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CNG Personero and Cabildante Election Process, Role & Function and Student Council President Role & Function

PCE_Role and Function of Personero, Cabildante & President of Student Council by Colombian Law


PERSONERO: According to Decree 1860/1994 art. 28, the Personero will be represented by a student in the ultimate grade of the school and will be in charge of promoting the rights and duties of the students as established by the Constitution; the law, rules and regulations; and the School Handbook (Manual de Convivencia.) The elected Personero may exercise their position exclusively while they are matriculated at CNG.

The duties established for the Personero include:

a. Using the internal communication channels of the school, the Personero can support the rights and duties of students, ask for the HS/MS/ES Student Councils’ help, and organize meetings or other forms of deliberation.

b. Receive and evaluate complaints and claims that involve student’s rights and those made by any person in the school community that involves students not fulfilling their obligations.

c. Submit initially to the HS/MS/ES Principal (depending on the case) and Colombian Program Director and then to the Director any formal concerns or petitions to protect the rights of students and facilitate the performance of their duties.

d. When considered necessary, follow due process considerations to make an appeal to the Director’s Council regarding any formal concerns or petitions which have not been satisfactorily resolved by the HS Principal and Colombian Program Director and/or Director.

e. The Personero is a member of the Comité de Convivencia Escolar.

f. If the elected Personero does not fulfill his/her duties or submits a letter of resignation, the HS Principal and Colombian Program Director along with the School Director will replace the former Personero with the/Cabildante.

CABILDANTE: Duties for the Cabildante according to Agreement 597, August 21, 2015, of Bogotá City Council states. The elected Cabildante may exercise their position exclusively while they are matriculated at CNG. They have the following rights and duties:

a. Apply as a candidate to serve on the Bogotá Cabildante Roundtable.

b. Develop with the members of the Student Council, necessary proposals, agendas, and possible solutions.

c. Promote opportunities in the school for students to better understand their rights as well as their duties in relation to the protection of the public as well as promote a culture of transparency and rejection of corruption.

d. The Cabildante represents the locality in the District Cabildante Roundtable where the group will find solutions to problems and address complaints related to the locality/community.

e. If the elected Cabildante does not fulfill his/her duties or submits a letter of resignation, the HS Principal and Colombian Program Director along with the School Director will develop a process to replace the Cabildante.

PRESIDENT OF HS STUDENT COUNCIL: The elected HS Student Council President may exercise their position exclusively while they are matriculated at CNG. They have the following rights and duties:

a. Represent the students of the school on the Directors’ Council with voice and vote.

b. Participates in meetings and deliberations of the Directors’ Council, contributing ideas according to the topics on the agenda and/or presenting projects.

c. Belongs to the sub-committees and/or task forces that study proposals, plans, or projects that the Directors’ Council approves.

d. Keeps strict confidentiality of the internal affairs of CNG which are dealt with in the Directors’ Council.

e. Collaborates in compliance with the provisions of the Directors’ Council, related to the organization of the school.

f. All other functions that may be assigned by the Directors’ Council.

g. May appeal to the Directors’ Council decisions made by the School Director regarding requests made by the HS Student Council.


  • The Personero and Cabildante will be chosen within thirty calendar days following the official commencement of classes for each annual academic year.

  • The Personero and Cabildante will be elected by a system of simple majority confidential vote by matriculated students in grades 3-12. (Please see the section on Voting Protocol.)

  • The offices of Personero and HS STUCO President must be filled by different students in the ultimate year at CNG.

  • The elected Personero and Cabildante are non voting members of HS STUCO, NHS, Leadership, and other student organizations


PCE_Additional Comments on the Role & Function of the Personero and Cabildante for CNG


a. The Personero, Cabildante, and HS Student Council President should feel proud of being part of the CNG community and reflect the school’s Vision statement: “Educating the mind, strengthening the body, and developing character for leadership and service in the world of today for a better tomorrow” as well as the CNG Core Values: respect, responsibility, integrity, and caring. The profile for this position will be to represent and demonstrate the fulfillment of the CNG Code of Honor and Disciplinary Policy through word and deed on and off-campus.

b. The Personero, Cabildante, and HS

Student Council President are expected to operate within the limitations of the role and ensure that the Administration is made aware of the voice of the students in an appropriate and respectful manner.

c. The Personero, Cabildante, and HS Student Council President should seek to work productively as a team with the Administration of the school for the benefit of all students.

d. The Personero, Cabildante, and HS Student Council President should meet at a minimum of at least once a month to exchange information they have gathered from the different meetings they attend and participate in. It is very important that they are informed of and agree upon strategies to address students’ needs and/ or concerns.

e. The Personero, Cabildante, and HS Student Council President must keep confidentiality of the information they receive in the different meetings or Councils they attend. Some specific information will not be able to be shared with each other.

f. There are items that will come to the attention of the Personero and Cabildante, and HS Student Council President, that he/she must be able to keep confidential (not sharing with other students, teachers, or adults).

g. The Personero, Cabildante, and HS Student Council President must be available to listen to cases of Serious or Grave discipline which occur in the School and may result in a student being recommended for expulsion by the Administration.

h. The Personero, Cabildante, and HS Student Council President must read and know the rules of the School according to the Manual de Convivencia/School Handbook as well as the CNG Code of Honor and Disciplinary Policy.

i. The Personero, Cabildante, and HS Student Council President must be students in excellent-standing who are respected by peers, embody the CNG Code of Honor, and exemplify adherence to the Disciplinary Policy.

j. The Personero, Cabildante, and HS Student Council President are expected to sign and abide by the Co-curricular Code of Conduct as well as maintain an academic average in accordance with that which is expected of any student participating in school-sponsored activities.

k. The Personero, Cabildante, and HS Student Council President should effectively and respectfully represent CNG when attending meetings and other sessions with other school representatives in Bogotá and Colombia.

l. The Personero will be a member of CNG`s Building Community and Belonging (BCB) Core Team, committed to creating a school community where everyone feels a strong sense of belonging.


Colegio NUEVA GRANADA | | Cra 2E No. 70-20 | Phone: (571)212 3511
Bogotá - Colombia