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CNG Personero and Cabildante Election Process, Role & Function and Student Council President Role & Function

PCE_Election and Voting Protocols for Personero and Cabildante


Last updated August 20, 2021

Offices will design the electronic vote through the student’s institutional email accounts, only one vote per student will be allowed with their email account. On the day of the elections, the form will be enabled and it will be closed as soon as all the schools finish the voting process.

Election Day will be determined by the Administration. Once the date has been established, each building (ES, MS, HS) will determine the time for the election for their division. This information will be provided to the Election Committee. On behalf of the Election Committee, Voting will occur by students under the supervision of teachers.

The Election Committee will convene at the Director’s request. The Election Committee will contain:

  • One High School student in grades 11-12 of the Director’s choosing.

  • One Academic Secretary (or a representative)

  • One Colombian Program Director (or a rep-


  • One Colombian Program Associate Director

    (or a representative)

  • HS Principal (or a representative)

1. The HS Principal and Colombian Program Director will meet with all candidates to inform them of the results of the election. Minutes will be taken of the Election Process by the Academic Secretary and will contain all the findings of the Election Committee.

2. The minutes will verify the number of votes submitted by each division, the number of votes for each candidate, the number of votes “en Blanco”, and irregular votes. Any irregularities will be noted in the minutes.

3. The minutes will contain the name of the duly elected Personero and Cabildante. If there is a tie, this will be indicated and the Directors Committee will open a new election process.

4. The minutes will be signed by all members of the Election Committee and delivered to the Director. A PDF printed document of all the votes will be filed with the minutes and signed by the members of the Committee.

5. The School Director will request the ES/ MS/HS Principals to announce to the students/faculty/staff the results of the election.

6. The School Director will communicate in writing the results of the election to the CNG community the day after the voting has been finalized and the minutes have been received by him.


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Bogotá - Colombia