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CNG Health Zone Unit: Assessment and Triage


When The Nurse is on Duty 

  • Assess the Situation: Determine the nature and severity of the emergency (e.g., injury, illness, allergic reaction).
  • Alert the Nurse: Notify the school nurse immediately, providing as much detail about the situation as possible.
  • Provide Assistance: Assist the nurse as needed, such as helping to transport the student to the nurse's office or providing first aid.
  • Follow Nurse's Instructions: Follow any instructions given by the nurse, who is trained to handle medical emergencies within the school setting.
  • Communicate: Keep communication channels open with the nurse and school administration to ensure proper documentation and follow-up on the incident.
  • Prepare for Further Action: Be prepared to contact emergency services (123/ emermedica ambulance/emergency brigade) if the situation warrants it or if directed by the nurse.

When The Nurse is off-duty

  • Evaluate Surroundings: Is the scene safe? What happened? Can others help?
  • Apply First Aid: Utilize standard first aid measures. Rely on certified personnel
  • Get Help If Needed: An adult should always stay with the injured patient 
  • Call the ambulance service Emermédica (601) 587 8027


The HZU team performs a brief, focused assessment and assigns the patient triage-level first aid to respond effectively. Assessment is a proxy measure of how long a patient can safely wait for HZU team first aid triage. The process of Emergency Severity Index (ESI).categorizing is based on the stability of the patient's vital functions.


Colegio NUEVA GRANADA | | Cra 2E No. 70-20 | Phone: (571)212 3511
Bogotá - Colombia