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CNG Assessment Model & Protocol

AMP_Attendance Policy


CNG expects students to be in attendance each and every day that school is scheduled. Absences implicate not only the student who is absent but can negatively impact the learning of other students in the class. Parents should plan vacations, medical appointments, and other non- school events around school holidays and school hours whenever possible. CNG has implemented the following policies and procedures to encourage regular attendance.

Parents and students are expected to review Skyward on a regular basis and address any issues they see with either tardies or absences with their students/parents and/or administration to ensure records are accurate.

Parents must report student absences to the division office within 48 hours of the absence for it to be counted as excused. Parent reports after that time will be noted but not generally excused. For students who are absent due to an illness of three or more days, an official doctor’s note (incapacidad) must be delivered to the building administrative assistant in charge of attendance or sent scanned via email to the appropriate building.

For all absences that can be planned in advance (both personal and school sponsored), students must complete a Pre-Arranged Absence Form. We require students to fill out a Pre-Arranged Absence Form if they are going to miss one or more class(es) and know about the absence in advance. The form has space for writing additional information as well as explaining the reason behind the absence. These forms require students to talk with each of their teachers to make plans for the learning that will be missed during the absence as well as have their parents sign that they are aware of the absence. Additionally, students need to turn the Pre-Arranged Absence Form into the office and, frequently, this also requires having a conversation with an administrator about the absence. We believe this helps our students build the responsibility they will need throughout their lives in the world of work.

Absences are Excused for:

(last updated June 14, 2019)

1. Illness or treatment (with medical note)

2. Unavoidable cause (e.g. accident, natural catastrophe)

3. Issues with school-provided transportation 4. Behavioral consequences
5. Religious celebrations
6. Field trip organized by the school

7. Student athletes selected to represent national/district events (Decree 2845 of 1984, article 48, required by law for athletes)

8. Passport/visa issues or legal/Embassy appointments

9. Transition visits or testing for other schools (for departing students)

10. AP Exams (in HS)

11.Other absences caused by extenuating circumstances, must be petitioned through a Pre-Arranged Absence Form or letter and will be reviewed by the division administration and/or committee.

The request in a Pre-Arranged Absence Form may or may not be granted by the building administrator and/or committee. Please note that although a Pre-Arranged Absence Form may not be approved and the absence excused, it is the student’s responsibility to submit a form for any advance absences they may have as these documents become part of the student’s CNG record.

Excessive unexcused absences will result in administrative action.

Early Departure from Campus

Parents are requested to follow the proper procedures at each building to request a student leave early.

• Parents must contact the building level attendance office at least two (2) hours prior to the request for students to leave school early. If the parent fails to send the email prior to two (2) hours of dismissal, they must personally come and sign the student out. Please note that maids, nannies, drivers, and other employees of the parent may not come to the building office in place of a parent or guardian.

Bus Passes

• Students who need to go home on a different school bus route, need to have parents email the building office dismissal system by 11:00 AM (12:00 PM for ES) and include the bus number, the name of the stu- dent their child is going home with and/or the address of the place where the student needs to be dropped off.

Number of Absences

• Primary/Elementary School - If a student has been absent (unexcused) for more than twelve (12) school days during the first two trimesters, s/he may be placed on Matricular Hold due to missed instructional hours.

• Middle School - If a student by the end of semester one ( January) has been absent (unexcused) for more than five (5) classes per course in a semester, s/he may be placed on Matricular Hold due to missed instructional hours.

• High School - If a student by the end of semester one ( January) has been absent (unexcused) for more than five (5) classes per course in a semester, s/he may be placed on Matricular Hold. Additionally, if a HS student has more than five unexcused or excused absences, with a few exceptions for the latter, in a particular course within a semester, s/he may need to make up hours to ensure credit can be granted.

High School Section Only

Absences & Missing Work/Assignments

• “All Learning is Mandatory at CNG”

• If missing work due to absence is not turned in on time, students must make arrangements with the subject teacher to complete the missing work to address the content standards. This may include attending Opportunity Days, working through lunch time, and/ or completing alternative assignments at the teacher’s discretion. It is the student’s responsibility to demonstrate the learning standards.

• If missed work is not turned in by the two week deadline, students will receive a “0” for each standard assessed in the assignment according to the CNG Assessment Model Protocol. This will also impact Core Values grades.

Pre-Arranged Absence

• It is the responsibility of students to ensure they communicated first with their Associate Principal regarding any Pre-Arranged Absence for school-related and non-school related activities. This communication should take place at least three (3) days prior to being off campus. Unless there are extenuating circumstances, requests made after the three (3) day deadline will not be approved, and therefore, the absence will not be excused.

• For non-school related Pre-Arranged Absences, students must obtain PRE-APPROVAL from the Associate Principal. If approved, the student must inform all teachers three (3) days prior to the absence.

Work Missed During Absences

• Students are required to make up formative/ summative assessments that were due during an absence. Students should be prepared to attend Opportunity Day and/or lunch time sessions as assigned by their teachers to complete all assessments. Students who fail to attend these sessions will be referred to the Office through Skyward for follow-up

by their Associate Principal.

Excessive Absences

• Attendance in class is critical for success at CNG. Students with excessive absences (i.e. more than five (5) classes per course in any one semester) will be referred to the Associate Principal. If it is determined that the absences are not valid / excused, students will face disciplinary consequences under the CNG Code of Honor and Disciplinary Policy as they will be seen as not upholding the CNG Core Values. Students will be expected to attend and make up the work missed as it is the student’s responsibility to demonstrate the content standards.

Excessive Absence Make-Up Classes (EAMUC)

• Students with excessive absences will be required to attend Opportunity Day in the classes in which they have excessive absences. They are expected to be completing work that is overdue, coming due, or preparing for upcoming assessments in any of their courses.



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