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CNG Assessment Model & Protocol

AMP_Compliance with Colombian Law


(Decree 1290, April 16, 2009)

Evaluation and Promotion Criteria:

• Students who meet the minimum evaluation criteria (2.0) in all courses/classes for the trimester/semester/year as well as meet the attendance requirements, are considered to have passed the course/class.

• Students who fail one or more courses/classes,who do not meet the minimum attendance requirements, and/or have significant behavior issues, may be placed on Behavior Probation, Matricular Hold, Conditional Matriculation, and/or may not be offered matriculation for the following school year.

• Students who have specific strengths in academic learning, may be placed in an advanced grade level course/class according to the procedures listed in the Gifted and Talented Handbook.

CNG Divisional Promotion Criteria (Decree 1290, April 16, 2009)

Primary  School:

  • Colombian Law, Decree 2247, artícle 10 (year 1997), mandates that students completing K4, K5 and 1st grade will be automatically promoted to the next grade, unless the school recommends the student be retained and the parent(s)/guardian(s) agree.

  • If a 2nd grade student, by the end of trimester two (March) is in danger of failing two (2) or more subjects and/or has been absent (unexcused) for more than twelve (12) school days during the first two trimesters, s/he will be automatically placed on Matricular Hold and is referred to the Evaluation Committee comprised of Principal, Counselor, homeroom teacher, and other teacher(s) as needed. This Committee studies the individual case and determines recommendations and/or follow up steps.

  • In May the Evaluation Committee will review the case and determine if matriculation will be offered.

Elementary School:

  • If a student by the end of trimester two (March) is in danger of failing two (2) or more subjects and/or has been absent (unexcused) for more than twelve (12) school days during the first two trimesters, s/he will be automatically placed on Matricular Hold and is referred to the Evaluation Committee comprised of Principal, Counselor, homeroom teacher, and other teacher(s) as needed. This Committee studies the individual case and determines recommendations and/or follow up steps.

  • In May the Evaluation Committee will review the case and determine if matriculation will be offered.

CNG Divisional Promotion Criteria (Decree 1290, April 16, 2009)

Middle School:

  • If a student by the end of semester one(January) is in danger of failing two(2)or more subjects and/or has been absent (unexcused) for more than five (5) classes per course in a semester, s/he will be automatically placed on Matricular Hold and is referred to the Evaluation Committee comprised of Principal, Counselor, and teacher(s) as needed. This Committee studies the individual case and determines recommendations and/or follow up steps.
  • In May the Evaluation Committee will review the case and determine if matriculation will be offered.

High School:

  • To be promoted to the next grade a student should have achieved at least a grade of2.0 (on a 4.0 scale) in each course in each semester.

  • Students take eight (8) courses each semester.

  • When students receive a final grade of at least 2.0 (on a 4.0 scale) they are awarded credit. Credits are granted on the successful achievement of the standards within each course.

  • In addition, it is expected that students be absent from no more than five (5) classes per course in each semester. Students are provided opportunity to remediate absences when they exceed five per semester.

    Grade Level Credits for Promotion of High School Students:

  • Students enter ninth grade in the High School as freshmen. Any student who has earned less than 8 credits at the end of his/her first year at High School retains the standing of a freshman -- grade 9 student.

  • To be considered a tenth grader or a sophomore, a student shall have earned at least 8 credits in his/her first year of High School. A student who ends the second year of High School with fewer than 16 credits retains the standing of sophomore -- grade 10 student.

  • To be considered an eleventh grader or a junior, a student shall have earned at least 16 credits in his/her first two years of High School. A student who ends the third year of High School with fewer than 24 credits retains the standing of junior -- grade 11 student. Students in this situation will be matriculated as JR and are unlikely to graduate with their peers.

  • To be considered a twelfth grader or a senior, a student shall have earned at least 24 credits in his/her first three years of High School.

Failed Course Policy for High School Students

  • Students who fail a course by receiving less than 2.0 out of 4.0 or a grade of incomplete (INC) for a semester final grade have failed a course.

  • When students fail a course, they must retake the course if it is a core course or take another course within the department if it is an elective.

  • Please note that if the student fails the same course a second time, by school policy,the student may not be re-matriculated at CNG.

  • In addition, students have to make up the credits that were failed as all students need 32 credits in order to graduate.

AMP_ Advanced Promotion


CNG follows a careful decision-making process to determine grade level placement. For a student to advance grade levels or receive special programs and services, the appropriate administrator will arrange for a meeting of the Gifted and Talented Review Board. This cannot happen in High School because of the credit system. Individual parent requests through the Gifted & Talented Coordinator and Building Principal will be considered; however, it is extremely rare for a student to change grade level.

Advanced Promotion Process:

1. Parents need to hand in a written request explaining the reasons why they believe their child should be promoted to the next level. This needs to be done in the first marking period of the school year (Colombian law, Decree 1290).

2. The request for examination of the case goes first to the Building Principal and second to the Gifted and Talented Review Board.

◊ Criteria includes, but is not limited to:

■ Cognitive development

■ Social development

■ Core Value assessments (which include student behavior/core values)

■ Academic records

■ Disciplinary records

■ Date of birth

■ Teacher(s) recommendations

3. The Gifted and Talented Review Board will be convened and study the case, and make a recommendation which will be shared with parents. In the case of advanced promotion, the involved team leaders who sit on the Academic Council and the Director’s Council will validate the recommendation.

