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CNG Primary School Kinder Four Biliteracy Program: UNIT 1 - SCHOOL

Big Ideas

  • Our school has special places for learning and growing./Nuestro colegio tiene lugares especiales para crecer y aprender.
  • People in our school have different roles./Las personas en nuestro colegio tienen diferentes roles.
  • We agree on school rules so we can all get along and be safe. / En el colegio hacemos acuerdos para seguir las reglas para convivir y estar seguros.

Essential Questions

  • What kinds of activities do we do at school and where do we go? / ¿Qué tipo de actividades realizamos en el colegio y en dónde se realizan?
  • What do different people at school do to help me grow and learn? / ¿Qué hacen las personas del colegio para ayudarme a crecer y aprender?

What can we do to get along with each other? / ¿Qué podemos hacer para tener una buena convivencia?

Social Studies  / Science

  • PK.SOC.3. Demonstrates an understanding of roles, rights, and responsibilities
    • a. Recognizes community workers and their roles and responsibilities.
  • PK.SOC.4. Begins to learn basic civic and democratic principles
    • b. Identifies rules that protect themselves and others
    • e. Follows rules and may remind others of the rules

Language Arts


English Rubric 1st TERM

1st Term Spanish Rubric

Teaching Points English

Teaching Points Spanish


Phonological Awareness PK.ELAL.2. Demonstrates an emerging understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds (phonemes)

a.Begins to recognize and match spoken words that rhyme (e.g., songs, chants, fingerplays).


  • W.PK.1: Use a combination of drawing, dictating, oral expression, and/or emergent writing to state an opinion about a familiar text.


  • PK.ELAL.19. [PKSL.1] Participates in collaborative conversations with diverse peers and adults in small and large groups and during play

a. Follows agreed-upon rules for discussions, including listening to others, taking turns, and staying on topic

Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas


-Describes familiar people, places, things and events.

-PK.ELAL.23. [PKSL.5] Creates a visual display (e.g., drawing, artwork, building, writing).


Science / Social Studies: Task / Product A


  • Circle/point to the picture matching:
    • rules to actions and orally justify their choice in any language they choose.
    • familiar people with the roles they have in school within a graphic organizer.

Tool: Graphic organizer or a poster

Student Configuration: Small group in Center Time

Language Arts: Task / Product B


  • Give one-word responses to show understanding. (new language learners) “That’s the librarian.”
  • Complete a sentence frame (primary language). In recess, we play.
  • Sort pictures to match categories (actions, people, places)
  • Sequence pictures of routines in the proper order.


  • Game with cards of people, events, and places.
  • Pictures of routines in a graphic organizer (schedule).

Student Configuration: The whole group, taking turns.

Unit 1 - Language Needed for the Unit

Word  (Vocabulary)

Sentence (Sentence Frames)





Places: classroom, bathroom, playground, cafeteria, library, main gate, parking lot, office

Roles: (subject) teacher, nurse, office assistant, principal, driver, bus monitor, cleaning lady, janitor, cafeteria helpers, librarian, counselor, doorman, guards, headmaster



Raise your hand

Take turns

Keep your hands to yourself

Wash your hands

Wear your mask

Watch your distance

Clean up

Survival Language:


Lugares:salón, baño, parque, cafetería, biblioteca, puerta principal, parqueadero, oficina,

Roles: profesora/profesor de (materia), asistente de profesora, enfermera, secretaria, monitora, conductor, director de primaria, asistente del director, señora del aseo, persona de servicios generales, ayudante de cafetería, bibliotecóloga, psicóloga, portero, vigilantes, Director del colegio 


Escucha- Levanta la mano

Toma el turno- Siéntate en el tapete, en tu silla

Levántate -Lava tus manos

Usa el tapabocas

Manten tu distancia

Ordenar,-Guardar, Abrir, Cerrar, Recoger, Ayudar, Hacer la fila,


 Palabras Básicas:

¿Dónde es/está...

¿Qué debo hacer...



My teacher is…

My name is..

May I go to the bathroom?

Help, please

Open this for me, please

May I go to the playground?

It's lunch time

Please, tie my shoelace.

I see…


At the  we  _play__.

Mi profesora es..

¿Dónde está el baño?

¿Me ayudas? ¡Por favor!

¿Me abres esto?, ¡Por favor!

¿Puedo ir al parque?

Me amarras los zapatos, ¡por favor!



En el  nosotros


Bridge: KWL / SQA (Lo que Se/Quiero Saber/Aprendí)

  1. Provocation: Walk around the school / Scavenger Hunt- Where can you find_______?
  2. Tap into Prior Knowledge: Pictograph (Draw-tell-label) - English/Spanish

SHARED KWL Picto-chart... keep filling out

Social Studies /Science Instruction: (Lugares)

  • S Inquiry Question: ¿Qué tipo de actividades realizamos en el colegio y en dónde se realizan?

Experiencia: recorrido por el colegio

Building Oracy & Prior Knowledge

  • Pictograph- labeled
  • Q ¿Qué quieres saber? ¿Cuáles son las diferencias...?
  • Agrupar las preguntas para que se ubiquen bajo las 3 preguntas esenciales.


  • Reading Comprehension
    • Read Aloud book(s):

Un león en la Biblioteca Michelle Knudsen

Maisy va a la Biblioteca de Lucy Cousins.

Mi maestra es un monstruo. Peter Brown.

 !Qué nervios! El primer día de escuela Julie Danneberg.

