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Building Community and Belonging at CNG

GOAL 1: Faculty and Staff Hiring

  1. Expand and diversify the recruiting sources for attracting potential candidates.
  2. Train hiring staff to remove unconscious biases during the selection and interview process.
  3. Rewrite policies and job descriptions with more inclusive, gender-neutral language.
  4. Provide mentors to all new employees through onboarding and continued development.

GOAL 2: Student Admissions

  1. Develop student recruitment strategies to partner and communicate with diverse audiences and through diverse outlets.
  2. Train members of the Admissions Committee to understand the school’s inclusion policies and remove unconscious bias from the selection process.
  3. Invest in each student’s success, sense of belongs, and cultural competency to promote successful transition and retention.

Goal 1: Curricular Content and Resources
  1. Conduct an inclusive curriculum review of programs of study and course syllabi.
  2. Increase the use of culturally relevant curriculum and teaching strategies through professional learning. 
Goal 2: Responsive Teaching Practices
  1. Develop the skills of inclusive leadership, valuing and involving all members of the group for their unique contributions.
  2. Utilize school and community resources to provide guests of diverse backgrounds and/or materials for schools and programs.

GOAL 1: Supports for Students 

  1. Provide formal diversity training to student group leaders to increase cultural competency and leadership skills in working with diverse groups.
  2. Engage students in reflecting on the diversity within our school community and helping develop programs, experiences, and opportunities to support and celebrate our unique qualities as individuals and groups.
  3. Support student interests in establishing alliance and affinity groups to ensure safe places for conversation, relationship-building, and faculty-advisor mentoring.  

GOAL 2: Supports for Adults
  1. Build learning programs that help all community members develop greater self-awareness, empathy toward others, and the knowledge, skills and behaviors that create belonging, inclusion, and social-emotional safety.
  2. Provide consistent onboarding and orientation for all new faculty, staff, and parents to ensure awareness and understanding of all diversity and inclusion policies, resources, and goals

Colegio NUEVA GRANADA | | Cra 2E No. 70-20 | Phone: (571)212 3511
Bogotá - Colombia