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CNG Child and Adolescent Protection Manual: CNG Professional Boundaries Policy

CAPM_CNG Professional Boundaries Policy



This document provides guidance to all CNG staff members, volunteers, and third-party providers for maintaining a professional role with students. The aim of the document is to ensure that student safety is paramount within our community and to provide appropriate protection for staff in dealing with students.

This CNG’s Professional Restriction Policy seeks to protect students and personnel in charge of the students in risky situations within the context of child protection. We must be aware of our own vulnerability and that of others, especially when working alone with children and young people, and recognize that we are responsible for keeping physical, emotional, and sexual boundaries in these interactions.

CAPM_Examples of Unacceptable Behavior When Dealing With Students



  •  Inappropriate comments about a student’s appearance, intelligence, etc.
  •  Inappropriate conversation or jokes of a sexual or intimidating nature
  • Use of inappropriate pet names
  • Obscene gestures and language
  • Facilitating access to pornographic or overtly sexual material
  • Inappropriate correspondence including personal email, phone, SMS text, WhatsApp and non-institutional social networks (e.g., social contact via Facebook or SMS)
  • Taking pictures of students without explicit parental permission.
  • Publish student pictures


  • Sharing of personal information about other staff or students in a derogatetory/demeaning manner
  • It is appropriate and important at times to draw on relevant personal life experiences when teaching; however, be aware that these comments may be shared and thus should be professional
  • Sharing personal sexual experiences is not considered appropriate


  • Unwarranted and/or inappropriate touching of a student
  • Initiating or permitting inappropriate physical contact by a student, such as a massage or sitting on a lap
  • Avoid touching areas that are normally covered with bathing suits: breasts, buttocks, or groin.
  • When appropriate to hug, do it sideways, above the shoulders, not frontwise
  • It is the responsibility of the adult to establish and respect the limits. When a student tries to involve an adult in inappropriate behavior, the adult must reject this insinuation.
  • In case you need to touch a student (accident, sports training, etc.), always ask for permission before doing it. If the student refuses to be touched, do not touch the student.


  • Being alone with a student outside school and/or after-hours
  • Being in a locked classroom/office alone with a student
  • Driving a student without parental written permission
  • Avoid entering student bathrooms, except for supervision


CAPM_Physical Contact Guidelines


  • Do not touch a student in a way that may be uncomfortable for the student.
  • Avoid touching a student when angry or frustrated.
  • Never touch a student in a sexual way.

Staff members are required to bring to the attention of the building-level supervisor any violations of these guidelines by themselves, colleagues, or other adults on campus.

CAPM_Guidelines For Managing Professional Boundaries


The following guidelines should assist staff members in determining professional boundaries:

  • Am I dealing in a different manner with a particular student than with others under the same circumstances?
  • If a colleague were present, would I say or do this?
  • Is my dress/availability/language different from the normal with a particular student?
  • Are the consequences of my actions likely to have negative outcomes?
  • Are my personal feelings translating into inappropriate actions?
  • Is my conduct with a student demeaning, or be littling him/her?
  • Could my behavior be misinterpreted in any way?
  • Am I reacting out of anger or frustration?

CAPM_Professional Boundaries Related To Physical Restraint


  • If a student is presenting hostile, aggressive, or highly disruptive behaviors and refuses to leave the classroom, then the teacher should immediately call the office for support. The building administrator should determine follow-up steps. Ideally, one adult stays with the student in crisis, and the other adult stays with the rest of the class.
  • CNG staff should not physically restrain a student unless there is an imminent threat to the student’s own safety or to others (e.g., jumping out of a window, having a physical altercation, or running into traffic)
  • Any incidents of this nature must be documented and brought to the immediate attention of the building Principal and, if appropriate, the Learning Center Director.

CAPM_Disciplinary Action


Staff violations of this policy may result in disciplinary action up to and including dismissal. As part of Colombian law, violations will be taken to the ‘Comité de Convivencia Escolar’. Any violation may also be reported to the appropriate authorities.

Colegio NUEVA GRANADA | | Cra 2E No. 70-20 | Phone: (571)212 3511
Bogotá - Colombia