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CNG Athletics: Character in Athletics

Coaching the CNG Way-

Colegio Nueva Granada (CNG), a K-12 school in Bogotá, Colombia, launched Coaching the CNG Way to fully embody our vision of developing student-athletes minds, bodies, and character. “11 Principles of Effective Character Education” and the “CNG Core Values” are the guiding standards to Coaching the CNG Way. Additionally our Athletics Leadership Program in the High and Middle School division, not only focuses on individual and team development but also the community we can make an impact on (CNG younger divisions, Hogar Fundacion Nueva Granada, UNCOLI, ACCAS, and International Schools). Coaches receive professional development to integrate Character Education into planning for efficient implementation. Coaches additionally attended many of the workshops and training teachers receive. The result is that expectations of Character Education are becoming uniform inside and outside school and on and off the court as the gap between the academic and athletic programs shrinks. 

The impact has been extraordinary. Demonstrating outstanding character has become the CNG Way as our students internalize the high expectations. We continually lead our league in Fair Play indicators and often win sportsmanship honors. Parents are even beginning to change as the community holds itself accountable. Finally, we wish to share our learning. CNG is leading professional development in the region in character and developing the whole child. We are aiming to be a lighthouse in the region for excellence and character in athletes.

Colegio NUEVA GRANADA | | Cra 2E No. 70-20 | Phone: (571)212 3511
Bogotá - Colombia