    • Teaching point: Enjoyment
  • Writing (strategies & balanced literacy routines)
    • Teaching point:  respuesta a la lectura
  • Foundational Skills (phonological awareness)
  • Canciones para rutinas y transiciones


  • A - Lo que aprendimos




Social Studies /Science Instruction:(Acuerdos)

  • S Inquiry Question: En el colegio hacemos acuerdos para seguir las reglas para convivir.
  • ¿Qué podemos hacer para tener una buena convivencia?

Experience: Imágenes de absurdos

Building Oracy & Prior Knowledge

  • Pictograph- labeled
  • Q ¿Qué quieres saber? ¿Cuáles son las diferencias...?
  • Agrupar las preguntas para que se ubiquen bajo las 3 preguntas esenciales.


  • Reading Comprehension
    • Read Aloud book(s): No David / Videos
    • El monstruo de colores va al cole
    • Teaching point: Disfrute de la lectura
  • Writing (strategies & balanced literacy routines)
    • Respond to text: (TBD based on the read-aloud book)
  • Foundational Skills (phonological awareness)


  • A - Lo que aprendimos

Social Studies /Science Instruction: (Places)

  • K Inquiry Question: What kinds of activities do we do at school and where do we go?
  • Experience: tour around school

Building Oracy & Prior Knowledge

  • Pictograph- labeled
  • W What we want to know
  • Bundle the questions so they can fall into the 3 essential questions (if possible)

Finding Out

  • Reading Comprehension
  • Writing (strategies & balanced literacy routines)
    • Teaching point: Enjoyment
    • Writing Respond to text
  • Foundational Skills (phonological awareness)

Songs, fingerplays and nursery rhymes.


  • L- What we learned

 WIDA - Checklist - Assessment


Social Studies /Science Instruction: (Roles)

  • SInquiry Question: ¿Qué hacen las personas del colegio para ayudarme a crecer y aprender?
  • Experiencia: Dramatización de los roles de los miembros de la comunidad

Building Oracy & Prior Knowledge

  • Pictograph- labeled
  • Q ¿Qué quieres saber? ¿Cuáles son las diferencias...?
  • Agrupar las preguntas para que se ubiquen bajo las 3 preguntas esenciales.


  • Reading Comprehension
    • Read Aloud book(s): Mimi va a la escuela (En consideración)
    • Teaching point: Disfrute de la lectura
    • Writing (strategies & balanced literacy routines)
    • Teaching point: Respuesta a la lectura
  • Foundational Skills (phonological awareness)


  • A - Lo que aprendimos

Summative Assessment

Social Studies /Science Instruction: (Rules)

  • K  Inquiry Question: What can we do to get along with each other?
  • Experience: Using puppets the  teacher represents situations that suggest the need for rules. 

Building Oracy & Prior Knowledge

  • Pictograph- labeled
  • W What we want to know
  • Bundle the questions so they can fall into the 3 essential questions (if possible)

Finding Out

  • Reading Comprehension
  • Writing (strategies & balanced literacy routines)
    • Teaching point :response  to text
  • Foundational Skills (phonological awareness)

Songs, fingerplays and nursery rhymes.




Social Studies /Science Instruction: (Roles)

  • K  Inquiry Question:
  • What do different people at school do to help me grow and learn?
  • Experience: Interview different members of the community

Building Oracy & Prior Knowledge

  • Pictograph- labeled
  • W What we want to know
  • Bundle the questions so they can fall into the 3 essential questions (if possible)

Finding Out

  • Reading Comprehension
  • Writing (strategies & balanced literacy routines)
    • Teaching point: Response to text
  • Foundational Skills (phonological awareness)

Songs, fingerplays, and nursery rhymes


Bridge (Both languages side by side)

    • What did we learn? (Bridge)
      1. Conceptos - Review the mural and label the parts in the color-coded words
      2. Cross-language connection
        1. Cognates (compare)
        2. Prompts:
          1. Which words sound alike? ¿Cuáles palabras suenan parecido?
        3. Examples: Language Detectives + Detectives del lenguaje.

















Purposeful Play

Building Center

Art Station


Dramatic Play

Sensory Station

For future reference:

Parts of the Unit

Social Studies /Science Instruction:

  • Inquiry Question:
  • Investigations (yes/no Q’s, Visible Thinking Routines, picture sort)
  • Experiments
  • Experiences

Building Oracy & Prior Knowledge

  • T-chart - questions, vocabulary
  • TPR
  • Diagrams - labeled
  • Sentence Frames

Reading Comprehension (strategies & balanced literacy routines)

  • Same teaching points across both languages
  • Different mentor texts

Writing (strategies & balanced literacy routines)

Foundational Skills

Summative assessments are administered at this point, which is considered the end of the unit.

Bridge (Both languages side by side)

  • Summarize in Spanish to share learning
  • Use TPR for key words Spanish to English - read a passage in English and use same movements for cognates - Ss as word detectives
  • Create/select a Spanish text, T & Ss paraphrase into English
  • Contrastive Analysis
    • Cognates - word detectives (picture-word wall), find patterns, t-chart
    • Syntax - Spanish (noun + adj), English (adj + noun) - white house; gender, plural, possessives - el perro de Barbara- Barbara’s dog

Extension Activities

* Adapted from Beeman, K. and Urow, C.(2013). Teaching for Biliteracy: Strengthening Bridges  between Languages. Philadelphia,            PA:CaslonPublishing

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