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CNG Rights & Responsibilities

R&R_Guidelines Overview

Guidelines Overview

An effective educational program depends upon the enthusiasm, cooperation, and support of every member on the faculty/staff. It is our desire for these guidelines to assist in carrying out these responsibilities. Guidelines, no matter how encompassing, cannot anticipate all situations that may be encountered. In situations for which specific provisions have not been made, staff members are expected to use good judgment and to act according to the best interests of the students and the School, following the proper procedures and processes.

The overall administration of the School is the responsibility of the School Director. The organization and administration of each school is the responsibility of its principal and associate principal/administrative support coordinator when appropriate. The secretaries in the school offices have full‐time responsibilities assigned by the principal. These duties preclude their availability for clerical tasks that are the responsibility of individual faculty members. Other administrative staff have specific responsibilities to support the overall functioning of the school as a whole. Teachers have the main responsibility of the teaching processes throughout the school.

All staff has a right to safe and respectful working conditions in order to contribute to the fulfillment of CNG’s Vision, Mission, Core Values, and philosophical statements. The School may offer opportunities for professional learning to assure continuous improvement and growth by faculty/staff. Further information is available in the CNG Staff Handbook.

It is the responsibility of every faculty/staff member to be an example and model of the principles that the school conveys, thus following the CNG Code of Honor and Disciplinary Policy at all times and in all places. Faculty/Staff must cooperate with parents to assure the best education possible for the students according to CNG’s Vision, Mission, Core Values, and philosophical statements. It is their duty to ensure that students follow and comply with CNG’s Code of Honor and Disciplinary Policy which outlines the rules, regulations, and procedures, as well as the disciplinary processes established by the School.


R&R_General Behavior and Discipline

General behavior and discipline

All staff members are expected to be positive role models for students; therefore, all staff members must comply with the CNG Code of Honor and Disciplinary Policy and School regulations more fully outlined in the Staff Handbook.

CNG applies a system of progressive disciplinary action, though in the case of serious and/or grave offenses, the administration reserves the right to impose appropriate consequences with immediate effect. Any employee may be disciplined by his/her principal or supervisor for violations of the Code of Honor and Disciplinary Policy , school policy, or expectations of professional behavior outlined in the Staff Handbook. When this is necessary, either a verbal or written reprimand may be issued. At the minimum, a memo is placed in the employee’s personnel file. If the situation is more serious, the individual may be requested to attend a formal hearing (Descargos) before the Human Resources Director and principal and/or associate principal/administrative support coordinator. The School Director, after Due Process has been followed, determines what sanctions to impose. They may include suspension with or without pay, or termination of employment.

Restorative Practices

CNG is committed to the philosophy of Restorative Practices that may include the following :

  • Informal Circles

  • Formal conferences

  • Reparation to all individuals affected

Disciplinary consequences may be influenced by the participation in a positive manner and compliance with restorative conference agreements.

R&R_Tutoring Policy for Cng Faculty and Staff

Tutoring policy for CNG faculty and staff

Students are able to get additional help from faculty/staff during scheduled Opportunity Days.

CNG employees may provide academic tutoring to CNG students they are not teaching in the academic school year.

When requested by parents and confirmed by teachers, faculty/staff members are allowed to provide individual or small-group instruction or learning assistance to students outside regular class time.

The policy statement outlined below serves to define conditions for tutoring to ensure that internal procedure are clearly established and in the best interest of all involved parties.

Condition for Tutoring :

Administration at each respective building level should be made aware of all private tutoring arrangements of their faculty/staff members.

The current classroom teacher of the student should be informed in writing if a member of faculty/staff is tutoring the child in a private arrangement. This notice will ensure better continuity and planning for both the classroom teacher and the faculty/staff member who is doing the tutoring. The child must not be enrolled in the teacher’s current class to avoid conflict of interest.

All tutoring must occur outside regular contractual hours (i.e., before 7:00 a.m. and after 2:15 p.m. on the two days established for leaving early or after 3:30 p.m. on the three days established for meetings/opportunity times for teachers and staff in PS, MS, and HS; and before 8:00 a.m. on the two days established for arriving late and after 3:30 p.m. for ES teachers and support staff or administration). All planning and preparation for private tutoring must be done outside regular contractual hours.

Tutoring can be done on school premises but only if the School would ordinarily be in session and permission has been sought and approved by the building administrator. Tutoring should not take place on school premises during school holidays or vacation periods.

The School premises may not be used for the private tutoring of children not attending CNG as this presents liability issues for the School.

School resources may only be used with prior consent from the building administrator.. All resources must remain on school premises at all times.

Photocopying for private tutoring must be paid for on a personal basis by the tutor. All invoicing/payment for tutoring services must be handled between the teacher and parent.

All applicable school policies should be adhered to when tutoring whether on or off school premises (i.e., health and safety, professional conduct, and confidentiality to preserve student rights). Even though tutoring reflects a private arrangement between a family and a teacher, it is important that tutoring sessions reflect the same high standards of regular instruction at school.

CNG encourages teachers who are asked to tutor and may believe that parents have unreasonable expectations for the tutoring process to have conversations with the principal of the building level of the child to ensure that accepting the tutoring job will not implicate the teacher or school negatively.

The school prohibits the tutoring of children in preparation for the admission to CNG at one’s own grade (i.e., a K5 teacher tutoring a K5 applicant) or if the teacher/staff member is involved in the testing process at CNG (e.g., an ES counselor or LC staff member).

The child must not be in the teacher’s current class or service area to avoid any potential conflict of interest.

In addition, a teacher or support staff member cannot tutor a child in any way that would supplant/replace services normally available as part of the CNG program such as learning support services or advanced programs.


R&R_Private Counseling/Therapy Policy for Cng Faculty and Staff

Private Counseling/Therapy policy for CNG faculty and staff

As per professional standards of ethical practice,* CNG employees may not accept a referral or work as counselors, life coaches, or therapists, in private practice, with CNG students/families. Exceptional cases will be formally reviewed by selected members of the Director ́s Committee.

American School Counselor Association ASCA Ethical Standards for School Counselors (2016), section A6.H

More information in relation with teacher’s regulations, procedures, protocols and contractual guidance is available in the Staff Handbook


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Bogotá - Colombia