Like, Literarily! is a High School magazine published twice a year by high school students at Colegio Nueva Granada, CNG. It features students' poetry and fiction, both in English and in Spanish, as well as art. The characteristic peculiarity and purpose of this magazine is that it gives students the opportunity to simulate a real-life editorial board, with a managing editor, a marketing representative, a Spanish poetry editor, an English poetry editor, a Spanish fiction editor, and English fiction editor, an art editor, and a design editor. Students get to practice the dynamics of scheduling dates of publication, calling for contributions, editing work, writing letters of acceptance with or without modifications and rejection of works, designing the layout of the publication, proofreading, getting the money to print the issue, getting invoices and finding the cheapest and most efficient printer, meeting together regularly to orchestrate the release of a commonly agreed upon issue, and so forth. The magazine stimulates the production of polished writing in Spanish and English classes, and provides authentic learning experiences that prepare students who are interested in this field for success as potential editors or managers of publishing houses in the labor force.