Our PS trimester report cards are meant to represent students’ best, most recent evidence of learning.
As per CNG Essential Agreements About Assessment, in PS we do not average formative and summative assessment scores together for trimester grades as that would not represent most recent evidence.
Formative assessments have a no-count value, as their primary purpose is as a snapshot during a unit of study, to show students’ level of proficiency.
Formative assessments are well-aligned with benchmarks of focus; namely, the content and skills that will be assessed on summative assessments.
Feedback on formative assessments is descriptive and non-numerical. Feedback makes explicit to students what they have learned and what they need to do to improve, to reach or exceed expectations prior to summative assessments.
The results of formative assessments are of key im- portance as teachers use data/results to plan the same/next day follow up that is focused and strategic; follow up that leads students to improved understanding and proficiency; again, prior to summative assessment(s).
- In general, teachers ensure a minimum of two formative and two-to-five well-aligned, high-quality summative pieces of evidence per domain of focus per trimester. This evidence can include written responses, observational checklists, performance assessments or other evidence determined appropriate by the grade level or specialists. However, teams are expected to discuss this at the outset of each trimester and to determine what would be the best type and number of assessments or evidence to fairly and accurately measure student understanding, according to the nature and complexity of the benchmark, and depending on whether it’s declarative (content/knowledge based) or procedural (skill based) as well as the expectation for level of achievement according to rubrics or indicators for each trimester for specific standards or clusters in mathematics.