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PC_Parent Council Grade Level Representative Volunteer Agreement

I, ____________________________, as a member of Colegio Nueva Granada’s PARENT COUNCIL, agree to the following:

1. Role Model

As a member of the CNG leadership:

  • I abide by the Code of Honor and am a model CNG community member.

  • I immediately declare any personal conflict of interest that may come to my attention.

  • I support the needs of the teachers, students, and school community.

  • I respect and promote school regulations and established procedures and guidelines.

2. Institutional Support

  • As a volunteer at CNG, I discuss my concerns with members of my volunteer group and respect the Communications Flow Chart

  • I support the institution on all matters of policy, regardless of my personal views.

  • I understand and comply with CNG policy that only the school Director can address the media on matters pertaining to students and our school community.

3. Confidentiality

Definition: Confidentiality means protecting all personal data, information, records, or reports kept by the school regarding any member of the CNG community. It also includes any event or conversation that takes place at school or school-related/ sponsored events.

Parent Council members have a position of trust and any breach in confidentiality has the potential to adversely affect community members.

I keep confidential all information (written or verbal) obtained during the performance of my duties as a CNG Parent Council Member, such as matters brought up at meetings and decisions made.

I further understand that non-adherence to the above constitutes grounds for immediate dismissal from this volunteer body. 

Parent Council Member Signature: ____________________________


PC_ Parent Council Grade Level Representative Volunteer Function

CNG Primary and Elementary Classroom Representative Volunteer Agreement

CNG Primary and Elementary Classroom Level Representative Volunteer Function

Colegio NUEVA GRANADA | | Cra 2E No. 70-20 | Phone: (571)212 3511
Bogotá - Colombia