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CNG Assessment Model & Protocol

AMP_Middle School Addendum


This Addendum represents a compilation of the work of the Middle School staff related to assessment and grading.

Resubmission of Assessments

• Resubmission of formative assessments

  ◊ Students may seek additional practice or reinforcement after  formatives, but the original score in Skyward will remain. Teachers  may enter a comment in Skyward for the formative assessment,  when appropriate. Persistence and demonstration of growth on    formative assessments will positively impact Core Values grades.

• Resubmission of summative assessments

   ◊ For students in 6th grade, all summative assessements are eligible for resubmission. Students in grades 7 and 8 will only have   one opportunity per semester.

   ◊  Resubmissions must be completed within 2-weeks of when  feedback was given to the class or by special arrangement with the  teacher (students who submit summatives late many have less  time for resubmissions).

   ◊  The specific resubmission process and timeline for a summative  assessment will be shared with students concurrent with returning  the assessment.

• Prior to re-submitting any assessments for any course, a student must complete the Middle School Revision and Resubmission Form in order to reflect on their learning and outline the action steps taken to improve their learning.

• Based on the subject and nature of the assessment, each teacher will determine whether re- submission requires a fully new product, resubmission of portions of the assessment, or edits.

• Students who have submitted a summative late may have less time for a resubmissions or may miss the resubmission window. Proactive arrangements may be made with teachers if additional time is warranted and extenuating circumstances will be considered.

• Teachers may give students accommodations on the resubmission process in line with their needs, particularly for students with Individual Education Plans (IEPs) and Individual Accommodation Plan (IAP).

• Grading of Resubmitted Assignments:

 ◊ Formative Assessments

  • The original grade for a formative assessment should remain unchanged in Skyward.

  • If students come for extra practice or

    reinforcement, teachers may add a comment to the formative assessment in Skyward noting the additional effort.

 ◊ Summative Assessments

  • Students may not re-submit a summative assessment without completing all the related formative assessments.

  • “Resubmitted summative assessment feedback will be entered into the existing assignment in Skyward and a comment with the original grade will be marked.”
  • If a student earns a lower score on a summative resubmission, the highest score will count for the assessment and the teacher will examine the body of evidence to determine next steps.

Calculation of Grades: Marking Periods (Semesters)

• Mid-Semester grades

◊ Communicated as a progress monitoring grade

◊  Not a final grade

◊  Not averaged into a semester grade

◊  The only exceptions are Health, PE, and Dance classes which will calculate as independent mid-semester grades.

• Semester grades:

◊  Communicated as the final grade

◊  An average of all the standards across the semester.

◊  Semester grades are not averaged together into a yearly grade.

Missing or Late Assessments

• Late or missing assessments will be marked in Skyward with the “M” code; parents may con- figure Skyward to send email notifications for missing assignments.

• When a student is still missing a summative assessment after feedback has been provided to the rest of the class, the teacher will overwrite the MP grade as “incomplete.”

• Students may not re-submit a summative assessment without completing all the related formative assessments.

• If, at the end of a semester after all opportunities for resubmission have passed, a student has still not demonstrated evidence of proficiency for a given benchmark/standard, the code “NE” (no evidence) may be used for a given benchmark/standard to indicate insufficient evidence to assign a grade.

• Missing or late assessments will impact a student’s Life Skills grade Core Values Grades:

Core Values Grades:

 • All courses in Middle School will enter grades for the Core Values - Respect, Responsibility, Integrity and Caring - based on the Middle School Core Value Assessment Indicators Rubric.

• Core Values grades will be entered into Skyward during each marking period and at least concurrent with each summative assessment .

• Teachers use self-reflections and many other methods for providing informal, formative feedback to students between formal, Core Values grade entry.



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