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CNG Assessment Model & Protocol

AMP_Elementary School Addendum


  • Our ES trimester report cards are meant to represent students’ best, most recent evidence of learning.

  • As per CNG Essential Agreements About Assessment, in ES we do not average formative and summative assessment scores together for trimester grades as that would not represent most recent evidence.

  • Formative assessments have a no-count value, as their primary purpose is as a snapshot during a unit of study, to show students’ level of proficiency.

  • Formative assessments are well-aligned with benchmarks of focus; namely, the content and skills that will be assessed on summative assessments.

  • Feedback on formative assessments is descriptive and non-numerical. Feedback makes explicit to students what they have learned and what they need to do to improve, to reach or exceed expectations prior to summative assessments.

  • The results of formative assessments are of key importance as teachers use data/results to plan same/next day follow up that is focused and strategic; follow up that leads students to im- proved understanding and proficiency; again, prior to summative assessment(s).

  • In Skyward, we use the following non-numerical codes to indicate degree of understanding (NY=Not Yet; S=Starting to; Y=Yes, Profi- cient) so there is a record of the process, the journey of learning.

  • Teams are expected to discuss the common formative and quality summative assessments at the outset of each trimester; to determine

what would be the best type and number of assessments/evidence to fairly and accurately measure student understanding, according to the nature and complexity of the benchmark, and depending on whether it’s declarative (con- tent/knowledge based) or procedural (skill based) as well as the time of the year and whether mastery is expected.

• We provide a minimum of one retake opportunity per summative assessment for all subjects with the following protocols/guidelines in place:

1. Students attend at least one Opportunity Day or Extra Help session (during which teacher re-teaches concept) and students may be given follow up practice to complete in advance of retake.

2. Parents are notified of retake opportunity and encouraged to support further study/review of concept at home prior to retake.

3. In most cases,retake should be a variation or a portion of the original assessment, as in not the exact assessment/very same questions, and typically students retake sections where they scored below proficiency in the original assessment.

4.There should be an opportunity to earn a 4 on all assessments, including retakes as our goal is to improve students’ learning/ achievement/performance and to provide them with opportunities to demonstrate their improved/advanced learning.

5.If a grade is lower on a retake summative assessment, teachers examine why and check on understanding verbally. In such a situation, teachers use their professional discretion to determine a student’s final level of understanding, referencing scoring guide/rubric.

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Bogotá - Colombia