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INTO THE WOODS: Chapter 6: Costuming and scenography



It’s soooo boring sitting in a tower all day with only my very long golden hair to keep me occupied . . It needs a lot of combing!! So I will take a break from untangling knots to tell you about our fabulous costumes. A variety of people contributed to the creation of this magical costume collection. Ana Lucia, our High School Art teacher, took the crew out on a walk to sketch some of the beautiful trees we have on campus. These sketches of the yarumo, chicalá, and sauce llorón trees became the inspiration for the tree costumes you will see in the musical, which were created by Mrs. Herminia Villamizar and Sol Serrano, with a generous donation of fabric from Paul and Dorette Stern and a designer touch from Lina Sinistera, Mrs. Anna Sparks, Mrs. Deborah Eskinazi, Ms. Amy Stewart’s middle school Design Thinking class, and Mrs. Angelica Sarmiento who helped with the costume construction. 

Many of the rest of the costumes were curated from the CNG Theater Department’s costume collection, and were modified with sparkles, trim and adornments for the show. Special masks for the Three Bears were created by Santiago Briceño. Students were encouraged to add their own special touches to their costumes for Cinderella’s Ball. So, as you can see, many people were involved in creating the beautiful, magical costumes you will see in the show! Now, I must get back to my hair.

Colegio NUEVA GRANADA | | Cra 2E No. 70-20 | Phone: (571)212 3511
Bogotá - Colombia