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Copy of CNG Board Policy Manual Horizontal: SECTION 1: THE SCHOOL

BPD_1.010: School Legal Status


The name of the school is Colegio Nueva Granada (CNG). The school is a private, non-profit, tuition-based, Pre-Kindergarten through Twelfth Grade School. Accordingly, the school is based upon international pedagogical educational standards and is organized in a manner consistent with comparable schools, and the basic school program is taught in English. However, it is the belief that the school has inherent national and international qualities due to its setting in Colombia and due to the diverse international backgrounds of the school population. It is believed that modifications to the traditional Colombian program to complement the school's international setting and population are necessary. Other modifications may include but are not limited to, English as a Second Language instruction and the inclusion of Colombia culture, history, and geography as well as individualized educational offerings for special needs students for reasons including learning disabilities and/or gifted-and-talented abilities.

Legal Status of the School in Colombia

Colegio Nueva Granada (CNG) is a private school for the benefit of the local and foreign community to be governed and directed as set forth in the bylaws and policies. The institution falls under the legal jurisdiction of the laws, rules and regulations of Colombia.

Governance of the School is exercised by the parent-elected Board of Directors.



Revised: 06/2018

Updated: 08/2021

BPD_1.030: Instructional Guidelines and Objectives


Colegio Nueva Granada will strive to provide quality education that will permit and assist every student:

1. To acquire a mastery of the academic skills required to achieve success in a college-preparatory program. To master verbal and mathematical communication skills.

2. To acquire a positive attitude toward learning. To acquire the greatest possible understanding and appreciation of oneself and the world around us.

3. To acquire an understanding and appreciation of persons belonging to the many social, cultural, and national groups different from his/her own.

4. To learn to be a responsible citizen, aware and responsive to the needs of others.

5. To understand how to keep healthy-both emotionally and physically.

6. To receive the opportunity and the encouragement to be successful and creative in one or more areas.

7. To understand and appreciate human achievements in the natural sciences, the social sciences, the humanities, and the arts.

8. To prepare for and live in a world of rapid change.

9. To acquire knowledge and skills that will help all students compete in a global economy and allow them to lead lives with integrity and satisfaction both as global citizens but also as individuals, including hands-on service-learning experiences.

To achieve these goals, the curriculum of Colegio Nueva Granada will reflect the following guidelines:

1. The curriculum will be Colombian/U.S. based and modified where possible to provide an international perspective.

2. The curriculum will provide a rigorous, challenging and consistent program that will capture students’ interests but will also prepare them for lifelong learning.

3. The curriculum should be complete and balanced within the limitations of resources and facilities.

4. The curriculum in each subject should reflect a coherent, orderly progression through the grades.

5. Because many international students attend the School only a few years, the curriculum should be designed to permit students to enter this School and other schools with minimum academic dislocation.

6. Within the limits of our resources, the curriculum should offer special opportunities for students of all needs.

7. The curriculum should be enriched by taking full advantage of our situation in an international setting.

8. The curriculum should be continuously reviewed by the professional staff and periodically evaluated by the Board to ensure that it meets the needs of students to ensure continuous improvement.



Revised: 06/2018

Updated: 08/2021

BPD_1.050: Community Involvement in Decision Making


Residents of the community who are especially qualified because of training, experience, or personal characteristics shall be encouraged to take an active part in school affairs.

Such persons, when not connected to the School as Directors or employees, may be invited to advise and assist, individually or in groups.

The Board of Directors invites such assistance in specific areas after consultation with the Director. The Board of Directors and staff shall give substantial weight to the advice which they receive from individuals and community groups interested in the School, especially those individuals and groups which they have invited or created to advise them regarding specific problems, such as the Parent Council or other officially required groups. However, the Board of Directors and staff shall use their own best judgment in arriving at decisions.


See Appendix 3: Essential Communication Chart



Revised: 06/2018

BPD_1.070: Student Involvement in Decision Making


The Board of Directors may consider student opinions in establishing policies, particularly those in the area of student privileges and other areas of special relevance to students.

Students shall be encouraged to establish a Student Council. This council will work closely with the administration. Suggestions, ideas and concerns from the Student Council shall be given administrative consideration for adoption and/or implementation. The Administration will be the conduit for the students to the Board of Directors, including feedback and input from the student-elected Personero and Cabildante.



Revised: 06/2018

Updated: 08/2021

BPD_1.090: School Day


The normal instructional school day for Grades 1-12 will consist of seven and one half (7 1/2) hours per day and Pre-kindergarten and Kindergarten classes will be 7 hours per day inclusive of lunch and any break time. However, under special conditions, a day with a minimum of three and one half (3 1/2) contact hours for Grades 1-12 and three (3) hours for Pre-kindergarten and Kindergarten will be considered an instructional day. These conditions will be determined by the Director and may include, but are not limited to professional development, accreditation, school breaks, severe inclement weather, Dia E, and for other educational or security reasons.



Revised: 06/2018

BPD_1.110: Emergency Procedure Handbook


Proper operation of CNG requires up-to-date contingency plans to handle emergency situations such as natural disasters, civil unrest, military mutiny or potential terrorist attacks that threaten the school directly or the safe transportation of children to and from school.

