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CNG Child and Adolescent Protection Manual: Board Policy and Expectations

CAPM_Board Policy and Expectations


CAPM_Board Policy


As CNG community, we recognize the responsibility to safeguard the well-being of the children and adolescents in our care (“Students”). Domestic violence and/or child abuse are violations of the students’ fundamental human rights and are obstacles to their physical, emotional, and mental development. International school communities are particularly vulnerable, and given the nature of abuse, often requires secrecy, isolation and limited access to support resources. As a school community, we have a duty to take strong proactive measures to address this reality.

CNG is committed to promoting a safe and secure environment by protecting all students under our care. In order to achieve this goal, we will respond with a sense of urgency whenever a student is a victim or is at risk of becoming a victim of domestic violence and/or child abuse. Educators have the opportunity to observe and interact with students over time and are in a unique position to identify students who may need help and protection. As such, educators have a professional and ethical obligation to identify students who are in need of help and protection, and the school must take the appropriate steps to ensure that the student and family avail themselves of the services needed to remedy any situation that may constitute domestic violence and/or child abuse.

All teachers and staff at CNG must report any behavior or signs of domestic violence, neglect, or child abuse, as established in this manual. Reports from Administrators and the follow-up of all cases of behavior or signs of domestic violence, neglect, or child abuse will be conducted in accordance with CNG's regularly updated student protection policy.

CNG supports and complies with all national and international regulations regarding the protection of students. CNG seeks to be a safe haven for students who may be experiencing domestic violence, neglect, or child abuse in any aspect of their lives. CNG will maintain  Children  and Adolescents Protection Policy, regularly inform parents and guardians about key child protection information, teach students appropiate skills and knowledge related to domestic violence, neglect, and/or child abuse, provide annual training for all staff on their key responsibilities, and make every effort to implement strict hiring practices to ensure the safety of students. In case a staff member is reported as an alleged offender, CNG will conduct a thorough investigation following the course of due process carefully determined and aligned with Colombian law, including checking records on the National Police website.

By matriculating their child at CNG, parents agree to work in partnership with the school and abide by the policies adopted by the CNG Board of Directors. The school/parent partnership is essential for providing the highest level of safety and care for our students.

Approved by the CNG Board of Directors

Policy Adopted on September 5, 2016.

Policy Revised to Children and Adolescents Protection on September 9, 2019.

CAPM_The Community


Vulnerable communities include those with minimal law enforcement related to child protection, limited resources to international families, unusually high work stress placed on parents, acceptance of inappropriate behavior towards children (excessive corporal punishment), and unusually high expectations placed on children to achieve. CNG strictly implements our Children and Adolescents Protection Policy, as mentioned in this manual, educates teachers and staff to recognize suspicious behavior of domestic violence and/or child abuse, trains counselors to support students and families in domestic violence and/or child abuse, works to support parents and/or legal guardians in protective behaviors, networks with community and health services for holistic referrals, and partners with local authorities as required by law.

CAPM_The Family


At-risk families include parents and/or legal guardians under stress, families with less perceived support and access to resources, families who are socially isolated, parents who place unusually high expectations on their children and/or adolescents, parental history of inappropriate discipline as children, among others. CNG works with parents and/or legal guardians to discuss appropriate discipline, network with community and health services, and guide parent in child and adolescent protection practices.

CAPM_The Child


At-risk children and adolescents include those with a difficult temperament or who are defiant, with health issues, with social and/or academic difficulties, and those unaware of their rights to protection.

CNG promotes respect and teaches social skills, rights to protection, healthy relationships, assertiveness, and use of support systems.



  1. It is expected that children and adolescents, parents, guardians, teachers, visitors, and other staff members report any behavior or indication of domestic violence, neglect, or child abuse as soon as possible to a counselor or administrator. The administrator will be responsible for determining whether the behavior or indication constitutes inappropriate behavior and for initiating the corresponding protocol.
  2. The administration of CNG will follow "The Protocol for the Care of Minors in Cases of Suspected Violence" for activating the appropriate route and following up on the case.


This Children and Adolescents Protection Manual will be shared with and reviewed by all staff and families to guide us in matters related to the health, safety, and care of every student. This policy is based on U.S.[1] and Colombian law[2] as well as developed in accordance to the Principles set forth in the “United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child”.

Schools fill a special institutional role in society as protectors of children and adolescents. CNG seeks to ensure that all students in our care are afforded a safe and secure environment in which to grow and develop.


Reporting and follow-up of all cases involving behaviors or indications of domestic violence, neglect, or child abuse will be carried out in accordance with the procedures described in this policy. Additionally, cases of behaviors or indications of domestic violence, neglect, or child abuse must be reported to the competent administrative and judicial authorities in Colombia, following the “Comprehensive Care Route” for School Coexistence defined by Law 1620 of 2013, to the child protection agency, consulates, and appropriate embassy of the country of origin, in case of an international family.

In order to ensure all students at CNG are protected from domestic violence, neglect and/or child abuse, CNG has adopted children and adolescents’ protection policies and procedures including:


Child and adolescent protection is a multifaceted issue that involves dynamics of the student, the family, and the community. The Children and Adolescents Protection Policy works to respond at three levels: the child/ adolescent, the family, and the community.

[1]U.S. Federal Child Protection Laws: https://www.childwelfare. gov/pubPDFs/majorfedlegis.pdf

[2] Ley Colombiana 1098: senado/basedoc/ley_1098_2006.html Law 1620 of 2013, which creates the National System for Social Harmony in Educational Environments, and Education for the Exercise of Human Rights, Sexual Education and Prevention and Mitigation of School Violence; Decree 1965 of 2013, which develops Law 1620 of 2013; and Law 1146 of 2007, which regulates the prevention and comprehensive assistance of children and adolescents victims of sexual violence.

Colegio NUEVA GRANADA | | Cra 2E No. 70-20 | Phone: (571)212 3511
Bogotá - Colombia