HIGH SCHOOL ADDENDUM Determination of Grades: Progress Reports and Semester Grades
Missing or Late Assignments
Additional Opportunities to Demonstrate Learning • Students will be given an additional opportunity to demonstrate their learning. For summative assessments, students in grades 9-12 will have one resubmission opportunity per semester. • Students may not re-submit a summative assessment without completing all the related formative assessments. • Students will have to reflect on their learning, complete a remediation form, and establish requirements and dates with their teacher before proceeding with a remediation attempt. • Any remediation attempts must be completed within a two-week period from the time the student received the original assessment back from the teacher. • Students who have submitted a summative after the established due date may have less timer for resubmision or may miss the resubmission window. • Students may not re-submit or submit late any assessments during the final two weeks of the semester. Teachers will need time to grade the work and provide feedback. |
Colegio NUEVA GRANADA | www.cng.edu | Cra 2E No. 70-20 | Phone: (571)212 3511
Bogotá - Colombia