4. The Director’s Council makes the final decision which is informed to the parents.

5. The Academic Secretary/Registrar will then update the records appropriately.

• CNG’s Grading Scale complies with the Colombian national scale:

• CNG ensures balanced and comprehensive assessment protocols for all student performance, including formative and summative assessments. Additionally, teachers use feedback to assist students in their learning growth. Students are provided self-assessment opportunities on academic benchmarks as well as on Core Values. This enables students to develop skills in self-reflection and the ability to determine next steps for improvement. Some self-assessment strategies are portfolios, self-evaluation rubrics, and checklists.

• CNG ensures that students receive feedback on academic subjects as well as on Core Values, organization, growth mindset, self-regulation, etc.

• CNG ensures students have follow up actions to improve their performance during the school year. This begins with feedback and extends to Opportunity Day, Remediation, and retaking of courses in high school.

◊ Opportunity Days (OD) are special days and hours designated for students to have the opportunity to meet with any teacher to ask questions, clarify their understanding, or take make-up quizzes or tests. Appointments can be made at the initiative of the student, parent, or the teacher.

Primary School: support for K-4 to 2nd grade students who are struggling is provided within the school day. Classroom settings such as small group instruction, differentiated instruction, conferring, Learning Center support, and one to one instruction are offered in order to meet individual student needs.

Elementary School: students who need extra help will be required to come from 7:00-8:00 A.M. to work with their teachers on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Middle School: students who need extra help, are working on remediation of a class, or would like to have additional questions answered are asked to attend Opportunity Day.

High School: students who need extra help, are working on remediation of a class, or would like to have additional questions answered are asked to attend Opportunity Day.

  • High School students who have a grade in a course at 2.2 or lower, may be provided opportunities to remediate work during the semester of study.

  • Students should understand that this is an opportunity for learning and his/her responsibility as a student.

  • A lack of attendance during Opportunity Day and/or lack of fulfillment of the stated remediation plan put a student at serious risk of failure of the course.

  • Remediation of Credit for High School Students - When a student fails a course, in addition to retaking the course (or a similar course if not a core course) for credit, he/ she must make up the credit lost. Students can petition to use completed Classroom Without Walls (CWW) credits, if they have them. Otherwise, the only way this can be done is through a distance- learning or summer school course at an accredited school. Parents are responsible for all associated costs of external courses for credit remediation. As part of the process for making a final decision related to recommendation, the Principal may consider, but not be limited to, the following criteria:

  • When a student fails a course, he/ she typically must retake courses at CNG for credit. Typically only elective courses are allowed to be taken via distance learning.
  • A student may generally take no more than one distance learning course during a given semester; and

  • A student must be under the direct supervision of an accredited distance learning provider as approved by the Principal and/or Director.

• A student can apply no more than five (5) total earned credits from distance learning or independent study courses toward the fulfillment of CNG ́s required number of credits for graduation.

Credit Requirements for Graduation in Grade 12 - In order to graduate from CNG, a student must complete 32 academic credits as specified and complete at least eighty (80) hours of social service. Students who fail to meet one or both of these requirements will not be allowed to participate in the Graduation ceremony. Once requirements are completed, the student may receive the diploma(s) if approved by the High School Principal and Director.

CNG has a Learning Center which supports students who have learning differences and may need various supports and accommodations. When students, parents, and/or teachers identify a need, various strategies are applied to see how to best support a student. When the student’s needs exceed those which are offered to all students in a class, and the student continues to struggle, the student may be referred to the Learning Center for psychoeducational testing. When a student requires formal accomodation or modification, s/he will be issued an IEP - Individualized Educational Plan or a Health Plan.

CNG has a Gifted & Talented program which offers services to support the learning needs of students who have been identified as highly capable.

CNG Principals and Directors, comply with the evaluation processes stipulated in this document by periodically reviewing Skyward gradebook and report cards as well as curriculum units in Atlas Rubicon.

CNG offers MS & HS parents online access to current, up-to-date grading/assessment via Skyward. As well, progress and grade reports are sent to parents as per the below chart.

Student progress/report cards include clear and concise information related to achievement of standards, along with a general grade for the subject. As well, student Core Values are reported on these documents.

Formal parent-teacher (and sometimes student) conferences are offered to all parents twice a year. Parents are encouraged to communicate with teachers when they have concerns during the year. Teachers may schedule meetings to discuss parent or teacher concerns.


AMP_CNG Instructional Periods & Progress/Report Cards


Please see CNG Calendar for specific dates.

School Building

Instructional Periods

Progress Reports/Report Cards

Primary School


three times per year

Elementary School


three times per year

Middle School

Semesters, Years

four times per year

High School

Semesters, Years

four times per year

For extraordinary cases, parents may request a review of their son/daughter’s grading and promotion processes. In this case, a meeting with the Evaluation Committee consisting of the principal, counselor, and teachers will occur to review the case. Typically, the appropriate team and/or subject leader for the division will attend this meeting.

The CNG Assessment Model and Protocol was originally developed as a result of recommendations from AdvancED/Cognia. A task force of principals, associate principals,

and faculty/staff was convened and developed the initial document. This document is revised on a regular basis to ensure compliance with Colombian law and best practices related to assessment. Edits and changes go through a 45 process to be formally approved by the Academic Council, Director’s Council, and Board of Directors.

Note: Items in the CNG Assessment Model and Protocol with the label (Colombian law, Decree 1290 ) must be kept in parallel with Colombian law as indicated above.

Colegio NUEVA GRANADA | | Cra 2E No. 70-20 | Phone: (571)212 3511
Bogotá - Colombia