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CNG Assessment Model & Protocol

AMP_High School Addendum


Determination of Grades: Progress Reports and Semester Grades

  • Students will receive a Progress Report for Mid- Semester 1 and Mid-Semester 2 which are a snapshot of the student’s achievement to date on the standards that have been evaluated to that point.

  • End of semester grades (S1 and S2) reflect the student’s achievement on the standards and benchmarks that were evaluated summatively during the entire semester. Consideration will be given to best and most recent evidence of student learning when standards / benchmarks have been assessed multiple times.

  • As per CNG Essential Agreements About Assessment, in HS formative assessments are not included in the final grade for a course so that students are not penalized for mistakes during the learning process.

  • Honors and AP courses are weighted at the end of the semester with a 0.3 bump.

Missing or Late Assignments

  • In order for teachers to provide meaningful, timely, and effective feedback, students must submit all formative and summative tasks, on time. This follows the philosophy that, “All Learning is Mandatory!”

  • If a student has not completed a formative or summative assignment, the subject teacher will work with the student and parents to ensure that all assignments are completed. If after 5 days an assignment has not been submitted, the student will receive a “0” in the gradebook, reflecting the missing work.

Additional Opportunities to Demonstrate Learning

Students will be given an additional opportunity to demonstrate their learning. For summative assessments, students in grades 9-12 will have one resubmission opportunity per semester.

• Students may not re-submit a summative assessment without completing all the related formative assessments.

• Students will have to reflect on their learning, complete a remediation form, and establish requirements and dates with their teacher before proceeding with a remediation attempt.

• Any remediation attempts must be completed within a two-week period from the time the student received the original assessment back from the teacher.

• Students who have submitted a summative after the established due date may have less timer for resubmision or may miss the resubmission window.

• Students may not re-submit or submit late any assessments during the final two weeks of the semester. Teachers will need time to grade the work and provide feedback.


Colegio NUEVA GRANADA | | Cra 2E No. 70-20 | Phone: (571)212 3511
Bogotá - Colombia