The Director of CNG will develop/revise/review, by the end of September of each academic year, an Emergency Action Plan that details the steps to be taken under a range of emergency contingencies.

This Emergency Action Plan will be made available to board members, faculty, staff and parents, as well as all embassies and organizations that have children attending CNG. The Plan shall be reviewed annually and updated as required.

At minimum the Emergency Action Plan should include the following:

1. An up-to-date warden system (telephone tree) that provides a mechanism for contacting staff and parents in an emergency.

2. A set of contingency plans that provides guidelines for action under various security situations.

3. A force majeure plan and disaster management and recovery plan.

4. A home-school plan for teaching students in the case of a protracted security situation.



Revised: 06/2018

BPD_1.020: School Mission/Philosophy


- Vision and Purpose:

Educating the mind, strengthening the body, and developing character for leadership and service in the world of today for a better tomorrow.

- Philosophy:

Colegio Nueva Granada is committed to providing a high-quality English language education, rooted in an international oriented curriculum for students from a wide range of nationalities and cultural backgrounds in Bogota, Colombia.

The School pledges to maintain educational excellence and, in order to reach this goal, will:

• Provide a safe, nurturing and friendly environment for all students.

• Recognize the uniqueness and worth of each child.

• Teach the information, skills and processes that prepare students to function effectively in a rapidly changing world.

• Cultivate and encourage in its students an inquisitive nature as well as the love of learning so that both will be life–long endeavors.

• Teach students the methods and disciplines necessary to be able to utilize effective study habits for the rest of their lives.

• Provide instructional programs that stimulate and challenge students, providing for their present and future needs while consistently stretching the limits of their abilities.

• Help and encourage students to develop personal values, which enable them to be responsible members of society and as such to make their own decisions as informed individuals.

• Impart an understanding of the complexity and interdependence of people, cultures and the environment.

• Take advantage of the cultural diversity within the School and the community.

• Participate in service-learning opportunities in the community and region, including interactions with the Fundación Colegio Nueva Granada sister school.

• Provide for students departing CNG to transfer successfully to any other educational institution of similar level and quality.

• Recognize the importance of and encourage cooperation and communication between home and school.

• Prepare students for university studies and/or entrance into the world labor force.



Revised: 06/2018

Updated: 08/2021

BPD_1.040: Discrimination and Harassment


CNG is committed to maintaining a school that is free from discrimination and harassment of any student or employee for any reason. Students and employees of CNG enjoy the right to study and work in an environment free from harassment. Any kind of discrimination or harassment is not tolerated because it jeopardizes the harmonious relationships necessary for the effective operation of the school.

Discrimination includes any action based on gender, race, religion, or sexual orientation that deprives an individual of their full rights as a member of the school community.

Harassment includes hostile, intimidating, or offensive actions and verbal and non-verbal expressions related to an individual’s gender, race, religion, national origin or sexual orientation.


See Appendix 1: Child Protection

See Appendix 2: Rights of Transgender Students



Revised: 06/2018

BPD_1.060: Staff Involvement in Decision Making


The Board of Directors encourages employee participation in operational decision making for the School. Such participation may include, as appropriate, involvement in:

1. Policy development,

2. administrative rules development,

3. budget planning, facilities planning and

4. curriculum development

In the development of regulations and arrangements for the operation of the School, the Director shall include at the planning stage, whenever feasible, those employees who will be affected by such provisions.

The professional staff shall be given full opportunity and encouragement to contribute to curriculum development and to the development of policies and regulations pertaining to the instructional program.

The Director shall develop with employees, channels for the ready communication of ideas regarding the operation of the School. He/She shall weigh with care the counsel given and shall inform the Board of such counsel in presenting recommendations for Board action.



Revised: 06/2018

BPD_1.080: School Year and School Calendar


The school year shall consist of no fewer than 180 instructional days based on accreditation requirements for minimum instructional days. Teachers will be subject to a maximum of 190 contract days.

On or before its regular November meeting, the Board shall adopt the school calendar for the ensuing school year. The Director shall submit a recommended calendar to the Board of Directors in advance of the meeting. The Director’s Council must also approve the calendar.

The school year will normally begin in early August and continue to June. Provision shall be made for holiday periods according to Colombian law and shall also include other appropriate national and religious holidays. The major school holiday will be during the summer months of late June and July.


(See Appendix 1)



Revised: 06/2018

Updated: 08/2021

BPD_1.100: Emergency Closing


The Director is authorized to announce the closing of school if actual or potential hazards threaten the safety and well-being of students or employees. The decision to close the school shall be made by the Director or Acting Director. The Director will use his/her best judgment to also consult professional staff and/or other community agencies responsible for the safety and well-being of the community. The Director will, in addition, either inform and/or consult with the President of the Board of Directors.

Instructional days lost which might cause the number of offered days to fall below the policy minimum shall be rescheduled. The Board of Directors will, with the recommendation of the Director, make such decisions for rescheduling.



Revised: 06/2018

Colegio NUEVA GRANADA | | Cra 2E No. 70-20 | Phone: (571)212 3511
Bogotá - Colombia