistence Committee will be cited under the terms set out in the Manual of Coexistence. This citation shall be recorded.

5. The Chairman of the School Coexistence Committee will inform the members of said committee, providing facts without disclosing information that may violate the right to privacy and confidentiality of the parties involved as well as the report given to the competent authority.

6. Although the situation was taken to the competent authorities, the School Coexistence Committee shall immediately adopt the School’s own measures aimed to protect, within the scope of its powers, the victim, the person to whom the aggression is credited and those who have reported or are part of the situation presented. This should be recorded.

7. The Chairman of the School Coexistence Committee will report the information of the case to the applicable system of Unified Information of School Coexistence.

8. The cases under this protocol will be monitored by the School Coexistence Committee, the authority that acknowledged the situation and the committee of the municipality, the district, or the department (state) for School Coexistence that exercises jurisdiction over the educational establishment which presented the incident.


R&R_The Comprehensive Care Model, will have the following components

The Comprehensive Care Model, will have the following components

Promotion Component. Colegio Nueva Granada will foster skill development and the exercise of human rights through holistic pedagogical processes within the Curriculum and the Units Plan. For such purpose, it will facilitate a school environment that fosters personal growth and training of those who are part of the school.

Prevention Component. The main pillar of this component focuses on the correct application of the principle of equality as defined in Article 13 of the Political Constitution. This is how it contributes to the decline of the social, cultural and contextual gaps providing a fair, equitable and humane treatment of all students and other members of the school community. In this way it minimizes the factors that generate violence within the school.

Caring Component. Is based on the permanent support that must be provided to students initially by the Counselor or the homeroom teacher and at the same time the teacher in charge of the pedagogical process at every moment of the school life. When an act of violence, bullying or aggressive behavior that violates human and reproductive rights occurs, the teacher who initially knows the case will use dissuasive methods to avoid it from becoming

discussed by the community and will give immediate notice to the Director of the School, for evaluation, and if deemed advisable, summon the Comité de convivencia Escolar. All the events will be registered in order to be submitted to the Sistema Nacional de Convivencia Escolar for the pertinent effects.

Promotion, Prevention, and Caring Component

  • Promote universal core values (CNG Code of Honor, Disciplinary Policy, and Character for Life)

  • Define character to include thinking, feeling, and acting (Principle 2)

  • Use a comprehensive, multi-level approach (Stand4cng, Restorative Practices)

  • Create a caring community (Fundación Hogar Nueva Granada, Community Service and Social Responsibility, Proyecto Vida)

  • Provide students with opportunities for moral action (Student Organizations)

  • Offer a meaningful and challenging academic curriculum (AP Academy, Gifted & Talented Program)

  • Foster self-motivation in students (Life Skills, Honor Roll, Honor Societies)

  • Engage all school staff as a learning community (Professional Learning and school-wide surveys)

  • Encourage shared leadership and shared responsibilities (PTA, Parent Council, Academic Council))

  • Involve families as partners (Parent Conferences, open houses, IEPs and ILPs)

  • Honor the broader culture and essence of the school (The CNG Way, Cultural Competence)

  • Competencias ciudadanas and “Cátedra de Paz” (Colombian Ministry of Education)

  •  Sexual Gender Diversity Alliance (SGDS)

Colegio NUEVA GRANADA | | Cra 2E No. 70-20 | Phone: (571)212 3511
Bogotá - Colombia