CNG RESPONSIBILITIES In the national System of “Comité de Convivencia Escolar” or human rights, sexual education, and the prevention and mitigation of school violence: 1. Guarantee to students, teachers, school administrators, and other staff of the school, dignity, physical and moral integrity, human, sexual and reproductive rights. 2. Develop components of prevention, promotion and protection through the Student Handbook, and the application of a Comprehensive Care Model, in order to protect students against any form of bullying, school violence, and violation of human, sexual and /or reproductive rights by other classmates, teacher or school administrators. 3. Review and adjust the Institutional Educational Project, the Community Handbook, and the Annual Student Institutional Evaluation System in a participatory process that involves the students and in general the educational community, in light of rights, competencies, and differential approaches, according to the General Law of Education, Law 1098 of 2006 and the regulations that develop from this.
4. Annually review the conditions of school community life and identify risk factors and protective factors that have an impact on the school community and on the protection of the human, sexual, and reproductive rights, on the processes of institutional self-evaluation or quality certification based on the implementation of the Integral Care Model and decisions adopted by the Comité de Convivencia Escolar. 5. Take action involving the entire school com- munity in a process of pedagogical reflection about the factors associated with violence, bullying, and violation of the sexual and reproductive rights, as well as their impact, incorporating relevant knowledge about caring for one’s own body, relationships with others, and in- stilling tolerance and mutual respect. 6. Develop strategies and tools to promote good schools relations based on assessments and monitoring the most frequent cases of bullying and school violence. 7. Adopt strategies to encourage attitudes among members of the educational community that will promote and strengthen school relations, mediation and reconciliation, and the disclosure of these successful experiences. 8. Generate pedagogical strategies in order to articulate training processes between the different areas of study.
CNG’s Directors Responsibilities
In addition to the responsibilities indicated in the current regulations, and that are assumed by the Director of CNG, he will have the following responsibilities: 1. Lead the Comite de Convivencia Escolar, according to the provision of articles 12 and 13 of Law 1620/13. 2. Incorporate in institutional planning the components of prevention and promotion, and the protocols or procedures established for the implementation of the Integral Care Model (La Ruta de Atención Integral).
3. Report those cases of bullying, school violence and violation of sexual and reproductive rights of children, and adolescents in the educational establishment, in his capacity as chairman of the Comité de Convivencia Escolar, according to the current regulations and protocols defined in the Integral Care Model, and monitor such cases |
Teacher’s Responsibilities In addition to those established by the current regulations, and that are inherent to the role of teachers, they will have the following responsibilities: 1. Identify, report, and follow up on cases of bullying, school violence, and violation of sexual and reproductive rights that affect student of the educational establishment, in accordance with articles 11 and 12 of the Ley 1146 of 2007 and all the other current regulations, with the Community Handbook, and with the protocols defined in the Integral Care Model del Comite de Convivencia Escolar. If a situation of intimidation brought occurs through electronic means, must also be reported to the Comite de Convivencia Escolar, to activate the respective protocol. |
2. Transform the pedagogical practice to contribute to the construction of democratic and tolerant environments that enhance learning participation, collective construction of strategies for conflict resolution, and respect for human dignity, life and physical and moral integrity of the students. 3. Participate in the upgrade processes of teacher training and evaluation of school climate. |
Family Participations The family, as part of the school community, of the “Sistema Nacional de Convivencia Escolar”, and in addition to the obligations in Article 67 of the Political Constitution, Law 115 of 1994, Law 1098 of 2006, Law 1453 of 2011 and other regulations, shall: 1. Provide their children with a physical and social environment of trust, tenderness, care and protection at home. 2. Participate in the planning and development of strategies that promote:
3. Support children in a permanent and active way through the teaching process of the school to promote Universal Core Values.
4. Participate in the review of the Community Handbook through the levels of participation defined in CNG’s educational project. (Parents council)
5. Parents must be responsible for their children’s free time, so that they can develop their citizenship skills. 6. Comply with the conditions and obligations established in the CNG Community Hand- book and act accordingly when their children break any regulations stated in the handbook. 7. Be aware of and follow the instructions of the CNG Attention Path, when a violent incident occurs at school, as stated in the regulations of the CNG Community Handbook. 8. Use the existing legal mechanisms and those established in the CNG Attention Path referred to in this regulation in order to restore the rights of the children when necessary |
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Bogotá - Colombia